Azure Management Portal

  1. An invalid job action was provided for the request; please provide a correct job action type and its required properties. ...
  2. An offline secondary will become read-only and ready for failover during a disaster in the primary region. Once failover ...
  3. An SSL certificate is required for all applications that use a custom domain. If none is provided, users will receive a certificate ...
  4. An unexpected error occurred while linking the schedule to the runbook. Schedule: '{0}'. Runbook: '{1}'. Please try again. ...
  5. An unexpected error occurred. Check the management portal for related information, and then try again. If you continue to ...
  6. An unknown error has occurred while trying to retrieve your settings. Try refreshing this page. If the problem continues, ...
  7. An unknown error occurred while performing this operation. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact ...
  8. And add the following to the app's file with your desired SDK version plugged in (you can find the latest versions ...
  9. Android: Open the project in the android folder. In Eclipse, go to File > Import , select Existing Projects into Workspace ...
  10. Another BizTalk Service is using the Tracking Database and/or the Monitoring/Archiving Storage account. You cannot use the ...
  11. Apache Hive provides a means of running MapReduce job through an SQL-like scripting language, called HiveQL. HiveQL statements ...
  12. Apart from getting charged for a new database, replication traffic to the secondary database will also be billed as normal ...
  13. API Key and Secret Key are used to authenticate with Baidu cloud push service. You can obtain these credentials by creating ...
  14. App Service plans can be shared across multiple web apps. Each plan has a pricing tier associated with it. Different pricing ...
  15. Application Proxy enables you to publish web applications inside your private network and allow users on any device to access ...
  16. Applications integrated with Azure Active Directory may request permission to access a user's data in the directory or in ...
  17. Applications using this access key will not be able to connect to the endpoint after you regenerate the access key. You must ...
  18. Archive Window controls the amount of program data that is retained in your asset. If your program runs longer than the Archive ...
  19. Are you having trouble creating a collection? If you need assistance, please contact Microsoft at [email protected] ...
  20. Are you sure that you want to discard the runbook draft? If you discard the draft, any changes will be lost. Runbook: '{0}' ...
  21. Are you sure that you want to enable soft delete for the table: '{0}'? If this table contains many rows, the operation may ...
  22. Are you sure that you want to remove all of the Autoscale settings? You won't be able to recover them once they're removed. ...
  23. Are you sure that you want to remove yourself as a co-administrator for subscription {0}? You will no longer be able to manage ...
  24. Are you sure you want to delete the CDN endpoint? Changes to the CDN configuration may take up to 60 minutes to propogate ...
  25. Are you sure you want to delete the record with ID: '{0}'? Note: this action will not execute a registered delete script. ...
  26. Are you sure you want to delete the rights policy template, {0}? Content that is protected with this template will become ...
  27. Are you sure you want to disable the CDN endpoint? Changes to the CDN configuration may take up to 60 minutes to propogate ...
  28. Are you sure you want to downgrade Notification Hub '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}' tier? Your service may experience throttling ...
  29. Are you sure you want to make your storage account {0}? This change can have a pricing impact. pricingDetail|Pricing Detail.|{1}|_blank] ...
  30. Are you sure you want to scale the following websites? Websites that you move to Reserved mode will continue to be billed ...
  31. Are you sure you want to soft delete the record with ID '{0}'? This action will not cause a registered delete script to execute. ...
  32. Are you sure you want to truncate the table '{0}'? WARNING: this action will permanently delete ALL data in the table without ...
  33. ARE YOU SURE? You are changing unique ID used to match objects of the type {0} in {1} with objects of type {2} in {3}. Press ...
  34. Argument cipherData is not a valid Base64 string. Most likely its not encrypted while we were expecting an encrypted setting. ...
  35. As a security precaution, complete verification of your account by using a code that will be sent from Windows Live to your ...
  36. Assign a unique name to this backup policy that has between 3 and 150 characters. The name can only contain letters, numbers, ...
  37. Assisted Recovery - One or more of your services have recovered from an incident. If you still need assistance, click OK ...
  38. At least one streaming unit is required for dynamic packaging to Smooth, HLS, and MPEG-DASH. Without a streaming unit, only ...
  39. At the successful completion of this operation, some of the services in the cluster will be restarted. As a result, any running ...
  40. At this time, Geo-Replication is not available for Elastic databases. learnMoreElasticPool|Learn more|{0}|_blank about Elastic ...
  41. Auditing Security is available on the V12 version of SQL Database, learnMoreLatestSqlUpdate|learn more|{url}|_blank about ...
  42. Auditing settings will be applied to all databases that use the default configuration and to all newly created databases. ...
  43. Automated export can run only when you allow Windows Azure to connect to your SQL database. {0}| Enable Windows Azure Services ...
  44. Automation account '{0}' and all runbooks and objects in the account will be permanently deleted. Do you want to continue? ...
  45. Automation accounts serve as the container for runbooks and assets that the runbooks depend on. {urlGotoAccount}|Click here ...
  46. Automation runbooks are Powershell based workflows which allows you to automate your Azure management tasks. {urlGotoRunbooks}|Click ...
  47. Autoscale will scale by the count of instances or the by size of an instance. Scaling by count is recommended, unless your ...
  48. Azure Active Directory cannot provision more users to Dropbox on your behalf, because your Dropbox team is already full. ...
  49. Azure Active Directory cannot provision more users to Google Apps on your behalf, because your domain user limit has been ...
  50. Azure Active Directory cannot provision more users to on your behalf, because your user license limit has ...
  51. Azure Active Directory Device Registration is the foundation for device-based conditional access scenarios. When a device ...
  52. Azure Active Directory is a comprehensive identity and access management cloud solution that provides a robust set of capabilities ...
  53. Azure Active Directory is no longer authorized to provision users to Box on your behalf. Please provide the necessary authorization ...
  54. Azure Active Directory is no longer authorized to provision users to DropBox on your behalf. Please provide the necessary ...
  55. Azure Active Directory is not, or is no longer, authorized to provision users to Box on your behalf. Please provide the necessary ...
  56. Azure Active Directory is not, or is no longer, authorized to provision users to Dropbox on behalf of a Dropbox team administrator. ...
  57. Azure Active Directory Premium enhances your directory with additional features that include multi-factor authentication, ...
  58. Azure AD synchronization supports rich customization options. While we are working on user interface just as rich, you may ...
  59. Azure Stream Analytics Queries are written using the Stream Analytics Query language, a SQL-Like language designed for filtering, ...
  60. Backup names must start with a letter or number and be lowercase containing only letters, numbers, and hyphens. The name ...
  61. Backup policy allows you to create backups according to a schedule that you specify including frequency and retention. You ...
  62. Backup your Windows Azure Website to a Storage Account on demand, or on a schedule you define. Use this backup to create ...
  63. Bad Gateway: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed ...
  64. Bandwidth templates contain multiple time-of-day schedules that can be applied across volume containers to control the amount ...
  65. BANNER LOGO (60 x 280 pixels) The banner logo is displayed on the Azure AD sign-in page, when users sign in to cloud applications ...
  66. Based on access attempts through the Access Panel. For Office 365 applications, direct access attempts are also included. ...
  67. Based on CPU usage and the number of instances that your application used over the past 7 days, this is your estimated monthly ...
  68. Basic configuration includes assigning a friendly name and supplying a description for your device. The description usually ...
  69. Basic, Standard and Premium service tiers offer predictable performance, flexible business continuity options, and streamlined ...
  70. Because load balancing of web apps within the same region is done automatically by App Service, you can only configure Azure ...
  71. Because of a high volume of errors, we have decreased the frequency of synchronization to an interval of up to once per day. ...
  72. Because this is your last mobile service, we would appreciate if you would share some feedback with us. Please let us know ...
  73. Because you have selected a mobile service in the Free or Basic tier, all other services within the same tier in this region ...
  74. Because your organization uses Mobile Device Management for Office 365, you'll need to manage access rules from the Office ...
  75. Before Autoscale configuration can begin, please make sure all the virtual machines in this availability set are the same ...