Exchange Server 2016

  1. Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeCAFERemoteRegistryByPortRule); ...
  2. Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeCASToMBXProxyPortFirewallRule) ...
  3. Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeDagMgmtWcfServiceByPortFirewallRule) ...
  4. Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeServiceHostDiagnosticsAggregationFirewallRule) ...
  5. AddActivityLogEntry Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddActivityLogEntry web method. ...
  6. AddAggregatedAccount Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddAggregatedAccount web method. ...
  7. AddDelegate Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of an AddDelegate ...
  8. AddDelegate Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddDelegate web method since the service ...
  9. AddDistributionGroupToImList Average Response Time is the average elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the beginning and ...
  10. AddDistributionGroupToImList Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddDistributionGroupToImList ...
  11. AddEventToMyCalendar Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddEventToMyCalendar web method. ...
  12. AddExchangeLocation and RemoveExchangeLocation parameters have same Location(s): {0}. The Location(s) specified in these ...
  13. AddImContactToGroup Average Response Time is the average elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the beginning and end of ...
  14. AddImContactToGroup Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddImContactToGroup web method. ...
  15. AddImGroup Average Response Time is the average elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the beginning and end of an AddImGroup ...
  16. Adding the Organization Admin universal security group from the external organization to the built-in local administrators ...
  17. Adding the user '{0}' to the local administrators group causes the exception: {1}. Add the user manually if this happens ...
  18. Additional information for troubleshooting: Request sent:"{0}" and response received:"{1}". Configuration information:"{2}". ...
  19. AddNewImContactToGroup Average Response Time is the average elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the beginning and end ...
  20. AddNewImContactToGroup Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddNewImContactToGroup web ...
  21. AddNewTelUriContactToGroup Average Response Time is the average elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the beginning and ...
  22. AddNewTelUriContactToGroup Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the AddNewTelUriContactToGroup ...
  23. AddOneDriveLocation and RemoveOneDriveLocation parameters have same Location(s): {0}. The Location(s) specified in these ...
  24. AddPublicFolderLocation and RemovePublicFolderLocation parameters have same Location(s): {0}. The Location(s) specified in ...
  25. Adds a specific user with specific permissions to the client permissions list for a public folder, and all the folders under ...
  26. AddSharePointLocation and RemoveSharePointLocation parameters have same Location(s): {0}. The Location(s) specified in these ...
  27. ADFilteringSettingsWatcher failed to get local server information. Failed to register for configuration change notifications. ...
  28. ADFilteringSettingsWatcher SetFilteringSettingsToFips: EngineDownloadTimeout='%1', PrimaryUpdatePath='%2', SecondaryUpdatePath='%3', ...
  29. Administrative group '{3}' contains one or more routing groups, but the '{4}' container is missing. This may cause routing ...
  30. Administrative group '{3}' is in native mode but account information is present in the '{4}' attribute. This may cause server ...
  31. Administrative group '{3}' is in native mode but domain information is present in the '{4}' attribute. This may cause server ...
  32. Administrators' does not have 'FullControl' permission of folder '{3}' on server {2}. This will cause clients fail to download ...
  33. adSiteName = (Get-ExchangeServer $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController).Site.Name; $externalServiceFqdn ...
  34. After %3 unsuccessful attempts to send a notification for subscription %1 against endpoint %2], the subscription has been ...
  35. After Microsoft Exchange accepts e-mail for this domain, it can handle the e-mail in several ways. Select from the following ...
  36. After setup is completed please reboot your computer and then proceed to the cluster administrator tool to complete the configuration ...
  37. After the tone, please record your message. The message may be analyzed unless you mark it as private. When you finish recording, ...
  38. After waiting 15 minutes for the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service to respond to move request '{0}', the command ...
  39. After you complete a new installation of Exchange 2010 or after you add an additional Exchange 2010 server role to an existing ...
  40. After you create a new mailbox, you must go to the Office 365 Admin Center and assign the mailbox a license, or it will be ...
  41. After you create a remote mailbox, you must assign a license to it or it will be disabled when the grace period ends. Learn ...
  42. After you've created the UM IP gateway, you must configure the physical device (referred to in the FQDN) to forward calls ...
  43. Agent '%1' did not close the MIME stream after handling the %2 event for message with ID '%3'. The message has been rejected. ...
  44. agentName = "DC Post Content Filter Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  45. agentName = "DC Post Content Filter Agent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Hygiene.PostContentFilterAgent.PostContentFilterAgentFactory"; ...
  46. agentName = "HeaderAnalysisAgent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  47. agentName = "HeaderAnalysisAgent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  48. agentName = "HeaderAnalysisAgent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.HeaderAnalysis.HeaderAnalysisAgentFactory"; ...
  49. agentName = "HeaderAnalysisAgent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.HeaderAnalysis.HeaderAnalysisAgentFactory"; ...
  50. agentName = "HrefUrlExtraction Transport Agent"; $agent = Get-Transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { Uninstall-Transportagent ...
  51. agentName = "HrefUrlExtraction Transport Agent"; $agentFactory = " Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.HrefUrlExtraction. ...
  52. agentName = "IP Filter Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName -TransportService:FrontEnd; if ($agent) { ...
  53. agentName = "Malware Agent V2"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  54. agentName = "Protocol Filter Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName -TransportService:FrontEnd; if ($agent) ...
  55. agentName = "Safe Attachment Processing Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  56. agentName = "Safe Attachment Processing Agent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SafeAttachmentProces ...
  57. agentName = "Spam Analysis Routing Agent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.AntiSpam.SpamAnalysis.RoutingAgent.SpamAnalysisRoutingAgentFactory"; ...
  58. agentName = "System Probe Drop Routing Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  59. agentName = "System Probe Drop Routing Agent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SystemProbeDrop.Syste ...
  60. agentName = "System Probe Drop Smtp Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  61. agentName = "System Probe Drop Smtp Agent"; $agent = get-transportagent -Identity:$agentName; if ($agent) { uninstall-transportagent ...
  62. agentName = "System Probe Drop Smtp Agent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SystemProbeDrop.SystemProbeDropSmtpAgentFactory"; ...
  63. agentName = "System Probe Drop Smtp Agent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SystemProbeDrop.SystemProbeDropSmtpAgentFactory"; ...
  64. agentName = "TenantAttributionAndInboundConnectorAgent"; $agentFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.Hygiene.TenantAttribution.T ...
  65. agentRootPath = $RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\"; new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ($agentRootPath ...
  66. agentRootPath = $RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\"; new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ($agentRootPath ...
  67. agentRootPath = $RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\"; remove-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ($agentRootPath ...
  68. agentRootPath = $RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\"; remove-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ($agentRootPath ...
  69. Alert ({1}): A GetCopyStatus RPC hang was detected on Server {1} for 90 mins but the problem was not automatically resolved. ...
  70. Alert ({1}): Monitoring is not enabled for database {2}. Attempts to set AutoDagExcludeFromMonitoring to false has failed ...
  71. Alertable failure DSNs within the last hour is the number of alertable failure delivery status notifications (DSNs) that ...
  72. AlertNotificationTypeByDatabaseCopyStateResponder can only run as a chained responder with a target health state defined. ...
  73. All Active Directory Connectors in the Windows forest must be upgraded to the most current version before you can upgrade ...
  74. All copies of database '{0}' must be in the same database availability group. Server '{1}' is a member of database availability ...
  75. All copies of database '{0}' must be in the same database availability group. Server '{1}' is a member of database availability ...