.NET Framework
- Error verifying signature of the redistributable component CAB file. Re-run Setup and download the CAB file from the correct ...
- Error while importing type: parameter referenced a type library that is not available (type: '%ls'; parameter: '%d'; method: ...
- Error while importing type: parameter referenced a type library that is not available (type: '%ls'; parameter: '%ls'; method: ...
- Error: Can't execute the command using the 32-bit version under WOW64. Please run the command in the 64-bit installation ...
- Error: Can't execute the command using the 32-bit version under WOW64. Please run the command in the 64-bit installation ...
- Error: GenericParam has inconsistent special constraints ReferenceTypeConstraint and ValueTypeConstraint in flags ( 08x). ...
- Error: No 64-bit install detected. You must register the 64-bit version before using 32-bit version under WOW64. Please run ...
- Error: No 64-bit install detected. You must register the 64-bit version before using 32-bit version under WOW64. Please run ...
- Error: Signature has token following ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS (_VALUETYPE) that is not a TypeDef or TypeRef (token: 08x; offset: ...
- Error: The dependency '%1' in project '%2' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency ...
- Error: Type '{0}' could not be imported because it redefines inherited member '{1}' with a different type. '{1}' is declared ...
- EvaluationOrder value is invalid. Evaluation order values must be zero based, increasing in order and unique. Use -1 to indicate ...
- Event '{0}' has a parameter of type '{1}'. Events exposed to Windows Runtime must use delegate types that are also exposed ...
- Event '|1' cannot implement event '|2' on interface '|3' because the parameters of their 'RemoveHandler' methods do not match. ...
- Event '|1' cannot implement event '|3.|2' because its delegate type does not match the delegate type of another event implemented ...
- Event add method '{0}' has a parameter of type '{1}'. The parameters to event add methods must be Windows Runtime delegates. ...
- Event add method '{0}' has an invalid signature. Add method signatures must have a single parameter that is a Windows Runtime ...
- Event add method '{0}' has return type '{1}'. Event add methods must return System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken. ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event code: %1 %rEvent message: %2 %rEvent time: %3 %rEvent time (UTC): %4 %rEvent ID: %5 %rEvent sequence: %6 %rEvent occurrence: ...
- Event definitions with parameters are not allowed in an interface such as '|1' that has 'In' or 'Out' type parameters. Consider ...
- Event name {0} used more than once. If you wish to overload a method, the overloaded method should have a NonEvent attribute. ...
- Event raised when the grid scrolls horizontally or vertically. Use the ScrollEventArgs.Orientation to determine the direction ...
- Event remove method '{0}' has a parameter of type '{1}'. Windows Runtime events must have a System.Runtime.InteropServic ...
- Event remove method '{0}' has an invalid signature. Remove method signatures must have no return value and must take a single ...
- Event type "{0}" was expected to be serializable using the .NET serializer. The event was not serializable and has been ignored. ...
- Events cannot be set on the object passed to the event binding service because a site associated with the object could not ...
- events were discarded since last notification was made at {2} because the event buffer capacity was exceeded. (Warning ID: ...
- Every member of the derived group particle must be a valid restriction of the base wildcard, NSRecurseCheckCardinality Rule ...
- Examples: MSBuild MyApp.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release MSBuild MyApp.csproj /t:Clean /p:Configuration=Debug;TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5 ...
- Examples: MSBuild MyApp.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release MSBuild MyApp.csproj /t:Clean /p:Configuration=Debug;TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5 ...
- Execute requires the Command object to have a Transaction object when the Connection object assigned to the Command is in ...
- Executes contained activities based on associated event/condition. Contained activities are executed until specified condition ...
- Executing a stylesheet that was compiled using a later version of the framework is not supported. Stylesheet Version: {0}. ...
- Execution of the 'document()' function was prohibited. Use the XsltSettings.EnableDocumentFunction property to enable it. ...
- Existing cache entry is removed since a restarted response was changed on the server, cache LastModified date = {0}, new ...
- Existing type '{0}' specified via the referenced types collection has been referenced in the generated code. Cannot set namespace ...
- Existing type '{0}' specified via the referenced types collection has been referenced in the generated code. Members cannot ...
- exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares '|1' in the 'Implements' clause instead of ...
- expand does not support '{0}' ordering expressions simultaneously on the top level type. Ordering expressions include top ...
- Expected activity '{0}' to have '{1}' argument(s), '{2}' public variable(s), '{3}' private variable(s), and '{4}' runtime ...
- Expected e.Parameter to be non-null and to be a PropertyValue. CommandParameter should have a Binding to the PropertyValue. ...
- Expected Original Argument Count = '{0}', Public Variable Count = '{1}', Private Variable Count = '{2}'. Actual Original ...
- Expected schema root. Make sure the root element is and the namespace is 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' for an XSD schema ...
- Expected the original environment of activity '{0}' to have '{1}' argument(s), '{2}' public variable(s), '{3}' private variable(s), ...
- Explicit interface implementation '%1!ls!' matches more than one interface member. Which interface member is actually chosen ...
- ExportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only export definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateExportDefinition ...
- exports' cannot contain more than one element when ImportDefinition.ImportCardinality is ImportCardinality.ZeroOrOne or ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne. ...
- Expression has the type '|1' which is a restricted type and cannot be used to access members inherited from 'Object' or 'ValueType'. ...
- Expression of type '|1' is not queryable. Make sure you are not missing an assembly reference and/or namespace import for ...
- Extended protection is not supported on this platform. Please install the appropriate patch or change the ExtendedProtectionPolicy ...
- Extended protection is not supported or not enabled on this platform. Please install the appropriate patch and enable it ...
- ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' and a ChannelBinding was not found. This prevents the ...
- ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' which is not supported for the authentication mode requested. ...
- Extender control '{0}' is not a registered extender control. Extender controls must be registered using RegisterExtenderControl() ...
- Extender control type '{0}' does not have any attributes of type '{1}'. Extender control types must have at least one attribute ...
- Extension element '{0}' cannot be added to this element. Verify that the extension is registered in the extension collection ...
- Extension object should not have wider permissions than the caller of the AddExtensionObject(). If wider permissions are ...
- Failed during cache dependency registration. Please make sure the database name and the table name are valid. Table names ...
- Failed during cache dependency registration. Please make sure the database name and the table name are valid. Table names ...
- Failed to check convertibility from type '{0}' using '{1}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented TypeConverter. ...