Exchange Server 2007

  1. Cannot install Microsoft Exchange in the specified directory. The destination directory must not contain extended or double ...
  2. Cannot pack the property value of '{0}'. Source: Value({1}), Type({2}), IsMultiValued({3}). Taget: PropTag({4}), PropType({5}). ...
  3. Cannot query cluster continuous replication status for a clustered mailbox server that is not local. Server {0} is not hosted ...
  4. Cannot read performance data from the file {2} because the file does not exist. Please verify that the file exists, and data ...
  5. Cannot save the object '{0}'. Please make sure that you specified the correct Identity and that you have the necessary permissions ...
  6. Cannot set the administrative security descriptor of public folder '{0}' in Exchange store '{1}' because error occured: {2}. ...
  7. Cannot specify installation mode, since no Exchange Server is installed on this machine.Try to install Exchange Server first. ...
  8. Cannot start the Microsoft Exchange Information Store. Error retrieving local host information. Please make sure that your ...
  9. Cannot undo deletion of an occurrence because either it was not deleted to begin with or no such occurrence falls under this ...
  10. Categorization Count is the number of categorizations that exist in the mailbox store. Categorizations are created when a ...
  11. Categorization Count is the number of categorizations that exist in the public store. Categorizations are created when a ...
  12. Categorizer directory logon failure count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There ...
  13. Categorizer directory service failure count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There ...
  14. Categorizer non-retryable error count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There may ...
  15. Categorizer out of memory failure count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There may ...
  16. Categorizer retryable error count exceeds an average of {7} per day for SMTP instance '{3}' on server {2}. There may be a ...
  17. Caution: Because passwords are sent in clear text you should configure a Secure Channel (SSL) to encrypt data transferred ...
  18. Changes have been made to the xml file {0}. To protect your system the file will not be loaded. To make the {1} page visible ...
  19. Changes have been saved to Active Directory sucessfully, but a failure occured while trying to update metabase properties. ...
  20. Changes made to recipients while using the forest scope may not be immediately viewable in the result pane or when filtering ...
  21. Check the server configuration for this service. For example, check the capabilities that the server supports. You can use ...
  22. Check whether there are common destinations shared by messages in the 'Local delivery' queue (this step is conducted only ...
  23. Check whether there are common destinations shared by messages in the queue (this step is conducted only when the server ...
  24. Checking if the specified user or group "{0}" is a SAM account, well-known security identifier, or foreign forest account. ...
  25. Checkpoint depth for storage group '{3}' on server {2} is not set to the recommended value of 5242880 (5 MB) on this cluster. ...
  26. ChildObjectTypes parameter should only be specified when you specify CreateChild and/or DeleteChild for AccessRights parameter. ...
  27. Choose the primary language for Microsoft Outlook Web Access. This choice determines the language the program will use for ...
  28. Circular logging for storage group '{3}' on server {2} is disabled and this is a front-end server. Front-end servers do not ...
  29. Circular logging for storage group '{3}' on server {2} is disabled. If this is a bridgehead or message routing server, circular ...
  30. Circular logging for storage group '{3}' on server {2} is enabled. This configuration will not provide good recovery options ...
  31. Cleanup of deleted mailboxes that are past the retention date is finished on database "%5". %1 deleted mailboxes (%2 KB) ...
  32. Cleanup of items past retention date for Item Recovery is complete for database "%5". Start: %1 items; %2 Kbytes End: %3 ...
  33. Cleanup of the DeliveredTo table for database '%1' detected an entry with an invalid submission time. However, the message ...
  34. Cleanup of the DeliveredTo table for database '%1' failed with error %2. %3 entries were purged (out of %4 entries visited) ...
  35. Cleanup of the DeliveredTo table for database '%1' removed an entry with an invalid submission time and/or message delivery ...
  36. Cleanup of the DeliveredTo table for database '%1' was pre-empted because the database engine's version store was growing ...
  37. Cleanup of the Event History table for database '%1' failed with error %2. %3 entries were purged (out of %4 visited) before ...
  38. Cleanup of the Event History table for database '%1' was preempted because the database engine's version store was growing ...
  39. Cleanup of the Event History Watermarks table for database '%1' failed with error %2. %3 entries were purged (out of %4 visited) ...
  40. Cleanup of the Event History Watermarks table for database '%1' was pre-empted because the database engine's version store ...
  41. Cleanup of the Event History Watermarks table for database '%1' was successful. %2 entries were purged (out of %3 visited). ...
  42. Cleanup of the Folder Tombstone table for database '%1' failed with error %2. %3 entries were purged before the failure was ...
  43. Cleanup of the Folder Tombstone table for database '%1' was preempted because the database engine's version store was growing ...
  44. Click "Modify " next to the Business hours greeting, click the "Use custom greeting file" radio button and click "Browse ...
  45. Client Access server "%1", running Microsoft Exchange version "%2", is proxying Outlook Web Access traffic to Client Access ...
  46. Client Access server: {0} MailboxServer: {1} MailboxDatabase: {2} Mailbox: {3} Port: {4} ConnectionType: {5} TrustAnySSLCertificate: ...
  47. Clock setting of to-be-subscribed Edge server and the machine you are running this task is out of Sync. Please make sure ...
  48. Cluster continuous replication provides automatic management of node redundancy and uses application-level data replication. ...
  49. Cluster continuous replication tasks cannot be performed against a mailbox server that is not clustered. Server {0} is not ...
  50. Cluster debugging is enabled on server {2}. This configuration will prevent cluster resources from failing-over between nodes. ...
  51. Cluster node '{0}' already has a started clustered mailbox server. Only one clustered mailbox server can be started at a ...
  52. Cluster node '{2}' requires an update. Please install the software update as detailed in Microsoft Knowledge Base article ...
  53. Cluster node {2} will require the software update as described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 898790 if it is upgraded ...
  54. Cluster resource type '%1' on cluster %2 for clustered mailbox server %3 was deleted before the clustered mailbox server ...
  55. Cluster {1} path on server {2} is set to the default location. For optimum store performance, this path should point to a ...
  56. Clustered mailbox server %1 was moved from %2 to %3 with a move comment of "%4". The move operation took %5 milliseconds ...
  57. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' contains at least one storage group with more than one database. This configuration is not ...
  58. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' is not available. The cluster may be unavailable or a communication problem may exist. This ...
  59. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' will fail to move because one or more of its passive node storage group copies are in a failed ...
  60. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' will fail to move because one or more of its passive node storage group copies are too far ...
  61. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' will fail to move because one or more of its passive node's replication instances have not ...
  62. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' will fail to move because replication is too far behind for one or more of the passive node's ...
  63. Clustered mailbox server '{0}' will fail to move because seeding is in progress for one or more of the passive node's storage ...
  64. Clustered Mailbox Server Setup Usage: Exsetup /NewCms /CmsName: /CmsIpAddress: /CmsSharedstorage /CmsDatapath: Exsetup /RemoveCms ...
  65. Clustered Mailbox Server Setup Usage: /NewCms /CmsName: /CmsIpAddress: /CmsSharedstorage /CmsDatapath: ...
  66. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 A Move-ClusteredMailboxServer or a failover occurred. Storage group %1 will ...
  67. Clustered mailbox server: %2 Physical server: %3 Cluster continuous replication is starting a source replication instance ...
  68. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 Replication is starting a target replication instance for storage group ...
  69. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 Replication is stopping a source replication instance for storage group ...
  70. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 Replication is stopping a target replication instance for storage group ...
  71. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 Storage group %1 contains a public folder database that will not be automatically ...
  72. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 StorageGroup %1 will be automatically mounted with the following loss information: ...
  73. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 The cluster experienced a Move-ClusteredMailboxServer or a failover. The ...
  74. Clustered Mailbox Server: %2 Physical Server: %3 The database in storage group %1 will not be automatically mounted because ...
  75. Collect and analyze performance data. Collected performance data will be written in binary-format to the new log file specified ...