Azure Data Factory

  1. Cannot Perform actions on the DataFactory '{0}' as there is mismatch in the ScaleUnit Identifier. Expected '{1}' actual '{2}' ...
  2. Cannot perform operation on a Factory which failed to be created. Factory creation failed due to internal system issue. Either ...
  3. Cannot perform operation on a Factory which failed to be created. Factory creation failed due to internal system issue. Either ...
  4. Cannot set active period {0} for pipeline '{1}' due to conflicts on {2}. Try changing the active period or using autoResolve ...
  5. Cannot set active period {0} for pipeline {1} due to conflicts on {2}. Try changing the active period or using autoResolve ...
  6. Click 'Authorize' to allow this data factory and the activities it runs to access this Data Lake Store with your access rights ...
  7. Cloud service cannot connect to the gateway through service bus. You may not be able to use the Data Factory Copy Wizard ...
  8. Compute type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance. ...
  9. Compute type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  10. Connection string specified for '{0}' is invalid. Please check the '{1}' part in connectionString property in {0} linked ...
  11. Connection string specified for {0} is invalid. Please check the {1} part in connectionString property in {0} linked service. ...
  12. Container names must start with a lowercase letter or number, and can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the dash ...
  13. Contoso is a gaming company that creates games for multiple platforms: game consoles, hand held devices, and personal computers ...
  14. Copy activity "{0}" has an invalid "sink" property. The sink type is not compatible with the dataset "{1}" and its linked ...
  15. Copy activity "{0}" has an invalid "sink" property. The sink type is not compatible with the dataset "{1}" and its linked ...
  16. Copy activity "{0}" has an invalid "source" property. The source type is not compatible with the dataset "{1}" and its linked ...
  17. Copy activity "{0}" has an invalid "source" property. The source type is not compatible with the dataset "{1}" and its linked ...
  18. Copy activity '{0}' cannot be run on the compute linked service '{1}'. Please remove this linked service reference from the ...
  19. Copy activity '{0}' has an invalid "sink" property. The sink type is not compatible with the dataset '{1}' and its linked ...
  20. Copy activity '{0}' has an invalid "source" property. The source type is not compatible with the dataset '{1}' and its linked ...
  21. Copy activity '{0}' specifies sink type '{1}', which is not compatible with the output dataset type '{2}'. Please refer to ...
  22. Copy activity '{0}' specifies source type '{1}', which is not compatible with the input dataset type '{2}'. Please refer ...
  23. Copy Activity '{0}' specifies transformation type '{1}' that is missing a value for the '{2}' property. Please supply this ...
  24. Copy activity met an internal service error. For more information, provide this message to customer support. ErrorCode: {0} ...
  25. Copy activity performance tuning properties are not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team ...
  26. Copy activity performance tuning properties are not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team ...
  27. Copy activity {0}specifies sink type '{1}', which is not compatible with the output dataset type '{2}'. Please refer to ...
  28. Copy activity {0}specifies source type '{1}', which is not compatible with the input dataset type '{2}'. Please refer to ...
  29. Copy into a PropertySink is not supported. Please check with our MSDN documentation ...
  30. Copy into Oracle is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact support if you would like to use this feature: htt ...
  31. Copy into SQL Data Warehouse using PolyBase is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team ...
  32. Copy into SQL Data Warehouse using PolyBase is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team ...
  33. Copy sink type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  34. Copy source type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further ...
  35. Copy translator type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further ...
  36. Copy via staging is not enabled for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance. ...
  37. Copy via staging is not enabled for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  38. Creation of Activity failed because the maximum number of Activities has already been reached. Factory ID: {0} Number of ...
  39. Creation of Data Artifact failed because the maximum number of Data Artifacts has already been reached. Factory ID: {0} Number ...
  40. Creation of Data Factory failed because the maximum number of Data Factories has already been reached. Number of factories: ...
  41. Creation of Pipeline failed because the maximum number of Pipelines has already been reached. Factory ID: {0} Number of Pipelines: ...
  42. Credentials cannot be set using an offline data gateway. Launch Data Management Gateway Configuration Manager on the gateway ...
  43. Credentials cannot be set using an offline data gateway. Select an online data gateway in DATA GATEWAY field and reopen CREDENTIALS ...
  44. Credentials cannot be set using an unregistered data gateway. Select an online data gateway in DATA GATEWAY field and reopen ...
  45. Credentials cannot be set using an unregistered data gateway. The data gateway '{gatewayName}' associated with the data store ...
  46. Custom copy sink type is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further ...
  47. Custom copy source type is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further ...
  48. Custom copy translator type is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further ...
  49. Custom dataset type is not supported for subscription '{0}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  50. Data column index is out of bounds. The table schema definition in JSON does not match the data format. Schema column count: ...
  51. Data gateway is a client agent installed in your corporate environment that provides Azure Data Factory the access to on-premises ...
  52. Data store is stale. The associated data gateway '{gatewayName}' does not exist. Delete the data store '{dataStoreName}' ...
  53. Dataset '{0}' is not ready. Current status: {1}. If '{0}' is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and ...
  54. Dataset compression is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if you ...
  55. Dataset compression is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if you ...
  56. Dataset Scope in Scheduled Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you ...
  57. Dataset Scope in Scheduled Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you ...
  58. Dataset Scope not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this ...
  59. Dataset Scope not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this ...
  60. Dataset type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance: ...
  61. Dataset type '{0}' is not supported in a copy activity. Please check with our MSDN document ...
  62. Dataset {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and inspecting ...
  63. Determines which jobs out of all that are queued should be selected to run first. The lower the number, the higher the priority ...
  64. Draft could not be recovered. In most cases this is caused by changing the machine and/or browser in which work is being ...
  65. Example: (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= ( ...
  66. Exception happened when calling Livy. DataFactoryName '{0}', PipelineName '{1}', ActivityName '{2}', HdiLinkedServiceName ...
  67. Existing activity types '{0}' cannot be removed from the supported activities list during update of linked service types. ...
  68. External dataset '{0}' is specified as an output of an activity in the Pipeline. Output datasets are expected to be internal ...
  69. External dataset {0} is specified as an output of an activity in the Pipeline. Output datasets are expected to be internal ...
  70. Failed to connect to storage linked service "{0}". Please verify that the connection string of the storage is still valid. ...
  71. Failed to connect to storage linked service '{0}'. Please verify that the connection string of the storage is still valid. ...
  72. Failed to copy file from {0} to {1}. Error: {2}, HTTP status code: {3}, HTTP status message{4}, extended status code: {5}, ...
  73. Failed to detect the region for Azure Data Lake account '{0}'. Please make sure that the Resource Group name: '{1}' and subscription ...
  74. Failed to detect the region for Azure Data Lake account '{0}'. Please make sure whether the Resource Group name: '{1}' and ...
  75. Failed to merge "{0}" with existing secret because of {1} mismatch. New {2} = "{3}", existing {4} = "{5}". Please make sure ...