SQL Server 2008 R2

  1. Controls the normalization of continuous attributes. Setting this value to 1 causes all continuous attributes to be normalized ...
  2. Controls the threshold at which the algorithm detects instability in variances in the ARTXP time series algorithm and stops ...
  3. Controls when profile is output. Exact: only when exact FD, Specified: only when FD strength is above threshold specified ...
  4. Controls when profile is output. Exact: only when exact inclusion, Specified: only when inclusion strength is above threshold ...
  5. Controls when profile is output. Exact: only when exact key, Specified: only when key strength is above threshold specified ...
  6. Controls when profile is output. Exact: only when superset side columns form an exact key in the superset side table or view, ...
  7. Controls whether a trigger can perform an action that initiates another trigger. When cleared, triggers cannot be fired by ...
  8. Conversion from data type "%1!s!" to data type "%2!s!" is unsupported. The source type cannot be converted to the destination ...
  9. Conversion of Oracle ROWNUM structure may lead to the significant degradation of resulting Transact-SQL code performance. ...
  10. Conversion Options This tab contains modes of conversion mode. There are four choices: Default - In this mode, the default ...
  11. Conversion This tab allows changing parameters affecting PL/SQL to Transact-SQL conversion performed by SSMA. It contains ...
  12. Conversion will save the measure group's writeback table in a permanent partition and will make the measure group read-only. ...
  13. Converting "%1!s!" from type DT_STR to type DT_WSTR failed with error code 2!8.8X!. An error occurred while performing the ...
  14. Converting an input column from type DT_STR to type DT_WSTR failed. An error occurred while performing the implicit conversion ...
  15. Converting file to optimized format. This operation may take several minutes. The file will be loaded automatically when ...
  16. Converts a local datetime value and a time zone offset to a datetimeoffset value with the given time zone offset being perserved. ...
  17. Coordinates of the map area. The Shape property determines how many coordinates are required to correctly draw the shape. ...
  18. Copying cluster-resource {0} to {1} failed because the source or destination contains a zero-length string or one or more ...
  19. Copying log backup files. Primary Server: '{0}', Primary Database: '{1}', Backup Source Directory: '{2}', Backup Destination ...
  20. CORRELATION=1= Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the correlation of two series evaluated over a set. ...
  21. Could not add article '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this ...
  22. Could not add article '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and ...
  23. Could not add column information to the cdc.captured_columns system table for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. Refer to previous ...
  24. Could not add column information to the cdc.index_columns system table for the specified index for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!. ...
  25. Could not add filter '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and ...
  26. Could not add filter '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and ...
  27. Could not add new article to publication '%1!s!' because of active schema change activities or a snapshot is being generated. ...
  28. Could not add the field "{0}" to the PivotTable because it is no longer valid. Please refresh the PivotTable to see a valid ...
  29. Could not add the field "{0}" to the PivotTable. Please ensure the field exists and is calculated, and try refreshing the ...
  30. Could not allocate a new page for database '%1!s!' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup '%2!s!'. Create the necessary ...
  31. Could not allocate ancillary table for view or function resolution. The maximum number of tables in a query (%1!s!) was exceeded. ...
  32. Could not allocate enough memory to start the Service Broker task manager. This message is a symptom of another problem. ...
  33. Could not allocate memory for Change Data Capture population. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. ...
  34. Could not allocate memory for the log reader history cache. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. ...
  35. Could not allocate space for object '%1!s!'%2!s! in database '%3!s!' because the '%4!s!' filegroup is full. Create disk space ...
  36. Could not alter column '%1!s!' of change table '%2!s!' in response to a data type change in the corresponding column of the ...
  37. Could not automatically discover any SQL Server instances. Choose Register SQL Server Instance from the shortcut menu if ...
  38. Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object '%1!s!' could not be opened. Operating system error code %2!s!. Make ...
  39. Could not change the Publisher because the subscription has been dropped. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to clean up the triggers. ...
  40. Could not clean up change tables for database '%1!s!'. A failure occurred when attempting to clean up the database change ...
  41. Could not clean up the configuration by dropping the public synonym on the Oracle server instance. To drop the public synonym ...
  42. Could not cleanup change tables for capture instance '%1!s!' using low end point %2!s!. Refer to previous errors in the current ...
  43. Could not clear '%1!s!' bitmap in database '%2!s!' because of error %3!s!. As a result, the differential or bulk-logged bitmap ...
  44. Could not close network endpoint, or could not shut down network library. The cause is an internal error in a network library. ...
  45. Could not complete resource governor configuration because there is not enough memory. Reduce the server load or try the ...
  46. Could not complete setting up the no-sync subscription at the Distributor while the distribution cleanup agent is running. ...
  47. Could not compose Service Principal Name (SPN) for Windows Integrated Authentication. Possible causes are server(s) incorrectly ...
  48. Could not compute the new low endpoint for database '%1!s!' from retention %2!s!. Refer to previous errors in the current ...
  49. Could not connect because the maximum number of '%1!s!' dedicated administrator connections already exists. Before a new ...
  50. Could not connect because the maximum number of '%1!s!' user connections has already been reached. The system administrator ...
  51. Could not connect to linked server '%1!s!' (OLE DB Provider '%2!s!'). Enable delegation or use a remote SQL Server login ...
  52. Could not connect to server '%1!s!' because '%2!s!' is not defined as a remote login at the server. Verify that you have ...
  53. Could not connect to server '%1!s!' because '%2!s!' is not defined as a remote server. Verify that you have specified the ...
  54. Could not connect to server '%1!s!' because it is not configured to accept remote logins. Use the remote access configuration ...
  55. Could not connect to the report server {0}. Verify that the TargetServerURL is valid and that you have the correct permissions ...
  56. Could not convert the value for OPENXML column '%1!s!' to sql_variant data type. The value is too long. Change the data type ...
  57. Could not convert the XML or spatial index '%1!s!' to a relational index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. Drop the XML ...
  58. Could not convert the XML or spatial index '{0}' to a relational index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. Drop the XML or ...
  59. Could not create a capture instance because the capture instance name '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Specify ...
  60. Could not create a clustered index for table dbo.systranschemas in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current ...
  61. Could not create a connection for the provider invariant name '{0}'. Verify that this provider is installed correctly on ...
  62. Could not create a DbProviderFactory class for the provider invariant name '{0}'. Verify that this provider is installed ...
  63. Could not create a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax ...
  64. Could not create a nonclustered index to support net change tracking for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. ...
  65. Could not create DDL trigger '%1!s!' when enabling Change Data Capture for database '%2!s!'. Additional messages in the SQL ...
  66. Could not create index enforcing primary key constraint '%1!s!' using DROP_EXISTING option because table has an XML or spatial ...
  67. Could not create internal stored procedures used to populate the change table for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table ...
  68. Could not create key: 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support ...
  69. Could not create or move file '%1'. The number of characters in the complete path name exceeds the file system limits. Reduce ...
  70. Could not create table dbo.systranschemas in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify ...
  71. Could not create tempdb. You may not have enough disk space available. Free additional disk space by deleting other files ...
  72. Could not create the Change Data Capture objects in database '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to ...
  73. Could not create the change enumeration functions for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous ...
  74. Could not create the change table for capture instance '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!.%3!s!'. Refer to previous errors in ...
  75. Could not create the function to query for all changes for capture instance '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current ...