Dynamics NAV 2016

  1. Dynamics CRM Integration is enabled.\However, because the Dynamics NAV Users Must Map to Dynamics CRM Users field is set, ...
  2. Employee,Alternative Address,Employee Qualification,Employee Relative,Employee Absence,Misc. Article Information,Confidential ...
  3. Employee,Alternative Address,Employee Qualification,Employee Relative,Employee Absence,Misc. Article Information,Confidential ...
  4. Enable and configure external services, such as exchange rate updates, Microsoft Social Engagement, and electronic bank integration. ...
  5. Enabled workflows must have one step that is an entry point and does not have a value in the Previous Workflow Step ID field. ...
  6. Enabling encryption will generate an encryption key on the server.\It is recommended that you save a copy of the encryption ...
  7. Enabling integration services will enable all companies and tenants to enable the connector. The operation requires SUPER ...
  8. Enabling Sales Order Integration will allow you to create Dynamics NAV Sales Orders from Dynamics CRM.\To enable this setting, ...
  9. Enter a C/AL expression. When the debugger reaches the breakpoint, it evaluates the expression and code execution breaks ...
  10. Entries exist for on or more of the following:\ - %1\ - %2\ - %3.\Restoration of document will delete these entries.\Continue ...
  11. entries generated in budget %2.\%3 entries were skipped because there were either no corresponding G/L accounts defined or ...
  12. entries generated in budget %2.\%3 entries were skipped because there were no corresponding G/L accounts defined.\Copy entries? ...
  13. Event registration for Automation Server {0} with class ID {1} failed during instantiation. Contact your system administrator. ...
  14. Execute the current statement. If the statement contains a function call, then execute the function and break at the first ...
  15. Execute the current statement. If the statement contains a function call, then execute the function and break at the first ...
  16. Expected Cost Posting to G/L is not selected in the Inventory Setup window. Therefore, inventory interim G/L accounts are ...
  17. Failed to connect to %1. Verify the configuration of %1 in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Afterwards %2 to try connecting to %1 ...
  18. Field {0} in the NormalFields collection is not of the correct field class. Only Normal field classes that exclude BLOBs ...
  19. Filter could not be applied. Could not apply filter "{1}" to column no. "{0}" because the field is missing or unavailable. ...
  20. Find all entries and documents that exist for the document number and posting date on the selected posted purchase document. ...
  21. Find all entries and documents that exist for the document number and posting date on the selected posted sales document. ...
  22. Find documents that are not fully invoiced, for example, to post an invoice so that the received payment can be processed. ...
  23. Fiscal Year - Last Locked Period,Current Fiscal Year,Current Calendar Year,Current Calendar Quarter,Current Month,Today,Current ...
  24. For allocation ID %1, cost center or cost object must be defined for debit and credit. Cost center: "%2", cost object "%3". ...
  25. For one or more entries, the requested posting date is before the work date.\These posting dates will use the work date. ...
  26. For one or more return document lines, you chose to return the original quantity, which is already fully applied. Therefore, ...
  27. For security reasons, you are not allowed to run the following executable in the SHELL function when it is passed as a variable: ...
  28. for tenant '{5}' is scheduled to start with the following configuration: Company: {1}, Codeunit: {2}, Method: {3}, Arguments: ...
  29. Forced process exit, not all resources were released in the preferred way. This could be due to lengthy or endless operation, ...
  30. format. The value of the DayOfWeek ranges from 0 (Sunday) to 6. The value of Time should be a valid time of day expressed ...
  31. from IC Partner %3 already exists in the %4 window. You have to delete %1 %2 in the %4 window before you complete the line ...
  32. Full Synchronization completed.\See the %1 window for details.\Do you want to allow all scheduled synchronization jobs to ...
  33. Function '{0}' in the company initialization codeunit '{1}' in the context of the company '{2}' has failed because of the ...
  34. Function '{0}' in the upgrade codeunit '{1}' in the context of the company '{2}' has failed because of the following error: ...
  35. G/L Account,Customer,Vendor,Item,Resource,Job,Resource Group,Bank Account,Campaign,Fixed Asset,Insurance,Nonstock Item,IC ...
  36. G/L Account,Customer,Vendor,Item,Resource,Job,Resource Group,Bank Account,Campaign,Fixed Asset,Insurance,Nonstock Item,IC ...
  37. G/L Entry table is unbalanced. All entries must be balanced before starting with the conversion processes to avoid inconsistencies ...
  38. Go to another page of the same type. Enter a specific field value to go to the first page that contains that field value. ...
  39. has already been authorized on %3, and authorization is not expired. You must void the previous authorization before you ...
  40. has been renamed to {2} in the current dataset definition. The item is not used in the layout and the change can be ignored. ...
  41. have been configured to use SSL certificates, but you must provide more configuration details. For more information, see ...
  42. HR Order,P.HR Order,Absence Order,P.Absence Order,Vacation Request,Vacation Schedule,SL Order,P.SL Order,SL Archive,Payroll ...
  43. I intent to avail myself of the option of making purchases of all subjects who conduct sales export or related operations ...
  44. If a value is introduced in the Box field, you must specify the format you want for the amounts that will be shown in this ...
  45. If you are creating a saved configuration, then you can ignore this warning. If you continue installing this configuration ...
  46. If you are finished setting up your company, select the profile that you want to use as your default, and then choose the ...
  47. If you can confirm that no negative inventory exists in the location, proceed with the conversion batch job. If negative ...
  48. If you change %1, the existing automatically generated split VAT sales lines will be deleted and new sales lines based on ...
  49. If you change %1, the existing automatically generated split VAT service lines will be deleted and new service lines based ...
  50. If you change %1, the existing purchase lines will be deleted and new purchase lines based on the new information in the ...
  51. If you change %1, the existing purchase lines will be deleted and new purchase lines based on the new information in the ...
  52. If you change %1, the existing sales lines will be deleted and new sales lines based on the new information on the header ...
  53. If you change %1, the existing sales lines will be deleted and new sales lines based on the new information on the header ...
  54. If you change %1, the existing service lines will be deleted and new service lines based on the new information on the header ...
  55. If you change %1, the existing service lines will be deleted and the program will create new service lines based on the new ...
  56. If you change %1, the message body may be shown incorrectly. \Check the new message body before you use the notification ...
  57. If you change the %1 to %2, then all related allocated capacity will be deleted, and you will not be able to change the %1 ...
  58. If you change the %1, then all bin codes on the %2 and related %3 will be removed. Are you sure that you want to continue? ...
  59. If you change the additional reporting currency, future general ledger entries are posted in the new reporting currency and ...
  60. If you change the Bill-to Customer No., the existing sales lines will be deleted and new sales lines based on the new information ...
  61. If you change the contents of the %1 field, the analysis view entries will be changed as well.\Do you want to enter a new ...
  62. If you change the contents of the %1 field, the analysis view entries will be changed as well.\Do you want to enter a new ...
  63. If you change the contents of the %1 field, the analysis view entries will be deleted.\You will have to update again.\Do ...
  64. If you change the contents of the %1 field, the analysis view entries will be deleted.\You will have to update again.\Do ...
  65. If you change the contract number, the existing service lines for this order line will be re-created.\Do you want to continue? ...
  66. If you change the customer number or the ship-to code, the related service orders and sales invoices will not be updated.\Do ...
  67. If you change the Customer, the existing sales lines will be deleted and new sales lines based on the new information on ...
  68. If you change the section declaration, the entries will be deleted.\You will have to update again.\Do you want to change ...
  69. If you change the section declaration, the tax statement entries will be deleted.\You will have to update again.\Do you want ...
  70. If you change the value in this field, the %1, %2, %3 and %4 records related to this entity will be deleted.\Do you want ...
  71. If you change the value in this field, the %1, %2, and %3 records related to this collection will be deleted.\Do you want ...
  72. If you change the value of this field, %1 and %2 records related to this entry will be removed.\Do you want to change this ...
  73. If you change the Work Center, you will also change the default location for components with Routing Link Code=%1.\Do you ...
  74. If you close the collection, you will not be able to register the payments from the collection. Do you want to close the ...
  75. If you continue with this action all data that is encrypted will be deleted and lost.\Are you sure you want to delete all ...