Dynamics 365

  1. A cross-company UNION ALL query cannot contain both a company specific and global table unless the data area field is explicitly ...
  2. A currency is required when one or more money fields contain values. Select a currency, or remove the values in the money ...
  3. A custom step used in this process is not valid. For more information, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 administrator. ...
  4. A customer must be selected to create an invoice for the booking. Select a customer for the booking in the Bookings app, ...
  5. A customer with this government identification number already exists. If you save this form, there will be two customers ...
  6. A cycle exist, the primary item cannot be a member of the domain of any of its dimensions. xbrldte:PrimaryItemPolymorphismError] ...
  7. A data mart reset must only be completed during a scheduled downtime. The reset will reload all financial data and may take ...
  8. A data migration is already in progress. To see the status of the migration, go to the %1 page. Do you want to do that now? ...
  9. A data source could not be found in the Microsoft Excel workbook. This workbook cannot be used as a budget plan document. ...
  10. A data upgrade is not necessary because the tenant data version ({0}) is greater than or equal to the service instance application ...
  11. A database error occurred while accessing the mdb or f32 files. Verify the databases are valid before attempting to migrate ...
  12. A database operation cannot be executed, as the current table '%2' is locked or in use. Make sure all users in %1 commit ...
  13. A date is required in %1 for the data connector to transfer entries from its data sources. The date ensures that the historical ...
  14. A default budget code for budget type %1 is required and has not been defined. Create a default budget code for budget type ...
  15. A default budget code is required and has not been defined for the budget being carried forward into the new fiscal year. ...
  16. A default configuration must be selected to activate Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to use SQL Server Reporting ...
  17. A default glTimeDataView for this glTimeDataView type already exists. Only a single default glTimeDataView for each glTimeDataView ...
  18. A default journal name is not specified for the batch merge. You can specify the journal name in the Inventory parameters ...
  19. A defined name is missing from the document. This is often caused by deleting the first row from a table or an answer field ...
  20. A delivery method wasn't found for the selected product and address. Select a different product or enter a different address, ...
  21. A delivery method wasn't found for the selected products and address. Enter a different address or select products individually, ...
  22. A dialog box is currently open in a browser window. Close the dialog box and then refresh the page or open a new browser ...
  23. A dimension member can be associated more than once in the hierarchy structure. Hierarchies of this type are used for reporting. ...
  24. A dimension member can only be associated once in the hierarchy structure. Hierarchies of this type are used in rules and ...
  25. A direct delivery order for this vendor is not allowed because the Use and consumption field is marked. Update has been canceled. ...
  26. A discount amount or unit price change cannot be applied to multiple opportunity lines when the currency code differs. Select ...
  27. A discrepancy exists between the attribute value %1 for the registered batch %2 and the reported actual value %3. Clear the ...
  28. A display or edit method and a field cannot have the same name. Rename either the %1 field or the display or edit method. ...
  29. A document location record maps to document libraries or folders on a SharePoint server. They are defined relative to a SharePoint ...
  30. A document originating from the same IC transaction as document %1 exists in the IC inbox. To avoid duplicate postings, cancel ...
  31. A Document page represents a transaction for the business. Document pages are the computerized counterpart to paper-based ...
  32. A Dynamics 365 organization with the given display name already exists in the Outlook profile. Please enter a different display ...
  33. A fee transaction that is marked not to accrue would not generate a project ledger transaction when posted, and therefore ...
  34. A field in the Setting clause is invalid because the field is not selected in at least one of the Join clauses, in the update_recordset ...
  35. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate ...
  36. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the ...
  37. A file with the name '{0}' already exists. Select the option to 'Replace file without warning' and export the report again. ...
  38. A filter has been used on the %1 when the budget was exported. When a filter on a dimension has been used, a column with ...
  39. A filter line was removed to avoid a conflict with the criteria that you added in the Quick Filter. The removed line was: ...
  40. A financial dimension value is based on the %1 record and has been used on a transaction. You cannot delete the %1 record ...
  41. A fiscal calendar is not specified for the ledger for the legal entities listed below. A fiscal calendar must be assigned ...
  42. A fiscal period does not exist for date %1 in fiscal calendar %2. You must create a fiscal period before you can recalculate ...
  43. A fixed application was not unapplied and this prevented the reapplication. Use the Application Worksheet to remove the applications. ...
  44. A fixed asset proposal journal name has not been defined for the %1 posting layer in %2. This can be updated on the Fixed ...
  45. A following error may occur later during the reporting of the production order as finished and since the sales order line ...
  46. A forecast model for the following budget type already exists: Carry forward. Only one forecast model may be assigned to ...
  47. A forecast was previously made on the %1. Do you want all forecasts of the period %2-%3 moved to the start of the period? ...
  48. A fulfillment policy could not be created and assigned to customer %1 because a policy with name %2 already exist.You need ...
  49. A general mailbox access error occurred while receiving email through one or more mailboxes. The mailboxes didn't synchronize. ...
  50. A general mailbox access error occurred while receiving email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to receive ...
  51. A general mailbox access error occurred while receiving email through the mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email ...
  52. A general mailbox access error occurred while receiving email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email ...
  53. A general mailbox access error occurred while receiving email. Mailbox {0} didn't synchronize. The owner of the associated ...
  54. A general mailbox access error occurred while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The mailboxes didn't synchronize. ...
  55. A general mailbox access error occurred while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to send email ...
  56. A general mailbox access error occurred while sending email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server ...
  57. A general mailbox access error occurred while sending the email message {0} through the mailbox {1}. The owner of the associated ...
  58. A general mailbox access error occurred while sending the email message {0}. Mailbox {1} didn't synchronize. The owner of ...
  59. A GLFilterCriteriaCollection can only define a single criteria of this type. Please correct the request to only specify one ...
  60. A GLTimeCriteria contained in the balance request references a period which is not supported by the current GL system company. ...
  61. A GLTimeCriteria defined for the balance request references a fiscal year which is not supported by the current GL system ...
  62. A group of miscellaneous liabilities of the organization, such as accrued expenses, sales tax payable, and other current ...
  63. A hold rule already exists for user role %1. Each user role can have only one hold rule. Select a different user role to ...
  64. A job queue entry for daily update of exchange rates has been created.\Do you want to open the Job Queue Entries window? ...
  65. A journal for the store %1 and the period %2-%3 cannot be created because a journal for the previous period is not closed. ...
  66. A journal for the store %1 and the period %2-%3 cannot be created because the journal %4 already exists for the same store ...
  67. A key can have a maximum of %8 fields. The fields from the primary key are automatically appended to all secondary keys. ...
  68. A large amount of data is currently being maintained offline. To improve performance, try restricting your local data groups. ...
  69. A ledger account must be specified for the billing code when the 'Allow changes to ledger accounts' check box is cleared. ...
  70. A legacy integration to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 has been detected. Install the data mart integration, import companies ...
  71. A legacy Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 company has been detected. Configure the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 data mart integration. ...
  72. A legal entity override can't be specified for financial dimension value %1 which is not shared across legal entities. Set ...
  73. A Lifecycle Services project is not configured in Support Contact (System parameters > Help). Please contact your system ...
  74. A link for the Microsoft Pay payment service will be included on new sales documents. To add it to existing sales documents, ...
  75. A link for the PayPal payment service will be included for new sales documents. To add it to existing sales documents, you ...