Dynamics AX 2009
- The ProcurementDocumentSortingOrderEntity data entity contains the information about the order of sorting of Procurement ...
- The ProdTableRecalcQueue table contains production orders where the estimated costs for material and time consumption should ...
- The product %1 has '%2' specified as the base attribute. This base attribute must have a '%3' reference in the list of product ...
- The product attributes for the selected store will be replaced with the product attributes that are assigned to the parent ...
- The product attributes inherited from the parent store will be removed for the selected store. To modify or add attributes ...
- The product change case contains incomplete or inconsistent information. Please resolve these issues before closing the case. ...
- The product configuration is not complete. The sales price will not be calculated. Complete the configuration in the Product ...
- The product configuration is not complete. The ship date will not be calculated. Complete the configuration in the Product ...
- The product configuration model has %1 as a target attribute for more than one calculations. Standardize or remove the additional ...
- The product dimension group cannot be changed because product variants exist. Select a product dimension group with active ...
- The product dimension group cannot be changed because the product dimensions assigned to the product do not match the active ...
- The product dimension group cannot be changed because the product is released to one or more legal entities or dimension ...
- The product dimension group is not valid for a kit product. Select a product dimension group that includes the configuration ...
- The product dimension group that is associated with the product master. The product dimension group is associated with the ...
- The Product ID is only %1 digit long according to the bar code mask. Enter just the product ID or the full bar code with ...
- The product is included in the catalog, but does not exist in the assortments that are assigned to channel '%1'. The product ...
- The product is measured on a weighing scale at the register before a sale. The unit of measure for weight must be set up ...
- The product is using catch weights and either the catch weight unit or inventory units are different in the company traded ...
- The product master of the product variant that you try to release has not been released to the company. Release the product ...
- The product may not be published to channel '%1' for the period specified in the catalog as the channel assortments are available ...
- The product name, which is copied from the product number. If you want the product name to differ from the product number, ...
- The product quantity of the created kanbans must be within the limits of the minimum and maximum product quantities that ...
- The product quantity that the customer commits to for the sales agreement line. This field is only available for lines that ...
- The product receipt contains items that are subject to warehouse management processes that are not supported by product receipt ...
- The product receipt only contains items subject to warehouse management processes, as these are not supported by product ...
- The product receipt quantity that is matched to the invoice line, in purchase units. To view or change the product receipt ...
- The product receipt that is associated with the invoice. If multiple product receipts are associated with an invoice, an ...
- The product that you want to return was purchased under a sales agreement. This return order is already returning a product ...
- The production flow and version that the first activity references. If there are no kanbans created for this rule, you can ...
- The production flow and version that the last activity references. If there are no kanbans created for this rule, you can ...
- The production for which consumed time has been registered or is being registered. Consumption can be reported for productions ...
- The production group that is suggested when you create production orders for a product. Production groups can be used to ...
- The production pool that the product is a component of. Pools are used as extra criteria for sorting, and they are also used ...
- The products may not be published for the period specified in the catalog as no assortments are available for the following ...
- The profit group to use in the price calculation. The profit group provides the percentage of profit that should be added ...
- The profit setting that was used, or that will be used, to calculate a sales price for the production order. The price is ...
- The prognosis code. The prognosis code reflects the time that it is expected to take for the quotation to become a sales ...
- The program is unable to load and execute the class '%1', which is essential in order to identify the database vendor and ...
- The progress of the master scheduling process. The first number indicates the number of items that were processed or that ...
- The progress of the production as a percentage. The field is updated every time that a recording is performed on the job. ...
- The progress of the production, expressed as a percentage. The field is updated when an update is performed on the job, or ...
- The project cannot be removed after the line has been saved. Change the project or go to the distribution line and remove ...
- The project category that is assigned to the purchase order line. By default, the project category that is configured for ...
- The project category that is suggested when the product is used in an item requirement in the Project management and accounting ...
- The project group cannot be changed. The posting setup for On-account invoicing on the new project group must be the same ...
- The project has been created with the Language %1. If you proceed with the update, the project will be updated with current ...
- The project ID that you entered is not associated with this budget. Enter the ID for a project or subproject that appears ...
- The project identifier for the default project that appears on the purchase requisition line when the requisition purpose ...
- The project manager for project %1 must be a Microsoft Dynamics AX user in order to integrate the project to Microsoft Project ...
- The project number for the current purchase order. The field is populated when you create a purchase order from Project management ...
- The project number that was created for the current purchase order in Project management and accounting. When a project is ...
- The project type that you entered is not valid. Only a Fixed-price project allows a beginning balance transaction for '%1. ...
- The project work breakdown structure cannot be accessed. Make sure the browser is not running in private mode and try again. ...
- The project worker-category validation for employee %1 and category %2 is mandatory but does not exist. To resolve this issue, ...
- The projFiscalDocumentType_BR table contains information about which fiscal document to use for posting project invoices. ...
- The property DimensionLegalEntityContextField on the field: %1, or the property PrimaryCompanyContext on the data entity ...
- The proposed sales price of the item. This price is copied from the trade agreements that are associated with the sales order. ...
- The proposed sales price of the item. This price is copied from the trade agreements that are associated with the sales quotation. ...
- The prospect is not available for use in the current company. Saving the record will allow the use of this prospect in this ...
- The prospect needs to be converted to a customer before sales order transactions can be processed against him. Do you wish ...
- The PSAActivityDefCertificate table contains certifications needed for project activities, as described in activity templates. ...
- The PSAActivityDefEducation table stores the education qualifications needed for project activities, as described in templates. ...
- The published channel cannot be found in local database. Please make sure at least one retail channel is published to channel ...
- The publisher of the digital certificate of the model file is not recognized. Do not install it unless you know where it ...
- The purchase agreement ID that you entered is not valid. Select a purchase agreement that is associated with the project ...
- The purchase agreement ID that you entered is not valid. Select a purchase agreement that is associated with the vendor that ...
- The purchase charges that you specified in the Charges on purchases field in the Purchase order page. You can change the ...
- The purchase made from the vendor is for consumption. If you select this , the Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e ...
- The purchase made from the vendor is for consumption. If you select this option, the Imposto Sobre Circulação de Mercadorias ...
- The purchase order %1 cannot be cancelled because it is associated with a prepayment invoice that has been settled, or is ...
- The purchase order line cannot be processed because the received quantity of %1 does not meet the receiving requirements ...
- The purchase order line or lines that you selected cannot be marked for retrieval, because they are in use on a different ...
- The purchase order or product receipt was corrected after the vendor invoice was created. All accounting distributions must ...
- The purchase order re-approval rule cannot be created. The organization hierarchy contains organization types other than ...
- The purchase order type that you create the request for quotation for. Purchase order an agreement to purchase a specific ...