Dynamics AX 2012 R3

  1. An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record. ...
  2. An update is available to the model store schema. The selected model store '{0}:{1}' has a version of {2} whereas the latest ...
  3. Analysis Management Objects (AMO) is a .NET Framework object model that enables software developers to create client-side ...
  4. Analysis Service Extensions will not be configured. You must set a value for the parameter {0} if the parameter {1} is set ...
  5. Any models that are not published by Microsoft are not covered under the software license terms for Microsoft Dynamics AX ...
  6. Application files for another country or region have already been installed in the following application instances:{0} If ...
  7. Application files The application files for Microsoft Dynamics AX contain core functionality and customizations for the system. ...
  8. Application Object Server (AOS) The Application Object Server (AOS) Windows service controls communications among Microsoft ...
  9. Application Object Server has ended the connection to your computer. An administrator might have requested termination of ...
  10. Applications for Microsoft Dynamics AX components will not be created. You must allow ports to be opened in Windows Firewall ...
  11. Approval of the transaction is in progress on the customer-facing device. To cancel the approval request, choose Cancel on ...
  12. Are you sure you want to remove all collections and devices that are not in the topology file from the retail topology in ...
  13. Are you sure you would like to edit this catalog? Editing this catalog will move it back to draft state. This action cannot ...
  14. As a best practice, configure the local network to use the IPsec protocol between the Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS and the web ...
  15. Async Client is part of the system that manages asynchronous data transfer between Microsoft Dynamics AX and retail channels. ...
  16. Async Server is part of the system that manages asynchronous data transfer between Microsoft Dynamics AX and retail channels. ...
  17. At least one prerequisite is required to be installed. Please install it/them first before installing Data Import Export ...
  18. Attribute classes cannot be used on the %1 function. Attribute classes can be used only on class or table methods, class ...
  19. Authentication is complete, and your user request is pending approval. For more information, contact your Vendor portal administrator. ...
  20. Bar code %1 has already been created for product %2 %3 with variant %4, so it cannot be created for product %5 %6 with variant ...
  21. Because some of the components included in this option must be installed on a 64-bit computer, this option is not available ...
  22. Before installing the synchronization service, you must use Windows Server Manager to install Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) ...
  23. Before installing Workflow, we recommend that you configure the Workflow system account using the System service accounts ...
  24. Before users can view search results in either the Microsoft Dynamics AX client or Enterprise Portal, you must complete configuration ...
  25. Before you can use the default analysis cubes that are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX, you must complete configuration ...
  26. Before you can use the default reports that are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX, you must complete configuration procedures, ...
  27. Before you uninstall an AOS instance, use the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration to point all clients to a valid AOS instance. ...
  28. Business intelligence components provide reporting and analytical functionality that enables you to view and interpret business ...
  29. By changing the color group you will change this product's color to the colors of the new group and reset all combinations ...
  30. By changing the location all previously calculated fields will be cleared. Are you sure you want to change the location? ...
  31. By changing the size group you will change this product's sizes to the sizes of the new group and reset all combinations ...
  32. By default, Setup will create a private queue. Private queues can only be accessed from the local computer. Select this option ...
  33. Call to %2 on %4 was converted into a simpler and less optimal record-by-record operation (%1 records affected by the operation). ...
  34. Calling the 'SqlDataDictionary::tableDrop()' method is an extremely powerful operation that will remove the table %1 completely, ...
  35. Calling the 'tableTruncate()' method is an extremely powerful operation that will remove all data in all company accounts ...
  36. Calling the FormDataSource deleting' or deleted' method is not supported when Form has ChangeGroupMode of None. Use delete' ...
  37. Calling the FormDataSource write' method is not supported when Form has ChangeGroupMode of ImplicitInnerOuter. Use writing' ...
  38. Calling the FormDataSource writing' or written' method is not supported when Form has ChangeGroupMode of None. Use Write' ...
  39. Calls to NEXT, update(), or delete() must be performed on the buffer on the selection transaction level, or within the same ...
  40. Cancellation charge could not be added because the charge was not found, or charges have not been configured for the store. ...
  41. Cannot allocate the impairment to the current book when the Allocation impairment is set to "To another asset." Change the ...
  42. cannot be installed at the same time you are installing an Application Object Server (AOS). Install the AOS first then rerun ...
  43. Cannot call the NEXT command at this point. Either: (a) the buffer was initiated on the server, (b) SELECT was never called, ...
  44. Cannot connect to Application Object Server for Microsoft Dynamics. More users are connected to the server than the purchased ...
  45. Cannot connect to Application Object Server for Microsoft Dynamics. Only one client is allowed access until the Enterprise ...
  46. Cannot create upgrade baseline database from model database: '{0}'. Reason: Database contains models that have already been ...
  47. Cannot delete the query object because there are still objects depending on this query. Check the dependent objects node ...
  48. Cannot determine the put location for the raw materials. An input location has not been specified for the related resource, ...
  49. Cannot get root project '%s'. Either it does not exist or client cannot connect to Visual SourceSafe server. Check your VSS ...
  50. Cannot reverse work because loads have already been picked for the sales line. Use %1 instead of reversing the entire load. ...
  51. Cannot select a record for update when the transaction is not started on the user connection attached. You need to begin ...
  52. cannot void the amount added to the gift card. You can try voiding the added amount again or you can call the head office ...
  53. cannot void the gift card at head office. You can try voiding the gift card at head office again or you can call the head ...
  54. Changing 'Sales Statistics On' to %1, future entries will be created according that option but existing Statistics Entries ...
  55. Changing a record in change tracking mode that is active in the past or future is not allowed. Only current records can be ...
  56. Changing the activation or retirement date might change or remove the cost data for this forecast position. Are you sure ...
  57. Changing the effective or expiration date might change or remove the cost data for forecast positions with this cost element. ...
  58. Changing the FormTemplate property value will possibly delete methods, data sources and form controls. Do you want to continue? ...
  59. Changing to Auto may take time to finish. Auto mode might impact performance if large number of data changes are done in ...
  60. Check error. The check digit read in the data is illegal. If this is regarding an entire table cache, the cache might have ...
  61. Check if remote management has been enabled on this computer. If you wish to administer this AOS from another computer, please ...
  62. Click OK if you are installing a new instance of Enterprise Portal, Reporting Services extensions, or Analysis Services configuration, ...
  63. COM object of class '%1' could not be created on remote computer '%2'. Ensure that the object has been properly registered ...
  64. Commerce Data Exchange enables the synchronization of data between Microsoft Dynamics AX and channels. Async Server and Async ...
  65. Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service request handler failed to process request. Please enable error logging in Synch Service ...
  66. Commerce Services for Retail unable to migrate synchronization state of record with tableId '%1' and recId %2. Record is ...
  67. Configuration saved successfully. You must restart the Async Client service on this computer for these changes to take effect. ...
  68. Configuration was started for one or more prerequisites, but is not yet complete. Wait a few minutes for the configuration ...
  69. Configure the message database for Async Server. Setup will create a new database using the database server and database ...
  70. Conflicts were detected when importing one or more models into the database. The conflicting elements have been imported ...
  71. Connector for Microsoft Dynamics AX does not need to be installed on the same computer as Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Microsoft ...
  72. contains one or more characters that are not valid. For information about valid characters, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=162748. ...
  73. Controls the sizing of the hosted control. SizeToHost will cause the hosted control to fill the host. SizeToContent will ...
  74. Could not create a user session. Try to start the client again. If the problem continues, contact the Microsoft Dynamics ...
  75. Could not process the lookupRecord value on the Args instance. The table '%1' does not exist as a root FormDataSource for ...