.NET Framework

  1. A relationship from the '{0}' AssociationSet is in the '{1}' state. Given multiplicity constraints, a corresponding '{2}' ...
  2. A relationship multiplicity constraint violation occurred: An EntityReference can have no more than one related object, but ...
  3. A relationship multiplicity constraint violation occurred: An EntityReference expected at least one related object, but the ...
  4. A RelationshipManager cannot be returned for this object. A RelationshipManager can only be returned for objects that are ...
  5. A RelationshipManager object cannot be returned for this ObjectStateEntry instance. Only an ObjectStateEntry that represents ...
  6. A remote side security requirement was not fulfilled during authentication. Try increasing the ProtectionLevel and/or ImpersonationLevel. ...
  7. A reply message was received without a valid RelatesTo header. This may have been caused by a missing RelatesTo header or ...
  8. A request mapped to aspnet_isapi.dll was made within an application pool running in Integrated .NET mode. Aspnet_isapi.dll ...
  9. A request mapped to aspnet_isapi.dll was made within an application pool running in Integrated .NET mode. Aspnet_isapi.dll ...
  10. A response message was received, but there are no outstanding requests waiting for this message. The message is being dropped. ...
  11. A response was received from a one-way send over the underlying IRequestChannel. Make sure the remote endpoint has a compatible ...
  12. A return sequence was not offered by the create sequence request. The create sequence response cannot accept a return sequence. ...
  13. A return sequence was offered by the create sequence request but the create sequence response did not accept this sequence. ...
  14. A SafeHandle or CriticalHandle of type '%1$s' failed to properly release the handle with value 2$p. This usually indicates ...
  15. A SamlAssertion requires at least one statement. Ensure that you have added at least one SamlStatement to the SamlAssertion ...
  16. A security policy was imported for the endpoint. The security policy contains requirements that cannot be represented in ...
  17. a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute constructor {1}. Mark this target as security critical or ...
  18. a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute field {1}. Mark this target as security critical or security ...
  19. a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute property {1}. Mark this target as security critical or security ...
  20. a security transparent method, calls {1} which is decorated with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute. Remove the ...
  21. A semi-colon delimited string indicating which databases to use for the dependency in the format "database1:table1;database2:table2". ...
  22. A Send activity must either be configured with an Endpoint, or correlated to an earlier established context using CorrelatesWith. ...
  23. A SendReply with SendMessageContent and a SendReply with SendParametersContent are both paired with the same Receive with ...
  24. A serialization error occurred because of a mismatch between the value of the SerializationFormat property and the type of ...
  25. A serialization error occurred. The message cannot be sent or received. The MSMQ integration channel is able to serialize ...
  26. A ServiceContract has more the one operation with an Action of "*". A ServiceContract can have at most one operation an Action ...
  27. A ServiceDiscoveryBehavior is required to support the DiscoveryEndpoint '{0}'. Add a ServiceDiscoveryBehavior via code or ...
  28. A sidebar placeholder must be specified on Wizard '{0}' when DisplaySideBar is set to true. Specify a placholder by setting ...
  29. A single WSDL document could not be generated for this service. Multiple service contract namespaces were found ({0}). Ensure ...
  30. A software publisher will often use one publisher certificate to sign the assemblies in all of their applications. If you ...
  31. A state machine attempted to process an unexpected event. The event was considered fatal.%r Transaction ID: %1%r State machine ...
  32. A state machine attempted to process an unexpected event. The event was considered fatal.%r Transaction ID: %1%r State machine ...
  33. A state machine attempted to process an unexpected event. The event was not considered fatal.%r Transaction ID: %1%r State ...
  34. A state machine attempted to process an unexpected event. The event was not considered fatal.%r Transaction ID: %1%r State ...
  35. A step placeholder must be specified on Wizard '{0}'. Specify a placholder by setting a control's ID property to "{1}". The ...
  36. A store-generated value of type '{0}' could not be converted to a value of type '{1}' required for member '{2}' of type '{3}'. ...
  37. A StreamWriter was not closed and all buffered data within that StreamWriter was not flushed to the underlying stream. (This ...
  38. A StreamWriter was not closed and all buffered data within that StreamWriter was not flushed to the underlying stream. (This ...
  39. A string that contains the configuration name of the binding. This value is a user-defined string that acts as the identification ...
  40. A string that specifies the property or column from which to get values that correspond to the selections in the drop-down ...
  41. A TargetFramework profile exclusion list will be generated. The exclusion list is a list of assemblies not in the profile. ...
  42. A TargetFramework profile exclusion list will not be generated. A full client name "{0}" was found in the TargetFrameworkSubsetNames ...
  43. A TargetFramework subset exclusion list will be generated. The exclusion list is a list of assemblies not in the TargetFramework ...
  44. A TargetFramework subset exclusion list will not be generated. A Full client name "{0}" was found in the TargetFrameworkSubsetNames ...
  45. A task requested launch of the .NET 3.5 version of the MSBuild task host, but .NET 3.5 is not installed on this machine so ...
  46. A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the ...
  47. A TCP error ({0}: {1}) occurred while transmitting data. The local IP address and port is {2}. The remote IP address and ...
  48. A theme defines background and foreground colors, styles, icons and other elements on the workflow which can be customized ...
  49. A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed in a finally clause that is nested inside the nearest enclosing catch ...
  50. A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed inside of a finally clause nested inside of the innermost catch clause ...
  51. A transaction error occurred for this session. The session channel is faulted. Messages in the session cannot be sent or ...
  52. A transaction is required but is not available. Messages cannot be sent or received. Ensure that the transaction scope is ...
  53. A transaction was not found in Transaction.Current but one is required for this operation. The channel cannot be opened. ...
  54. A transformer with name '{0}' has already been added, and has the same provider and consumer types as the transformer with ...
  55. a transparent method, contains a security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, ...
  56. a transparent method, contains a security assert. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, or the ...
  57. a transparent method, contains a security demand for {1}. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should ...
  58. a transparent method, contains a security demand. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should be removed ...
  59. a transparent method, uses the HandleProcessCorruptingExceptionsAttribute. In order to handle process corrupting exceptions, ...
  60. a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security ...
  61. a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security demand for {1}. {0} should be made security-safe critical or ...
  62. A type '{0}' that is defined in a partially trusted assembly cannot be type forwarded from an assembly with a different Public ...
  63. A union code group can have zero or more child code groups. A child code group contributes to the permission set granted ...
  64. A URI that contains the location of the per-application dead letter queue, where messages that have expired or that have ...
  65. A user callback threw an exception. Check the exception stack and inner exception to determine the callback that failed. ...
  66. A UTC DateTime is being converted to text in a format that is only correct for local times. This can happen when calling ...
  67. A valid CorrelationMessageProperty or Fault could not be obtained when the bookmark for send operation '{0}' was resumed. ...
  68. A valid UTF32 value is between 0x000000 and 0x10ffff, inclusive, and should not include surrogate codepoint values (0x00d800 ...
  69. A value of the wrong type was retrieved from the instance store. A value of type {0} was expected, but a value of type {1} ...
  70. A value of the wrong type was retrieved from the instance store. A value of type {0} was expected, but null was encountered ...
  71. A value of type '%1!ls!' cannot be used as a default parameter because there are no standard conversions to type '%2!ls!' ...
  72. A value of type '%1!ls!' cannot be used as default parameter for nullable parameter '%2!ls!' because '%3!ls!' is not a simple ...
  73. A value of type '{0}' cannot be added to the generic collection, because the collection has been parameterized with a different ...
  74. A value shared across entities or associations is generated in more than one location. Check that mapping does not split ...
  75. A value that controls whether the service attempts to impersonate using the credentials provided by the incoming message. ...