SQL Server 2008

  1. You cannot change the ins_cmd, upd_cmd, or del_cmd article properties because the publication allows Data Transformation ...
  2. You cannot configure Report Definition Customization Extension (RDCE) properties on a report that is rendered from a cached ...
  3. You cannot configure Report Definition Customization Extension (RDCE) properties on a report when report history is enabled ...
  4. You cannot configure Report Definition Customization Extension (RDCE) properties on an item of type '{0}'. RDCE properties ...
  5. You cannot configure Report Definition Customization Extension (RDCE) properties, because RDCE is disabled or is not configured ...
  6. You cannot configure SQL Server Audit to shutdown the server because you do not have the permission to shut down the server. ...
  7. You cannot configure surface area of clustered services by connecting to a computer name. Connect to the virtual server to ...
  8. You cannot create a merge publication in this database because it contains one or more anonymous or local merge subscriptions. ...
  9. You cannot create a transactional publication with updatable subscriptions because this requires that a Queue Reader Agent ...
  10. You cannot disable a trigger used by merge replication on a published table. To drop the trigger, drop the table from the ...
  11. You cannot drop a column defined as data type uniqueidentifier with the rowguidcol property because merge replication uses ...
  12. You cannot initial or reinitialize a subscription using an exchange type of upload-only. Restart the Merge Agent using the ...
  13. You cannot set or retrieve a property value for SiteName, EnableMyReports, or MyReportsRole on a report server that runs ...
  14. You cannot set the aggregation usage settings for this attribute to None. The attribute must be included in the aggregation ...
  15. You cannot specify an alternate snapshot folder (-AltSnapshotFolder) or the partitioned snapshot folder name (-DynamicSnapshotLocation) ...
  16. You cannot specify schema_option 0x4 (script identity as identity rather than the base data type) for article '%1!s!'. The ...
  17. You cannot use the Form.ShowDialog() method to show the data connection dialog. Use DataConnectionDialog.Show() instead. ...
  18. You did not specify a log file name, so SQL Server will use the default log file name '{0}'. Do you want to specify a log ...
  19. You do not have access to generate the dynamic snapshot. Only a dbo role member can specify the DynamicFilterLogin parameter. ...
  20. You do not have all the required permissions to save changes on database objects you don't own. You are lacking the following ...
  21. You do not have DBO privileges on the subscription database '{1}' selected for Subscriber '{0}'. Select another subscription ...
  22. You do not have permissions to configure FILESTREAM feature. You need Windows Administrator rights to configure FILESTREAM ...
  23. You do not have permissions to run agents for push subscriptions. Make sure that you specify the agent parameter 'SubscriptionType'. ...
  24. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator ...
  25. You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task on the SQL Server database. Specify a SQL Server user account ...
  26. You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. Specify a user account with administrative privileges, and ...
  27. You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. The specified user account does not have administrator privileges ...
  28. You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. The specified user account does not have administrator privileges ...
  29. You do not have the required permission to save changes to the following tables. Use the Save Change Script command to create ...
  30. You have attempted to use a rendering extension that is either not registered for this report server or it is not supported ...
  31. You have changed one or more properties that makes the current snapshot invalid. Do you want to start the Snapshot Agent ...
  32. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  33. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  34. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  35. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  36. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  37. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  38. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  39. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  40. You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each ...
  41. You have changed one or more properties that will make the current snapshot invalid when it is saved. Are you sure you want ...
  42. You have changed the data mining query manually. Switching to design view will lose your changes. Do you wish to continue? ...
  43. You have changed the location at which the synchronization agents for your subscriptions will run. This will cause subsequent ...
  44. You have changed the publication to which you are creating subscriptions. This will cause all settings in the wizard to return ...
  45. You have changed the Publisher to which you are creating subscriptions. This will cause all settings in the wizard to return ...
  46. You have changed the service account used to also connect to the report server database. To ensure the report server service ...
  47. You have changed the type of publication you are creating. This will cause most of the settings in the wizard to return to ...
  48. You have chosen to register one or more databases from server instance '{0}'. Do you want to register these databases before ...
  49. You have chosen to resolve conflicts automatically. Conflict resolutions can be viewed or changed after the synchronization ...
  50. You have chosen to resolve conflicts interactively. For each conflict on articles that allow interactive resolution, you ...
  51. You have completed configuration of test data. You are ready to go now! Click Start to begin execution. After execution finishes ...
  52. You have made changes to the topology and are trying to refresh. This will cause all modifications to be lost. Are you sure ...
  53. You have modified the existing template, and the server version has changed. Your modifications will be lost. Do you want ...
  54. You have modified the text of the stored procedure in the editor only. To debug the modified version, you must first stop ...
  55. You have not defined a key column for the '{0}' nested table. An error will be generated when you process this mining model. ...
  56. You have not defined a key column for this mining model. An error will be generated during processing of this mining model. ...
  57. You have not defined a predictable column for this mining model. An error will be generated during processing of this mining ...
  58. You have not defined a predictable column for this mining model. You must define a predictable column or an error will be ...
  59. You have not defined an input column for this mining model. An error will be generated when you process this mining model. ...
  60. You have not specified a Target server. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on the project in ...
  61. You have only one more step to complete in order to start using the Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007. Step 1. Configure ...
  62. You have requested to delete this profile. If you do not approve, the delete operation will fail if there are unsent e-mail ...
  63. You have selected immediate-updating as the update mode for this subscription. All transactions in the queue must be applied ...
  64. You have selected queued-updating as the update mode for this subscription. This mode is usually used when the server is ...
  65. You have selected the '{0}' cube attribute to be used as a mining structure column. This cube attribute has its attribute ...
  66. You have selected the Publisher as a Subscriber and entered a subscription database that is the same as the publishing database. ...
  67. You have selected two or more operations that are mutually exclusive. The following arguments cannot be used in the same ...
  68. You have selected {0} counters. Selecting a large number of counters may cause SQL Profiler to appear unresponsive while ...
  69. You have specified a folder path that is not valid. Check to make sure that the path refers to a valid drive letter and directory. ...
  70. You have specified a value for the @dts_package_password parameter. You must also specify a value for the @dts_package_name ...
  71. You have specified a value of '%1!s!' for the @repl_freq parameter of sp_addpublication. For non-SQL Server publications, ...
  72. You have specified a workload file of an unsupported type. Please enter the name of a SQL Server Profiler trace file (.trc), ...
  73. You have specified a workload table '{0}' that does not exist on the server '{1}'. Please verify the workload table name, ...
  74. You have specified an invalid value for -fa option. This option accepts one of the following values (case insensitive): IDX_IV, ...
  75. You have specified an invalid value for -fk option. This option accepts one of the following values (case insensitive): ALL, ...