Dynamics AX 2009
- Forecast dimensions %1 and %2 are always used together. Because forecast dimension %1 was added, forecast dimension %2 was ...
- Forecast dimensions %1 and %2 are always used together. Because forecast dimension %2 was removed, forecast dimension %1 ...
- Formats the specified string and substitutes any occurrences of % n with the nth argument. The arguments are strings. If ...
- Formula %1 not found when synchronizing batch attribute transfer information. This is an internal error. Please report this ...
- Formula calculations give the estimated prices on all formula levels. As a result, the contribution of a single item or operation ...
- Found a %s record instead of an expected %s record. Check to see if an override of the resolveReference method is returning ...
- Free text invoice %1 was not imported because the assigned billing code %2 does not belong to the assigned billing classification ...
- Free variable: Enter additional data that is passed to the application object to provide context for the scheduler job that ...
- French commitments exist in the current fiscal year. If you stop using French public sector accounting rules, you cannot ...
- French commitments exist in the current fiscal year. If you stop using French public sector accounting rules, you cannot ...
- From a sales order line, you can attach a sales price breakdown that is created for a product configuration model. Select ...
- From the RFQ reply, original RFQ reply line or its alternate on an RFQ with a Purchase type of purchase requisition should ...
- From the RFQ reply, you can only accept the original RFQ reply line or its alternate on an RFQ with a Purchase type of purchase ...
- Generate a list of sales tax transactions for purchases in a sales tax settlement period, classified according to Belgian ...
- Generate a list of the total cost basis of acquisitions for each quarter as well as the percent of the assets placed in service ...
- Generate a report of the number of employees who are veterans by veteran status and job category for the regulatory VETS ...
- Generate a report that compares the cost basis, year-to-date depreciation, life-to-date depreciation and net book value for ...
- Generate a report that shows amounts that are posted to payroll allocation accounts per category for two specific periods ...
- Generate a report that shows amounts that are posted to payroll allocation accounts per employee for two specific periods ...
- Generate a report that shows how the hours that are allocated to customers and customer projects are being used per category ...
- Generate a report that shows how the hours that are allocated to customers and customer projects are being used per employee ...
- Generate a report that shows how the hours that are allocated to customers and customer projects are being used per project ...
- Generate a report that shows ledger reconciliation of payroll allocation accounts between the Project and General ledger ...
- Generate a report that shows ledger reconciliation of profit and loss accounts between the Project and General ledger areas ...
- Generate a report that shows profit and loss figures per project that are posted to profit and loss accounts for two specific ...
- Generate report for checking the total of all ledger transaction amounts in company currency per voucher and transaction ...
- Generate report on any two selected books for each asset that compares the cost basis, year-to-date depreciation, life-to-date ...
- Generate report on sales tax transactions for purchases in a sales tax settlement period, classified according to Belgian ...
- Generate report on the total cost basis of acquisitions for each quarter as well as the percent of the assets placed in service ...
- Generate terminal statements. The method that is used to generate terminal statements is defined in the store setup. However, ...
- Generate the Cash counting statement (INV-15), which contains the cash counting details for a cash account on a specified ...
- Generate the Journal of registration of documents report, which is used to prepare cash receipt registers with reimbursement ...
- Generate the list of the classes that are used for load building strategies. This updates the list and parameters for the ...
- Generate the NVFA accounting card (MB-2), for the issue of work clothes, special riggings, or NVFAs to employees for long ...
- Generate the NVFA Statement of writing-off (MB-8), to document the write-off of work clothes, special riggings, or NVFAs ...
- Generate the Turnover sheet with correspondence report, which provides the account activity information for the accounting ...
- Generating a template for this layout will lock the layout for editing. If you wish to modify the layout, the template will ...
- Generation of internal record identification numbers, RecIds, has failed. For data integrity reasons the program will have ...
- Generation of the WCF configuration has failed, and the previously saved local configuration will be used. Exception details: ...
- Generation of time periods cannot proceed, because the limit of %1 periods is exceeded. You must edit the setup for period ...
- Go to Office 365 Admin Portal to get your Microsoft account and enter it here to link this worker. This is needed for the ...
- Grant Dynamics Browser permission to AX system service accounts request to the SQL Server Reporting Services web service ...
- Grant status must be either Active or Awarded to add a funding source. Verify the grant status and return to the Associated ...
- Group project transactions by category, sales tax group, and item sales tax group to generate and print project fiscal documents. ...
- Group project transactions by the identification code of the person who is associated with the project transactions to generate ...
- Group units of measure into one license plate if the quantity is less than one pallet or create a unique license plate for ...
- Guideline increase %1 = %2(Pay rate) %3(Merit increase target) %4(Performance factor) %5(Increase modifier) %6(Hire rule ...
- Guideline increase %1 = (%2(Fixed pay rate) %3(Increase budget) %4(Performance factor %) %5(Increase modifier %) %6(Hire ...
- Hardware station provides services for Retail Modern POS to connect to peripherals such as printers, cash drawers, or payment ...
- has been started. System Information: PID: %3 Component: %4 Registration: %5 Build number: %6 Configuration: %7% n System ...
- has user settings, but these are ignored, as the form contains breakpoints. Breakpoints cause the user setup to be disabled. ...
- HcmTmpHTMLComment table is intended to be used by the HcmHTMLCommentUtility to display comments for specified parent key. ...
- Help Server is a server application that manages the storage and display of Microsoft Dynamics 'AX 7' Technical Preview online ...
- Helps to map the hardware station profile with store table, the store can have multiple hardware stations. The table contains ...
- Heuristics will be used to determine the order in which discounts will be applied. Choose this option if you want to optimize ...
- Hourly cost that will be used in cost-accounting for reported process time and setter time. The field is populated automatically ...
- Hours have already been entered in this timesheet. All of the hours on this line will be deleted. Do you want to continue? ...
- How will the gift certificate be printed? It may be emailed, printed on paper, or it can be either and decided at order entry ...
- However, because the fields listed below contain data, you may want to back up your database before the fields are deleted. ...
- However, because the tables listed below contain records, you may want to back up your database before the tables are actually ...
- HTTP Activation supports process activation via HTTP. Applications that use HTTP Activation can start and stop dynamically ...
- Identification of picking list journal. The field is only completed if the BOM consumption is selected. If you use the picking ...
- Identification of the count unit. This field is entered automatically. Numbering follows the number sequence in the Time ...
- Identification of the picking list journal. If you select the BOM consumption field, Microsoft Dynamics AX generates the ...
- Identification of the reporting-as-finished journal. The field is only populated if the Production report as finished field ...
- Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail ...
- Identifies the status of the catalog settings. Catalog settings must be active before users can access the vendor catalog ...
- Identifies whether the regulatory reporting information applies to the debit side, to the credit side or to both debit and ...
- Identify sales order transactions for the customer as export sales transactions. You can then view the sales order in the ...
- Identify the production output location within the output warehouse. The production location must be of the type "production ...
- Identifying information that is associated with the entity, such as the name of the employee who filed the expense report ...
- If a BOM is assigned to the product, select this option to indicate that you want the product to be treated as a phantom ...
- If a cash discount code is specified, the percentage of the transaction amount that is the cash discount of the transaction. ...
- If a check appears in this box, the option to calculate hourly costs as an effective labor rate has been enabled for the ...
- If a check mark is displayed, matching discrepancies exist, and the Approve posting with matching discrepancies option is ...