BizTalk Server 2006 R2

  1. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration ...
  2. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration ...
  3. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration ...
  4. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration ...
  5. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration ...
  6. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', property to be ...
  7. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', the interceptor ...
  8. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', the interceptor ...
  9. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance ...
  10. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance ...
  11. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance ...
  12. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance ...
  13. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance ...
  14. The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance ...
  15. The BAM Primary Import Database found from the BizTalk Management Database %2 on server %1 is not compatible or does not ...
  16. The BAM-Messaging Deserializer cannot retrieve the activity name. The activity node does not exist in the annotation xml. ...
  17. The batch being destroyed has pending work items. This is a semantic error. Batches should be committed or cleared before ...
  18. The batch settings for party {0} have expired and the batching orchestration is being terminated. Further batches will not ...
  19. The binding for the process {0} could not be found in the RFID store. Create a binding for this process, and then retry the ...
  20. The BizTalk Framework document "%1" will not be transmitted because it has an expired "receiptRequiredBy" timestamp. This ...
  21. The BizTalk Framework document contains an xsi:type attribute "%1" that is not valid. This attribute must not have spaces, ...
  22. The BizTalk Host instance "%1" on server "%2" was not started. However the cluster which this is part of was brought online ...
  23. The BizTalk HTTP receive adapter could not extract a valid transport URL from the requesting URL. Error: "%1" Request URL: ...
  24. The BizTalk HTTP receive adapter could not select a valid transport. Check the configuration of this receive adapter: Request ...
  25. The BizTalk HTTP receive adapter failed to initialize itself. Possible reasons: 1) Receive location URL is not created/configured ...
  26. The BizTalk HTTP receive adapter transport alias "%1" is not valid. Please check the configuration of this receive adapter. ...
  27. The BizTalk HTTP receive adapter transport handle for alias "%1" is not valid. Please check the configuration of this receive ...
  28. The BizTalk HTTP receive location "%1" could not post the work item to the thread pool. Try increasing the length of the ...
  29. The BizTalk HTTP receive location "%1" could not send the HTTP headers to the client. The client connection might have been ...
  30. The BizTalk In-Process Host %1 already exists for this group. Only BizTalk In-Process Host Instance will be created during ...
  31. The BizTalk In-Process Host %1 already exists for this group. Please specify a different host name or select to create %2 ...
  32. The BizTalk Isolated Host %1 already exists for this group. Only BizTalk Isolated Host Instance will be created during configuration. ...
  33. The BizTalk Isolated Host %1 already exists for this group. Please specify a different host name or select to create %2 host ...
  34. The BizTalk Management database "%1" on server "%2" does not match information stored in the HWS Administration database ...
  35. The BizTalk Management database "%1" on server "%2" is already configured to run Human Workflow Services. There can be only ...
  36. The BizTalk RFID service failed to open port {0} due to error {1}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then ...
  37. The BizTalk Server 2006 registry key expected at registry location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\Administration ...
  38. The BizTalk Server Administrators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform administrative tasks included in the ...
  39. The BizTalk Server configuration process cannot proceed. This problem occurred because you either started configuration outside ...
  40. The BizTalk Server configuration, runtime, and tracking information is contained in databases. These databases are available ...
  41. The BizTalk Server Operators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform tasks required for operating the BizTalk ...
  42. The Block Property is used to indicate that no instance can use xsi:type to override the defined type. This is the default ...
  43. The Block property is used to prevent specific types of derivation to be used in place of this Node. The default value is ...
  44. The BTF disassembler is in the wrong internal state. Therefore, the next payload cannot be retrieved from the message being ...
  45. The Business Activity and Monitoring Portal encoutered and critical error and cannot perform the requested action. The server ...
  46. The Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Portal is used to query individual instance data stored in the Tracking database. ...
  47. The business document passed in is not in a recognizable format. Therefore, the document could not be parsed or decrypted. ...
  48. The Business Rule Engine (BRE) component has not been configured. To configure it, run the Business Rules Configuration wizard. ...
  49. The Business Rules Engine (BRE) component has encountered an internal error: current event is null. If this situation persists, ...
  50. The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, ...
  51. The call to the Windows SharePoint Services adapter Web service has timed out. To fix this issue, increase the Timeout property ...
  52. The called orchestration instance you are viewing has completed. The Orchestration Debugger will be detached from the running ...
  53. The certificate could not be loaded from the certificate store using the specified thumbprint. Please do one of the following: ...
  54. The children of the "%1" delimited record must either be ALL records or ALL fields. Records with no tag identifier cannot ...
  55. The CIM_LogicalElement class is the base class for all the components of the system that represent abstract system components. ...
  56. The CIM_ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element hierarchy. Membership criteria: any distinguishable ...
  57. The clause relation cannot be between a single-valued and a multivalued fact if the operator is not intersection or exclusion ...
  58. The Cluster option allows you to provide high availability for ports that use MSMQ, FTP or POP3 adapters. Based on Microsoft ...
  59. The command execution failed due to error {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then retry the operation. ...
  60. The command execution timed out after {0} milliseconds. The provider might still be processing the command. Retry the operation ...
  61. The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file '%1' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the ...
  62. The communication pattern (one-way or request-response) of the corresponding port in the binding information is different. ...
  63. The compilation is using the CustomExtensionXml tag (specified in the Grid properties) along with the ExtensionXml that is ...
  64. The component that corresponds to assembly {0} and class {1} could not be deleted because it does not exist. Verify the assembly ...
  65. The computed port URI value {0} is too long. The value cannot be longer than {1} characters. To fix this issue you will have ...
  66. The computer name or domain name contains invalid characters or spaces.The invalid characters include ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ *( ...
  67. The computer sites cannot be resolved. Please verify the subnets in your network are configured correctly in Active Directory. ...
  68. The Condition Loop shape supports only one Orchestration connector begin point on either the left or right connection points. ...
  69. The configuration file contains an invalid command time-out value. The command time-out must be between 1 second and 18000 ...
  70. The configuration file for Microsoft BizTalk RFID could not be located in the default data directory. Check if you have an ...
  71. The configuration file for Microsoft BizTalk RFID is not in a valid format. Verify that the data that is included in the ...
  72. The configuration file for Microsoft BizTalk RFID service does not conform to the schema due to {0}. Verify that the data ...
  73. The configuration information for the running service could not be retrieved from the database. Please check the installation. ...
  74. The Continuation {0} does not have a matching ContinuationID. The activity will not complete if there is no corresponding ...
  75. The ContinuationID {0} does not have a matching Continuation. The activity will not complete if there is no corresponding ...