Windows 7

  1. DHCP will be turned off on this adapter to configure it for NLB. Please specify any necessary gateway or DNS/WINS information ...
  2. DHCP will be turned off on this adapter to configure it for NLB. Please specify any necessary gateway or DNS/WINS information ...
  3. DHCPv6 confirmation has been declined because the address was not appropriate to the link or DHCPv6 renew request has a Zero ...
  4. DHCPV6 Relay agent could not enable multicasting on the socket for the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the ...
  5. DHCPV6 Relay agent could not schedule a task to be executed. This error may have been caused by a memory allocation failure. ...
  6. DHCPV6 Relay agent could not schedule the processing of a packet received on the local interface with IP address %1. The ...
  7. DHCPV6 Relay Agent detected an error on the local interface with IP address %1. The error occurred while the interface was ...
  8. DHCPV6 Relay agent received a packet containing an invalid op-code. The packet has been discarded. It was received on the ...
  9. DHCPV6 Relay Agent was unable to enumerate network events on the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the error ...
  10. DHCPV6 Relay Agent was unable to receive an incoming message on the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the error ...
  11. DHCPV6 Relay Agent was unable to relay a DHCP RELAY FORWARD packet on the local interface with IP address %1; the packet ...
  12. DHCPV6 Relay Agent was unable to relay a DHCP REPLY packet on the local interface with IP address %1; the REPLY was to have ...
  13. DHCPV6 Relay received a packet which was smaller than the minimum size allowed for DHCP packets. The packet has been discarded. ...
  14. DHCPv6 Server is unable to bind to UDP port number %1 as it is used by another application. This port must be made available ...
  15. DHCPV6R was unable to request notification of events on the socket for the local interface with IP address %1. The data is ...
  16. DHCV6 message has been dropped because it was received on a Uni-cast address and unicast support is disabled on the server. ...
  17. Diagnostic module %5 (%4) finished troubleshooting scenario %1, instance %2, original activity ID %3. No resolution was set ...
  18. Diagnostic module %6 (%4) encountered an error while handling scenario %1, instance %2, original activity ID %3. The error ...
  19. Diagnostic module %9 (%4) finished troubleshooting scenario %1, instance %2, original activity ID %3. It set resolution %5 ...
  20. Diagnostic module %9 (%4) finished troubleshooting scenario %1, instance %2, original activity ID %3. It set resolution %5 ...
  21. Diagnostics cannot be started because digital tuner hardware was not detected. Ensure your hardware is correctly installed, ...
  22. Dial-Up Networking cannot be initialized. Please go to 'Dial-Up Networking' and make sure your connections are configured ...
  23. DialType is an integer indicating whether tone (value=1) or pulse dialing (value=2) is used. \"Unknown\" (0) can also be ...
  24. DialUpState is a string indicating when the default connection should be dialed:0 = never,1 = when a network connection is ...
  25. Dictates when confirmation should be requested. Confirmation is requested when the ConfirmImpact of the operation is equal ...
  26. Dictates whether or not Windows is allowed to use standby states when sleeping the computer. When this policy is enabled, ...
  27. did not complete policy processing because a system restart is required for the settings to be applied. Group Policy will ...
  28. did not complete policy processing because the user needs to log on again for the settings to be applied. Group Policy will ...
  29. Did you know that you can read, move and compose IMAP e-mail offline? When you reconnect, Windows Mail will automatically ...
  30. Digest authentication only works with Active Directory domain accounts. For more information about configuring Active Directory ...
  31. Digest authentication requires that the Web server is joined to a domain. This computer is not currently joined to a domain. ...
  32. Digest authentication works by sending a password hash to a Windows domain controller to authenticate users. When you need ...
  33. digital cable uses base channel value for virtual channel number. the following are mutually exclusive: vcn major.minor sourceid ...
  34. Digital Cable uses digital cable locator but xsd doesn't have a way to say that. neither extension or restriction can refine ...
  35. Digital IDs (also called certificates) are special documents that allow you to prove your identity in electronic transactions. ...
  36. DirecPC 3.0 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows and might not run as expected. The QoS Packet Scheduler ...
  37. Direct dump configuration failed. Validate the filename and make sure the target device is not a Fault Tolerant set member, ...
  38. Direct read found corrupted page %4 with error %5. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous backup. ...
  39. Direct replication could not occur between the following source and destination domain controllers because an unsupported ...
  40. Direct3D 9.0 is needed to run this screen saver, but can't be found. Please install the latest version of DirectX and try ...
  41. DirectAccess allows you to configure your client computers to securely and seamlessly access internal network resources through ...
  42. DirectAccess configuration settings will be removed from computers throughout the network. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
  43. DirectAccess Monitoring provides the ability to monitor traffic activity and status of the DirectAccess server and its components. ...
  44. DirectAccess monitoring requires interfaces connected to the Internet and the internal network. Please configure those through ...
  45. DirectAccess requires a highly available and scalable Network Location server. This server should be deployed with a server ...
  46. DirectAccess server configuration failed because the network adapter for the internal network does not have an IPv4 or IPv6 ...
  47. DirectAccess server configuration failed because there was a problem enabling or disabling forwarding on the Teredo interface. ...
  48. DirectCD 2 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows and might not run as expected. Drivers installed ...
  49. DirectCD 3 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows and might not run as expected. Drivers installed ...
  50. DirectDraw Blt and Lock calls may encounter device busy situations more frequently on Windows XP than was common on Windows ...
  51. Directory '{0}' already exists. Use -Force parameter if you want to overwrite the directory and files within the directory. ...
  52. Directory Browsing lets users to see the contents of a directory on your Web server. Use Directory Browsing to enable an ...
  53. Directory configuration information indicates that an Active Directory domain controller named "%1" already exists. If you ...
  54. Directory configuration information indicates that an Active Directory domain controller named %1 already exists. Do you ...
  55. Directory configuration information indicates that the domain "%1" already exists. Do you want to reinstall that domain? ...
  56. Directory configuration information indicates that the domain "%1" already exists. If you want to reinstall that domain, ...
  57. Directory is a type of file that logically groups data files 'contained' in it, and provides path information for the grouped ...
  58. Directory Server Diagnosis dcdiag.exe /s: : /u: \ /p:*| |" /hqv /n: /f: /x:XMLLog.xml /skip: /test: /h: Display this help ...
  59. Directory Service (DS) flag indicating that the DnsForestName is in DNS format (for example, or ...
  60. Directory Service (DS) flag indicating that the domain controller hosts a write able DS or Security Accounts Manager (SAM). ...
  61. Directory Service (DS) flag indicating that the Domain Controller Name is in DNS format (for example, or ...
  62. Directory Service Access This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when an Active Directory Domain Services ...
  63. Directory Service command-line tools help: dsadd /? - help for adding objects. dsget /? - help for displaying objects. dsmod ...
  64. Directory service features require the Internet Account Manager component MSOEACCT.DLL], which does not seem to be currently ...
  65. Directory Service Integration enables publishing of queue properties to the directory, authentication and encryption of messages ...
  66. Directory Service Replication This policy setting allows you to audit replication between two Active Directory Domain Services ...
  67. Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. ...
  68. Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %hs Error Status: x. Please click OK to shutdown the system. ...
  69. Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %hs Error Status: x. Please shutdown this system and reboot ...
  70. Directs cmd.exe to a labeled line in a batch program. GOTO label label Specifies a text string used in the batch program ...
  71. Directs the RPC Runtime to assume the specified timeout as the idle connection timeout even if the IIS server running the ...
  72. Directs the RPC Runtime to generate extended error information when an error occurs. Extended error information includes ...
  73. Directs the RPC Runtime to ignore delegation failures if delegation was asked for. Windows Server 2003 family includes a ...
  74. Directs the system to display highly detailed status messages. If you enable this setting, the system displays status messages ...
  75. Directs the system to periodically verify that the printers published by this computer still appear in Active Directory. ...