Exchange Server 2016

  1. A test API has been used to corrupt page %4 of database '%5'. For more information, click ...
  2. A test message was addressed to SMTP domain '{1}', but no recipient policy matches this address. Please ensure that this ...
  3. A test-only prereq has failed. If you see this and didn't expect to, delete the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exc ...
  4. A third-party display driver '{9}' is installed on server {2}. This may cause excessive nonpaged pool memory usage on the ...
  5. A throttling RPC client failed to be created for Mailbox server %1 with error code %2. Failure details: %3. Inner exception: ...
  6. A time-out occurred while trying to evaluate the call answering rule for user %1 in the call with ID %2. This resulted in ...
  7. A time-out occurred while trying to retrieve mailbox data for user '%1' in the call with ID '%2'. If this event occurs frequently, ...
  8. A timeout occurred when performing the async call for the following request: Request Id:"%1" Async Call:"%2" Speech recognition: ...
  9. A timeout occurred when performing the async call for the following request: Request Id:"%1" Async Call:"%2" Speech recognition: ...
  10. A TLS failure occurred because the certificate presented by the remote server has expired. The error code = 0x{0:X} and the ...
  11. A TLS failure occurred because the certificate presented by the remote server wasn't trusted. The error code = 0x{0:X} and ...
  12. A TLS failure occurred because the local certificate specified wasn't found in the local store. The error code = 0x{0:X} ...
  13. A TLS failure occurred because the remote certificate doesn't have the necessary enhanced key usage information. The error ...
  14. A TLS failure occurred because the remote certificate that was presented has been revoked. The error code = 0x{0:X} and the ...
  15. A TLS failure occurred because the remote server disconnected while TLS negotiation was in progress. The error code = 0x{0:X} ...
  16. A TLS failure occurred because the target name specified in the certificate isn't correct. The error code = 0x{0:X} and the ...
  17. A TLS failure occurred during TLS negotiation. Either the local certificate is unusable or the remote server doesn't trust ...
  18. A torn-write was detected during hard recovery in logfile %1. The failing checksum record is located at position %2. This ...
  19. A torn-write was detected during hard recovery in logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. This ...
  20. A torn-write was detected during soft recovery in logfile %1. The failing checksum record is located at position %2. The ...
  21. A torn-write was detected during soft recovery in logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. The ...
  22. A torn-write was detected while restoring from backup in logfile %1 of the backup set. The failing checksum record is located ...
  23. A torn-write was detected while restoring from backup in logfile %4 of the backup set. The failing checksum record is located ...
  24. A total of {1} message tracking log entries were generated on server {2} indicating that messages could not be delivered ...
  25. A total of {1} messages found in the Poison Message queue were submitted by mailboxes in a remote Active Directory site or ...
  26. A total of {1} messages found in the Poison Message queue were submitted by mailboxes in the local Active Directory site. ...
  27. A total of {1} messages found in the Poison Message queue were submitted from a source other than local mailboxes or SMTP. ...
  28. A transient error occurred while attempting to initialize log file tracking for database '{0}'. The system will automatically ...
  29. A transient exception occurred in the Audit Log Search servicelet's worker while processing a request. The host process ID ...
  30. A transient failure has occurred. The problem may resolve itself in a while. The service will automatically retry the operation. ...
  31. A transient internal error has occurred when trying to access the Discovery system mailbox which contains internal information ...
  32. A transient memory corruption was detected. Please run the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool and/or investigate hardware issues. ...
  33. A transient memory corruption was detected. Please run the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool and/or investigate hardware issues. ...
  34. A trusted publishing domain with KeyIdType "{0}" and KeyId "{1}" already exists. You need to delete the existing TPD first. ...
  35. A UMIPGateway already exists in Active Directory for the Lync Server pool. A new UM IP gateway wasn't created for the pool. ...
  36. A UMIPGateway doesn't exist in Active Directory for the Lync Server pool. A new UM IP gateway is being created for the Pool. ...
  37. A Unified Messaging mailbox policy '{0}' can't be found in the target forest on the global catalog '{1}'. To ignore the policy ...
  38. A unique email address couldn't be created for the site mailbox. The email address is created based on the display name of ...
  39. A user notification was proxied as a service request with the following parameters: From: "%1", Target uri: "%2", Destination: ...
  40. A user tried to perform a full-text search of their mailbox from their mobile phone, but Content Indexing is not enabled ...
  41. A valid certificate chain for the server licensor certificate (SLC) wasn't found in the imported trusted publishing domain. ...
  42. A valid federation certificate wasn't specified. The certificate must be signed by the certification authority, have a private ...
  43. A valid LogonType must be specified when ExternalAccess is true and ShowDetails is false. Valid Logon Types when ExternalAccess ...
  44. A valid LogonType must be specified when ShowDetails is set to false. Valid Logon Types when ShowDetails is false are: Admin,Delegate ...
  45. A valid time zone ID that corresponds to the computer's current time zone wasn't found. Use the Set-UMAutoAttendant cmdlet ...
  46. A value can't be provided automatically for the "{0}" mandatory parameter. Specify an explicit value for the parameter and ...
  47. A value for the '{4}' registry entry is not set on server {2}. As a best practice, create this registry entry to avoid overloading ...
  48. A value of All for ProtectUnauthenticatedVoiceMail would be incompatible with a value of True for AllowVoiceMailAnalysis. ...
  49. A Windows Failover Cluster database hang has been detected. An event has been logged in the HA Operatioinal channel with ...
  50. A word specified for a transport rule must contain at least one non-blank character and may not begin or end with a blank ...
  51. A word specified for a transport rule must contain at least one non-blank character. A word that consists of only blank spaces ...
  52. accept tentative; accept it tentatively; tentatively accept the meeting; tentatively accept the meeting request; tentatively ...
  53. Accepted domains are used to define which domains will be accepted for inbound e-mail routing. These are any domains for ...
  54. Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked for '{3}'. This may cause mail flow problems, store mounting issues and ...
  55. Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked for '{3}'. This security setting will cause messages destined to this server ...
  56. Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked for the {0} object ({1}). Enable the inheritance again, and then start Setup ...
  57. Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked for the {1} object ({3}). This may cause mail flow problems, store mounting ...
  58. Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked for the {1} object ({3}). This may cause topology discovery problems and ...
  59. Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked for the {1} object in domain '{2}' ({3}). This may cause mail flow problems, ...
  60. Access to all published calendars has been disabled. Disable the Anonymous Sharing policy to prevent users from trying to ...
  61. Access to the Third Party Replication interface was denied because the client was not a member of the Local Administrators ...
  62. Access was denied while querying the metabase path {0} for the forms-based authentication property. Please ensure that you ...
  63. Access was denied while trying to delete the registry key '{0}'. Grant delete permission for this registry key to the current ...
  64. Access was denied while trying to query an IIS path for its forms-based authentication setting (metabase property id {1}). ...
  65. Access was denied while trying to read the registry key '{0}'. Grant read permission for this registry key to the current ...
  66. Access was denied while trying to read the value '{1}' from the registry key '{0}'. Grant read permission for this registry ...
  67. Access was denied while trying to read the value '{1}' from the registry key '{0}'. Obtain read permission for this registry ...
  68. Access was denied while trying to write to the registry key '{0}'. Grant write permission for this registry key to the current ...
  69. Account Partition '{0}' has tenant data. Removing it will immediately make the tenants in such partition unreachable for ...
  70. Account Partition '{0}' is enabled for provisioning. If you continue, Account Partition '{0}' won't be used for provisioning. ...
  71. Account Partition '{0}' is marked as LocalForest, setting a Trust on this Partition will unmark it. If you continue, the ...
  72. Account Partition '{0}' trust is set to '{1}' forest changing trust to forest '{2}'. If you continue forest '{1}' won't be ...
  73. Account verification failed because there is a problem signing in to this account or because you don't have an ...
  74. AccountNamespace was not set in FederatedOrganizationIdentifier. You must specify the federated domain to be used to establish ...
  75. Acknowledgment message was not sent from database copy %1. Last log replayed: %2, last log inspected: %3, last log copied: ...