Azure Data Factory

  1. Pipeline '{0}' has a path with no outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
  2. Pipeline '{0}' is not ready. Current status: {1}. If '{0}' is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object ...
  3. Pipeline '{0}' is on Hub '{1}', and Linked Service '{2}' (referred by Activity '{3}') is on Hub '{4}'. Please ensure that ...
  4. Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature. ...
  5. Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature: ...
  6. Pipeline {0} and Linked Service {1} referred by Activity {2} are not on the same hub. Please ensure that all activities that ...
  7. Pipeline {0} has a path with no outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
  8. Pipeline {0} has no activity with outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
  9. Pipeline {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and ...
  10. Pipeline {0} is on Hub {1}, and Linked Service {2} (referred by Activity {3}) is on Hub {4}. Please ensure that all activities ...
  11. Please do not close the wizard until settings for configuring your on-premises cluster are generated. Note: After the settings ...
  12. Property 'rejectSampleValue' can not be specified in 'polyBaseSettings' of SQL Data WareHouse Sink if 'rejectType' is not ...
  13. Property 'rejectSampleValue' must be specified in 'polyBaseSettings' of SQL Data WareHouse Sink when 'rejectType' is set ...
  14. Property '{0}' under TextFormat in {1} dataset and property '{2}' in activity are not allowed to be set at the same time. ...
  15. Property {0} with value {1} is of type {2}. The expected type is string or EncryptedString. Consider converting the parameter ...
  16. Property {0} with value {1} is of type {2}. The expected type is string or EncryptedString. Consider converting the parameter ...
  17. QuoteChar in TextFormat is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if ...
  18. QuoteChar in TextFormat is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if ...
  19. Resource group name is not valid. Name can contain only alphanumeric characters, dash, underscore, opening parenthesis, closing ...
  20. scriptLinkedService '{0}' is not supported. Currently scriptLinkedService can only accept an Azure Storage linked service. ...
  21. SliceIdentifierColumnName' property is currently not supported for SQL Data WareHouse Sink. Please use 'SqlWriterCleanupScript' ...
  22. Specifies the interval within the defined frequency. For example, frequency set to 'Hour' and interval set to 1 indicates ...
  23. Specify the ADF Blob dataset representing the iLearner file that will be uploaded by the update operation. The dataset must ...
  24. Specify user name if you are using Windows Authentication, or with Anonymous Authentication without any password protection ...
  25. Status {0} is not valid. Acceptable status values include: Ready, PendingExecution, PendingValidation, Failed, FailedValidation, ...
  26. Stored Procedure activity only supports Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse datasets. Please change your dataset ...
  27. Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according ...
  28. Stored procedure parameter format is 'parameterName' : 'stringValue' pairs. Please modify the invalid part '{0}' according ...
  29. Text format properties "treatEmptyAsNull", "skipLineCount" and "firstRowAsHeader" are not enabled for subscription '{0}'. ...
  30. The "external" property is not supported for your client version. Please use "waitOnExternal" property instead and move it ...
  31. The "externalData" property was not a child of "policy". Please rename it to "waitOnExternal" and move it under "availability". ...
  32. The "index" property of WebTable is "{0}" but the service is expecting an integer value that is larger than or equal to zero. ...
  33. The "index" property of WebTable is '{0}' but the service is expecting an integer value that is larger than or equal to zero. ...
  34. The "useBinaryTransfer" property in dataset is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support ...
  35. The "waitOnExternal" property is no longer a child of "availability". You can either use the "external" property under a ...
  36. The 'linkedServiceName' property '{0}' of activity '{1}' is of type '{2}' which is not a compute linkedService. Activity ...
  37. The activity "{0}" (type = "{1}") cannot be run on the Azure Batch envrionment. Please check the supported activities and ...
  38. The activity '{0}' (type = '{1}') cannot be run on the Azure Batch envrionment. Please check the supported activities and ...
  39. The activity '{0}' is of type '{1}' which is not compatible with the linked service '{2}'. For supported linked service types ...
  40. The activity '{0}' references Dataset '{1}', but it is missing or invalid. Please ensure the Dataset was successfully created, ...
  41. The activity {0} references Dataset {1}, but it is missing or invalid. Please ensure the Dataset was successfully created, ...
  42. The activityruns endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
  43. The activityruns endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
  44. The activitywindows endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
  45. The activitywindows endpoint is not allowed for your datafactory. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
  46. The authentication token for your {0} linked service has expired. Please reauthorize the linked service and re-run the slice/activity ...
  47. The authorization code for your {0} linked service is invalid to generate authentication token. Please reauthorize this linked ...
  48. The Azure ML linked service '{0}' mlEndpoint '{1}' does not appear to be a valid batch execution URL. The expected URL should ...
  49. The Azure ML linked service '{0}' mlEndpoint '{1}' does not appear to be a valid batch execution URL. The expected URL should ...
  50. The Azure ML linked service '{0}' updateResourceEndpoint '{1}' does not appear to be a valid management URL. The expected ...
  51. The AzureML batch activity '{0}' linked service is missing. Please specify an AzureML batch execution Linked Service in the ...
  52. The AzureML batch activity linked service '{0}' is of an unsupported type. Please specify an AzureML batch execution Linked ...
  53. The AzureMLUpdateResource Activity is under development and is not yet available for general use. Please remove this activity ...
  54. The batch scoring request failed. Ensure that the Sql Azure Reader for your model at '{0}' exposes web service parameters ...
  55. The character used to escape any special character in the blob content. This property is optional. There is no default value ...
  56. The character used to escape any special character in the file content. This property is optional. There is no default value ...
  57. The compression method of Zip (Deflate) is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support ...
  58. The connection string in linked service '{0}' is missing property '{1}', which is required for use with AzureMLActivity input ...
  59. The container name '{0}' in the folderpath '{1}' of Dataset '{2}' is invalid. For container naming restriction, please see ...
  60. The container name '{0}' in the folderpath '{1}' of Dataset '{2}' is invalid. For container naming restriction, please see ...
  61. The CopyBehavior property is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
  62. The CopyBehavior property is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like ...
  63. The data gateway '{gatewayName}' associated with the data store needs to be registered with the Data Factory service. Click ...
  64. The data gateway has expired. Click Download and install data gateway button to download and install the latest version of ...
  65. The data gateway is about to expire. We recommend that you download and install the latest version of data gateway by clicking ...
  66. The data gateway is offline. Launch Data Management Gateway Configuration Manager on the gateway machine and confirm that ...
  67. The data gateway needs to be registered with the Data Factory service. Click Download and install data gateway button to ...
  68. The Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity '{0}' is missing a linked service. Please specify a Data Lake Analytics linked service ...
  69. The Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity '{0}' references a linked service '{1}' of an unsupported type. Please specify a Data ...
  70. The Dataset definition contains new type system values: culture, and format) that is under experiment. Please contain ADF ...
  71. The end date-time of the duration in which data processing will occur or the data slices will be processed. Example: 2014-05-05T00:00:00Z ...
  72. The entry file of Spark activity job not found. DataFactoryName '{0}', PipelineName '{1}', ActivityName '{2}', EntryFileUri ...
  73. The FileSystemSink type is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
  74. The FileSystemSink type is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
  75. The JSON supported by older versions of the client is not supported by this version of the client. If you have not already ...