Visual Studio 2012

  1. in class '|2' cannot override '|3' in class '|4' because an intermediate class '|5' overrides '|3' in class '|4' but is not ...
  2. In component {0}, on '{1}', the compound word '{2}' in '{3}' exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended to be single ...
  3. In component {0}, on '{1}', the discrete term '{2}' in '{3}' should be expressed as a compound word. If '{2}' refers to an ...
  4. In delegate {0}, consider replacing the data type identifier '{1}' in parameter name {2} with a more generic term, such as ...
  5. In delegate {0}, consider replacing the language-specific data type identifier '{1}' in parameter name {2} with a more generic ...
  6. In delegate {0}, correct the casing of '{1}' in parameter name {2} by changing it to '{3}'. '{3}' is an abbreviation and ...
  7. In delegate {0}, correct the spelling of '{1}' in parameter name {2} or remove it entirely if it represents any sort of Hungarian ...
  8. In delegate {0}, the compound word '{1}' in parameter name {2} exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended to be ...
  9. In externally visible method {0}, validate local variable '{1}', which was reassigned from parameter '{2}', before using ...
  10. In instrumentation mode, data from multiple CPU hardware counters can be collected. This data will appear as extra columns ...
  11. In keyword Specifies the group that the loop variable is to traverse in a For Each statement, or specifies the range variable ...
  12. In markup extensions, all constructor argument values should be atoms. For the object of type '{0}', one or more argument ...
  13. In member {0}, consider replacing the data type identifier '{1}' in parameter name {2} with a more generic term, such as ...
  14. In member {0}, consider replacing the language-specific data type identifier '{1}' in parameter name {2} with a more generic ...
  15. In member {0}, correct the casing of '{1}' in parameter name {2} by changing it to '{3}'. '{3}' is an abbreviation and therefore ...
  16. In member {0}, the compound word '{1}' in parameter name {2} exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended to be single ...
  17. In method {0}, correct the spelling of '{1}' in parameter name {2} or remove it entirely if it represents any sort of Hungarian ...
  18. In method {0}, object {1} is not disposed along all exception paths. Call System.IDisposable.Dispose on object {1} before ...
  19. In method {0}, parameter {1} on called method {2} has a default value of '{3}'. If the supplied default value refers to a ...
  20. In method {0}, replace the call to String.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) with String.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture). ...
  21. In most cases, Locale should be explicitly set to CultureInfo.InvariantCulture on DataSet and DataTable instances. Upon creation ...
  22. In No Authentication mode, the remote debugger will listen on a TCP/IP port. This option can be used to configure what TCP/IP ...
  23. In No Authentication mode, Visual Studio sends the current user's username to the remote debugger. The remote debugger uses ...
  24. In order to add this reference, the directory '%1' will be added to the project's ReferencePath property. This will change ...
  25. In order to be applicable as a short circuit operator a user-defined logical operator ('%1!ls!') must have the same return ...
  26. In order to complete the installation of 2], you must restart the computer. Other users are currently logged on to this computer, ...
  27. In order to complete the requested synchronization operation, the document must be closed and reopened. All your recent changes ...
  28. In order to deploy Windows Store apps for Windows 8 on {0}, it must have a valid developer license. The license acquisition ...
  29. In order to deploy your solution, you must first add a deployment project which configures your deployment options. Do you ...
  30. In order to develop Windows Store apps for Windows 8, you must install a developer license. The license acquisition requires ...
  31. In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by ...
  32. In order to generate code for a coded UI test, the cursor must be within either a test method or property of a Coded UI Test ...
  33. In order to improve the quality of the final version of this product and to help you resolve your problem, please compress ...
  34. In order to install a Windows Store app, you must install a developer license on the remote device. The license acquisition ...
  35. In order to integrate SharePoint Products with Team Foundation Server, you must grant access rights for one or more SharePoint ...
  36. In order to output a property value to a file the recursive flag cannot be present and exactly one property name must be ...
  37. In order to run correctly on right-to-left systems, all calls to MessageBox.Show should use the overload that specifies MessageBoxOptions ...
  38. In order to Set Next Statement, right-click on the active frame in the Call Stack window and select "Unwind To This Frame". ...
  39. In order to upgrade the Lab objects in Team Foundation Server to use SCVMM 2012, you have to complete the following steps: ...
  40. In order to use all the features of Team Web Access, you must have the correct license and configuration. For more information, ...
  41. In resource {0}, in XML element '{1}', the compound word '{2}' in '{3}' exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended ...
  42. In resource {0}, in XML element '{1}', the discrete term '{2}' in '{3}' should be expressed as a compound word. If '{2}' ...
  43. In resource {0}, referenced by name '{1}' the discrete term '{2}' in string value '{3}' should be expressed as a compound ...
  44. In resource {0}, referenced by name '{1}', the compound word '{2}' in string value '{3}' exists as a discrete term. If your ...
  45. In strict mode, function declarations cannot be nested inside a statement or block. They may only appear at the top level ...
  46. In the Concurrency Visualizer, Just My Code specifies code in .exe files and .dll files that are associated with the current ...
  47. In the constructor of {0}, change the value of argument {1}, which is currently "{2}", to something that can be correctly ...
  48. In the constructor of {0}, change the value of argument {1}, which is currently an empty string ("), to something that can ...
  49. In the future, this account will be used automatically to open protected documents. You can change this setting later. Your ...
  50. In the Values box, replace the Cumulative Completed Work and Cumulative Remaining Work fields with Cumulative Count field. ...
  51. In this context, you must specify columns by using a CREATE TABLE statement instead of by using an ALTER TABLE statement. ...
  52. In this CREATE SCHEMA statement, you have specified a table definition, a view definition, a GRANT statement, a REVOKE statement, ...
  53. In virtual/interface member {0}, rename parameter {1} so that it no longer conflicts with the reserved language keyword '{2}'. ...
  54. In Windows Authentication mode, this dialog can be used to specify which users can connect and debug through the remote debugger. ...
  55. Include Directories : Path to use when searching for include files while building a VC++ project. Corresponds to environment ...
  56. Includes security updates, other critical updates, hotfixes, and feature packs that have been issued since the product was ...
  57. Includes the Itanium compiler, tools, and libraries for the C Run-Time (CRT), Standard C++ Library, Active Template Library ...
  58. Includes the x64 compiler, tools, and libraries for the C Run-Time (CRT), Standard C++ Library, Microsoft Foundation Class ...
  59. Incomplete value definition. If this is in an expression, the body of the expression must be indented to the same column ...
  60. Incomplete value definition. If this is in an expression, the body of the expression must be indented to the same column ...
  61. Incomplete value definition. If this is in an expression, the body of the expression must be indented to the same column ...
  62. Incomplete value or function definition. If this is in an expression, the body of the expression must be indented to the ...
  63. Incorrect format for COUNTER switch. The expected format is: /COUNTER:Name[,Reload[,Friendly Name Use /QUERYCOUNTERS option ...
  64. Incorrect format for TestCaseFilter {0}. Specify the correct format and try again. Note that the incorrect format can lead ...
  65. Incorrect operator: zero-valued flag cannot be tested with bitwise-and. Use an equality test to check for zero-valued flags. ...
  66. Incorrect order of operations: bitwise-or has higher precedence than the conditional-expression operator. Add parentheses ...
  67. Incorrect Validate method usage: Argument category should not contain ValidationCategory.Custom enum value. Use ValidateCustom ...
  68. Indents the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation ...
  69. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must be bytes or less. This change will disable full-text ...
  70. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must be single-column. This change will disable full-text ...
  71. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must be unique. This change will disable full-text indexing ...
  72. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must not be null. This change will disable full-text indexing ...
  73. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' '. Deleting this index will disable full-text indexing for the ...
  74. Indexers (indexed properties) should use a single value (either an integer or string types) for indexing values. Multidimensional ...
  75. Indexers (indexed properties) should use either integer or string types for indexing values. These types are easy to use ...