Dynamics CRM 2015

  1. To use the Email Router to process email, type the Email Router server name. Or, you can do this later by adding the Email ...
  2. To use Yammer, you must first provide your Yammer account information so it can be verified against your CRM email addresses. ...
  3. To use {0} for Outlook, your administrator must upgrade your organization to {0} Server. Or, you can uninstall {0} for Outlook ...
  4. To view a snapshot created using this snapshot definition, click the arrow to the left of the snapshot definition, and then ...
  5. To view and refresh dynamic data, Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook must be installed. If it is already installed and configured, ...
  6. To view related CRM information about the people on this email, first type in their email address in the TO or CC lines and ...
  7. Top level of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM business hierarchy. The organization can be a specific business, holding company, ...
  8. Tracing collects a detailed profile of all operations occurring inside CRM for Outlook. This data is helpful in conversations ...
  9. Track information about companies that compete against your organization or even for a specific opportunity with a potential ...
  10. Track potential sales with leads and opportunities . Keep info about companies in accounts . Store info about people you ...
  11. Tracked items aren't currently being synchronized with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. To restart synchronization, select your desired ...
  12. Tracking of assigned tasks isn't enabled for your Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. If you assign this task, it will be ...
  13. Translated labels for the following languages could not be imported because they have not been enabled for this organization: ...
  14. Trinidad and Tobago|Trinidad|Tobago|Trinidad und Tobago|Trinidad y Tobago|Trinité-et-Tobago|Trinidad e Tobago|Trinidade e ...
  15. Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's Microsoft Dynamics ...
  16. Turn on OneNote integration for the entities you select. Only entities that are already enabled for document management are ...
  17. Type a category to identify the appointment type, such as sales demo, prospect call, or service call, to tie the appointment ...
  18. Type a category to identify the campaign activity type, such as new business development or customer retention, to tie the ...
  19. Type a category to identify the campaign response type, such as new business development or customer retention, to tie the ...
  20. Type a category to identify the email type, such as lead outreach, customer follow-up, or service alert, to tie the email ...
  21. Type a category to identify the fax type, such as sales offer or press release, to tie the fax to a business group or function. ...
  22. Type a category to identify the letter type, such as sales offer or past due notice, to tie the letter to a business group ...
  23. Type a category to identify the phone call type, such as lead gathering or customer follow-up, to tie the phone call to a ...
  24. Type a category to identify the recurring appointment type, such as status meeting or service call, to tie the appointment ...
  25. Type a category to identify the service activity type, such as routine maintenance or service call, to tie the service activity ...
  26. Type a category to identify the task type, such as lead gathering or customer follow up, to tie the task to a business group ...
  27. Type a detailed product description or additional notes about the opportunity product, such as talking points or product ...
  28. Type a number from 0 to 100 that represents the likelihood of closing the opportunity. This can aid the sales team in their ...
  29. Type a number or other tracking code to identify the campaign. If no value is entered, a code will be generated automatically. ...
  30. Type a numeric value of the lead's estimated value, such as a product quantity, if no revenue amount can be specified in ...
  31. Type a part of the name of each user you want to add to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Use semicolons between names. You can also ...
  32. Type a promotional code to track sales related to the campaign response or to allow the responder to redeem a discount offer. ...
  33. Type a subcategory to identify the appointment type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business ...
  34. Type a subcategory to identify the campaign activity type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business ...
  35. Type a subcategory to identify the campaign response type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business ...
  36. Type a subcategory to identify the email type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business group, ...
  37. Type a subcategory to identify the fax type to relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business group, or ...
  38. Type a subcategory to identify the letter type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business group, ...
  39. Type a subcategory to identify the phone call type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business ...
  40. Type a subcategory to identify the recurring appointment type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, ...
  41. Type a subcategory to identify the service activity type and relate the activity to a specific product, service region, business ...
  42. Type a subcategory to identify the task type and relate the activity to a specific product, sales region, business group, ...
  43. Type a subject or descriptive name, such as the expected order, company name, or marketing source list, to identify the lead. ...
  44. Type a subject or descriptive name, such as the request, issue, or company name, to identify the case in Microsoft Dynamics ...
  45. Type additional information about the primary party's role in the customer relationship, such as the length or quality of ...
  46. Type additional information about the secondary party's role in the customer relationship, such as the length or quality ...
  47. Type additional information to describe the campaign activity, such as key talking points, objectives, or details about the ...
  48. Type additional information to describe the opportunity, such as possible products to sell or past purchases from the customer. ...
  49. Type additional information to describe the order, such as the products or services offered or details about the customer's ...
  50. Type additional information to describe the phone call, such as the primary message or the products and services discussed. ...
  51. Type additional information to describe the quote, such as the products or services offered or details about the customer's ...
  52. Type notes about the customer's pain points to help the sales team identify products and services that could address these ...
  53. Type notes or other information about the competitor's strengths, such as top-selling products and targeted industries or ...
  54. Type notes or other information about the competitor's threats to your organization when you sell to the same prospect or ...
  55. Type notes or other information about the competitor's weaknesses or areas in which your organization outperforms the competitor. ...
  56. Type of queue that is automatically assigned when a user or queue is created. The type can be public, private, or work in ...
  57. Type some notes about the customer's requirements, to help the sales team identify products and services that could meet ...
  58. Type the actual cost of the campaign activity. The value entered is rolled up to the related campaign in the total cost calculations. ...
  59. Type the actual revenue amount for the opportunity for reporting and analysis of estimated versus actual sales. Field defaults ...
  60. Type the column name that will be used to group the results from the data collected across multiple records from a system ...
  61. Type the column name that will be used to group the results from the data collected across multiple records from a user view. ...
  62. Type the contact's first name to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns. ...
  63. Type the contact's last name to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns. ...
  64. Type the cost of freight or shipping for the products included in the invoice for use in calculating the total amount due. ...
  65. Type the cost of freight or shipping for the products included in the opportunity for use in calculating the Total Amount ...
  66. Type the cost of freight or shipping for the products included in the order for use in calculating the Total Amount field. ...
  67. Type the cost of freight or shipping for the products included in the quote for use in calculating the Total Amount field. ...
  68. Type the credit limit of the account. This is a useful reference when you address invoice and accounting issues with the ...
  69. Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Detail Amount field to include additional savings for the customer in ...
  70. Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Detail Amount field to include additional savings for the customer in ...
  71. Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Detail Amount field, for use in calculating the Pre-Freight Amount and ...
  72. Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Product Totals field to include additional savings for the customer ...
  73. Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Total Price, for use in calculating the net amount due for the contract ...
  74. Type the employee ID or number for the contact for reference in orders, service cases, or other communications with the contact's ...
  75. Type the estimated revenue amount to indicate the potential sale or value of the opportunity for revenue forecasting. This ...