Exchange Server 2016

  1. Two or more hosts have been configured with the same IP address. Please check the following UM IP gateways and your DNS server ...
  2. Two or more objects have the same mail address to which a message was sent. The duplicate e-mail address may be an SMTP or ...
  3. Two or more objects have the same mail address, and mail is sent to that address. The duplicated e-mail address may be an ...
  4. Type the h&ost name or fully-qualified domain name of the server that you want to use as a witness server for the database ...
  5. Type {0} cannot be used with method {1}. Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ADconfigurationObject is required. ...
  6. UM auto attendant '{0}' is disabled and is linked to auto attendant '{1}'. You must enable auto attendant '{0}' before you ...
  7. UM detected a corrupted PIN file for user {0}. This file contains information such as the user's current password and the ...
  8. UMReport data couldn't be found during report generation in the mailbox with user principal name %1. More information '%2' ...
  9. Unable to access 'MSExchangeIS' RPC performance counters. Server {0} is probably not an Exchange server, or there is a problem ...
  10. Unable to access 'MSExchangeIS' RPC performance counters. Server {0} is probably not an Exchange server, or there is a problem ...
  11. Unable to access file shares on witness server '{0}'. Until this problem is corrected, the database availability group may ...
  12. Unable to add or remove roles or features at this time. Another instance of Server Manager is running. Please try again later. ...
  13. Unable to add the specified classification rule collection because the organization scope is illegal in multi-tenant environment. ...
  14. Unable to add the specified out-of-box classification rule collection because the organization scope is illegal in multi-tenant ...
  15. Unable to add {3} to database availability group {0}, because at least one of the current members is a different Exchange ...
  16. Unable to aquire STS client for user '{0}' in organization '{1}', configuration error code is '{2}' and error sub code is ...
  17. Unable to assign SharedConfiguration to organization '{0}' because it has a valid SharedConfigurationInfo '{1}'. Please remove ...
  18. Unable to assign the SharedConfiguration '{1}' to the organization '{0}' because it is not enabled as sharable configuration. ...
  19. Unable to automatically select a database for mailbox '{0}'. Please try the operation again and specify a database for the ...
  20. Unable to bind to Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server. Please ensure the Microsoft Exchange Directory Service is running and is ...
  21. Unable to change the quorum for database availability group {0}. The attempt to access witness server '{1}' failed. Error: ...
  22. Unable to change the quorum for database availability group {0}. The network path for witness server '{1}' was not found. ...
  23. Unable to change the quorum for database availability group {0}. Witness server '{1}' network name wasn't found. This may ...
  24. Unable to collect data for the performance object '{3}' on server {2}. Please enable logical disk counters with diskperf ...
  25. Unable to collect data for the performance object '{3}' on server {2}. This could be caused by a permissions problem or the ...
  26. Unable to communicate with the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service to coordinate log truncation for database '%1' ...
  27. Unable to connect to Edge Transport server {0} because FQDN {1} wasn't found in the domain name system (DNS). Make sure that ...
  28. Unable to connect to the cluster service running on the machines in the database availability group '{0}'. Ensure that the ...
  29. Unable to connect to version {0} server using version {1} due to potential compatibility problems. To resolve this issue ...
  30. Unable to convert record format for record %4:%5:%6. For more information, click ...
  31. Unable to copy files from {0} to {1}. More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the :\ExchangeSetupLogs folder. ...
  32. Unable to copy files from {0} to {1}. Verify that you have enough disk space, access to the complete exchange install files ...
  33. Unable to create a new logfile because the database cannot write to the log drive. The drive may be read-only, out of disk ...
  34. Unable to create a new logfile because the database cannot write to the log drive. The drive may be read-only, out of disk ...
  35. Unable to create extra copies on spares drives. Invoke API without numberOfExtraCopiesOnSpares to get layout with empty spares. ...
  36. Unable to decrypt the password in the connection string. Verify that the server has permissions to access DKM. The connection ...
  37. Unable to delete logs at '{0}' before starting the database seed. If any obsolete log files exist, manually delete them to ...
  38. Unable to determine management site for existing tenant '%2' (service instance '%1'). It must have been created recently ...
  39. Unable to determine management site for tenant '%2' (service instance '%1') based on '%4' organization mailbox (id = '%3'). ...
  40. Unable to dismount database '{0}' or terminate the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on server '{1}'. Error: {2} ...
  41. Unable to encrypt the password because the encryption key was not found. If the task is not executed on a Hub Transport or ...
  42. Unable to find '{0}' computer information in domain controller '{1}' to perform the suitability check. Verify the fully qualified ...
  43. Unable to find a matching retention policy tag in Active Directory for tag '{0}'. Please recycle the MSExchangeMailboxAssistants ...
  44. Unable to find a valid public folder mailbox to verify the endpoint settings. You can either skip verification or create ...
  45. Unable to find an Microsoft Exchange Server ADC with which to associate the Setup synchronization Connection Agreement object. ...
  46. Unable to find any servers with Hub Transport server role installed in same Active Directory site as server {2} using local ...
  47. Unable to find folder "Managed Folders" in mailbox {0}. The mailbox will not by processed by the managed folder assistant. ...
  48. Unable to find managed folder '{0}' in mailbox '{1}'. An error occurred when trying to retrieve the newly created folder ...
  49. Unable to find the Autodiscover URL for domain '{0}'. Please check the DNS or Service Connection Point configuration in Active ...
  50. Unable to form quorum for database availability group '{0}'. Please try the operation again, or run the Restore-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup ...
  51. Unable to generate a DSN for the message with MessageID %1, because there isn't enough disk space at '%2' to complete the ...
  52. Unable to generate the e-mail address. Unable to load address module '{0}' for address type '{1}'. Additional message: '{2}'. ...
  53. Unable to generate the e-mail address. Unable to use address module '%1' for address type '%2'. The module is found but entry ...
  54. Unable to generate the e-mail address. Unable to use address module '{0}' for address type '{1}'. The module is found but ...
  55. Unable to get default calendar folder or/and associated calendar item. Calendar item might be out of sync with the meeting ...
  56. Unable to get delegation token target because the TargetApplicationUri property for the organization relationship isn't set. ...
  57. Unable to get the requested security access token because Authz context handle for client context {0} is null or invalid. ...
  58. Unable to identify a suitable account namespace. The account namespace must be a hybrid domain that doesn't contain the Office ...
  59. Unable to link the folder '{0}' of default folder type '{1}' to the managed folder mailbox policy. Only one folder of a given ...
  60. Unable to load Active Directory user for the destination mailbox at the end of the move. Error: {0}. The source-side mailuser ...
  61. Unable to load assembly from file {0} using setup arguments {1}, source directory is {2}, target directory is {3} and Exchange ...
  62. Unable to match the specified hostname "{0}" to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Please retry the command using the ...
  63. Unable to match the specified hostname "{0}" to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The operation failed with Active Directory ...
  64. Unable to mount database "{0}" because its database file is missing. You can recover the database by using a healthy database ...
  65. Unable to mount database '{0}'. The database appears to have been mounted at least once since its creation, but there is ...
  66. Unable to mount database '{0}'. The database folders are not under a mount point and regkey EnforceDbFolderUnderMountPoint ...
  67. Unable to obtain information from Microsoft Classification Engine configuration for classification rule collection validation ...
  68. Unable to obtain site '{0}' information. Please verify the site configuration and the existence of a Global Catalog in it. ...
  69. Unable to obtain the default naming context or supported capabilities from domain controller '{0}' to perform the suitability ...
  70. Unable to open a cluster handle to any of the Mailbox servers on the Started list, even though the Cluster service was running ...
  71. Unable to open a handle to database availability group {0} because a connection couldn't be made with any servers in the ...
  72. Unable to parse '{0}'. The value should be Mailbox Guid, Format Version, Database Guid, Flags, Display Name and other attributes ...
  73. Unable to perform synchronization of this folder at this time. Another client is currently performing synchronization of ...
  74. Unable to perform the operation. Either you cannot connect to the specified server or the service you are trying to connect ...
  75. Unable to process a move that deals with separate primary and archive mailboxes because server '{0}' ({1}) doesn't support ...