Access 2013

  1. Some data may not be displayed.@There is not enough horizontal space on the page for the number of columns and column spacing ...
  2. Some field types, such as attachment fields and calculated fields, are not supported in the MDB or ADP database. Do you want ...
  3. Some library databases couldn't be loaded because too many were specified.@To change library database references, click References ...
  4. Some of the analysis results you have selected to optimize have side effects as shown in the Analysis Notes box. Are you ...
  5. Some of the field names for the data you tried to paste don't match field names on the form.@|9 treats data in the first ...
  6. Some of the lists selected for import will only be available when the database application is opened in |9. Do you want to ...
  7. Some of the macro actions you are trying to save cannot be performed in Access 97. These actions will be permanently deleted ...
  8. Some records do not contain a valid address in the specified e-mail address field. No data will be returned for these rows. ...
  9. Someone else is using '|' and the Visual Basic for Applications project does not match your version of Visual Basic.@You ...
  10. Someone has recently made changes to this site and the site is being updated. If the site remains offline for an extended ...
  11. Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Please exit and restart |9.@If you've made recent design changes, please save your work ...
  12. Sorry, but another user has updated or deleted the information on this form. Your changes could not be saved. Please refresh ...
  13. Sorry, but you can't use Image fields in calculated field expressions. Please update the expression in field '{0}' to remove ...
  14. Sorry, but {9:Access} cancelled the last operation because it took too long to complete. If you continue to experience this ...
  15. Sorry, the view you tried to open requires values for all its parameters. Edit the view in the {9:Access} client to set these ...
  16. Sorry, there is a problem with a Data Macro. Please check the Table or Data Macro '{0}'. The identifier '{1}' cannot be found. ...
  17. Sorry, we couldn't find any {9:Access} application information for this application. Please verify that this site is compatible ...
  18. Sorry, we couldn't find table '{0}' to complete this Change View action. Please double check the table name and try again. ...
  19. Sorry, we ran into a problem with the RunDataMacro action you just attempted. The Data Macro '{0}' has a missing input or ...
  20. Specifies a control or a field in which automatically generated Furigana is to be displayed. This will be ignored if the ...
  21. Specifies a control or a field which displays an address that corresponds to an entered postal code or which displays a postal ...
  22. Specify IME mode when this text box is focused.And, if there is a furigana control in automatic mode, please input its control ...
  23. SQL Server 6.5 must have SP5 installed. The server you have selected is running an older version of SQL Server 6.5. Cancel ...
  24. Starting Furigana Wizard. This makes that your specified |1 will be entered automatically by entering of the |2 '|3'. Make ...
  25. Starting Postal Address Wizard. This makes to assist entering Postall code, Address and Customer Barcode easir on this |1. ...
  26. Starts another Microsoft Windows or MS-DOS application, such as (!idspnExcel_NV) or Word. The specified application then ...
  27. Stops all currently running macros. This action also turns echo and the display of system messages back on if they have been ...
  28. Stops the currently running macro. This action also turns echo and the display of system messages back on if they have been ...
  29. Suppose you chose fields from the Customers, Orders and Sales Reps tables, and then chose to |. The wizard could create this ...
  30. Suppose you chose fields from the Customers, Orders and Sales Reps tables, and then chose to |. The wizard could create this ...
  31. Switching fields will lose rule changes that have not been applied.|7Continue and &Discard Changes|7Continue and &Apply Changes|7Cancel@28@1 ...
  32. Table '|' contains a field name that is longer than SQL Server supports. Please make sure all field names have fewer than ...
  33. Table '|' is a linked table whose design can't be modified. If you want to add or remove fields or change their properties ...
  34. Table properties and data macros could not be saved because the application has changed on the server.@Synchronize with the ...
  35. Tables that aren't bold aren't related to the filtered table with referential integrity enforced. To include all records, ...
  36. That is all the information the wizard needs to import/link to the selected lists/views. To start importing/linking to the ...
  37. That is all the information the wizard needs to link to the selected lists/views. To create linked tables to the following ...
  38. That is not a valid (!idspnAccess_NV) expression; however, if it's a valid SQL Server expression, your default will be created ...
  39. That is not a valid (!idspnAccess_NV) expression; however, if it's a valid SQL Server expression, your rule will be created ...
  40. That's all the information the wizard needs to create your command button. Note: This wizard creates embedded macros that ...
  41. The '{0}' action failed because the referenced control contains a report object. {0} on subform controls can only be used ...
  42. The '|1' form does not exist.@Enter the name of an existing form in the List Items Edit Form property of the '|2' control ...
  43. The '|1' macro action cannot run with the specified '|2' argument either when in disabled mode or when called from an embedded ...
  44. The (!idspnAccess_NV) Outlook Add-in is disabled in (!idspnOutlook_NV). To collect data by using e-mail messages in (!idspnAccess_NV), ...
  45. The Access Database (ACCDB) you are opening is associated with an (!idspnAccessServices_Short) website. Opening this file ...
  46. The Access Web Datasheet is attempting to retrieve data from a different domain. You will be redirected to an error page. ...
  47. The acCmdExport command for RunCommand has been deprecated. Use the OutputTo action or one of the more specific RunCommands, ...
  48. The acCmdImport command for RunCommand has been deprecated. Use one of the more specific RunCommands, such as acCmdImportAttachAccess, ...
  49. The acCmdLinkTables command for RunCommand has been deprecated. Use one of the more specific RunCommands, such as acCmdImportAttachAccess, ...
  50. The action or method is invalid because the form or report isn't bound to a table or query.@You tried to use the ApplyFilter ...
  51. The action or method requires a Control Name argument.@You tried to use the GoToControl action or method, but you left the ...
  52. The action or method requires a data access page Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenDataAccessPage action or method, ...
  53. The action or method requires a File Name argument.@You tried to use the TransferSpreadsheet or TransferText action or method.@In ...
  54. The action or method requires a Form Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenForm action or method, but you left the Form ...
  55. The action or method requires a Macro Name argument.@* You tried to use the RunMacro action or method, but you left the Macro ...
  56. The action or method requires a Module or Procedure Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenModule action or method, but ...
  57. The action or method requires a Query Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenQuery action or method, but you left the Query ...
  58. The action or method requires a Report Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenReport action or method, but you left the ...
  59. The action or method requires a Specification Name argument.@You tried to use the TransferText action or method and you specified ...
  60. The action or method requires a Table Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenTable, TransferSpreadsheet, or TransferText ...
  61. The action or method requires at least | argument(s).@You tried to run a macro containing an action or used a method or action ...
  62. The action will save your password to a file. The password will be unencrypted. This action is not recommended.Click Yes ...
  63. The ActiveX control you tried to insert isn't registered.@For information on registering an ActiveX control, click Help.@2@1@12639@1 ...
  64. The add-in is designed for a previous version of (!idspnAccess_NV). You should obtain a newer version from the provider of ...
  65. The alias name specified is not valid for Web queries. Please ensure the name does not contain special characters and is ...
  66. The alias name specified is not valid. Please ensure the name does not contain special characters and is not longer than ...
  67. The app contains one or more objects with an invalid definition. Verify that '{0}' has a valid definition before proceeding. ...
  68. The app contains one or more objects with an invalid definition. Verify that event data macros on '{0}' have valid definitions ...
  69. The application has been upgraded to a newer version on the server.@You will not be able to modify the application until ...
  70. The application has changed on the server. Your last entered row will not be saved. Copy and paste your last entered row ...
  71. The ApplyFilter action contains a Filter Name that cannot be applied.@The filter name is not a valid argument in the ApplyFilter ...
  72. The ApplyFilter action or method can be carried out only from an Open macro or Open event procedure.@* You may have tried ...
  73. The ApplyFilter action requires that either the Filter Name or Where Condition argument is set.@You tried to run a macro ...
  74. The attachment '|0' may be currently open in another program. If you continue, you may lose any changes you have made to ...
  75. The AutoDialer won't work in this operating system. It can't find the Microsoft Windows Telephony API (TAPI), which is part ...