Azure Data Catalog

  1. Enable authorizing Active Directory security groups to access Data Catalog and enable automatic adjustment of billing units ...
  2. Enter a name and location for your Data Catalog, and select an Azure subscription for billing. If you do not have a subscription, ...
  3. Enter a name and location for your data catalog, and select an Azure subscription for billing. If you do not have a subscription, ...
  4. Example: (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= ( ...
  5. Existing activity types '{0}' cannot be removed from the supported activities list during update of linked service types. ...
  6. External dataset {0} is specified as an output of an activity in the Pipeline. Output datasets are expected to be internal ...
  7. Failed to connect to storage linked service "{0}". Please verify that the connection string of the storage is still valid. ...
  8. Failed to copy file from {0} to {1}. Error: {2}, HTTP status code: {3}, HTTP status message{4}, extended status code: {5}, ...
  9. Failed to merge "{0}" with existing secret because of {1} mismatch. New {2} = "{3}", existing {4} = "{5}". Please make sure ...
  10. Failed to merge new Sql connection string with the existing one because of DataSource mismatch. New DataSource = "{0}", existing ...
  11. Failed to merge new Sql connection string with the existing one because of UserID mismatch. New UserID = "{0}", existing ...
  12. Failed to merge shared access key with existing ServiceBus transport shared access key because of ServiceBusEndpoint mismatch. ...
  13. Failed to merge shared access key with existing ServiceBus transport shared access key because of ServiceBusSharedAccessKeyName ...
  14. File format '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further assistance. ...
  15. Firewall rules for the selected SQL server do not allow connection to server from Azure services. Change the server settings ...
  16. Following properties for resource '{1}' have been deprecated: {0}. Please remove these properties from the JSON definition. ...
  17. Glossary administrators that are not included in the user list will no longer be able to access Data Catalog after Free Edition ...
  18. Glossary administrators that are not part of the list of users won't be able to access a Free Edition Data Catalog. Please ...
  19. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using Azure Data Catalog and would like to ask a question that I don't see answered elsewhere. ...
  20. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using Azure Data Catalog and would like to provide feedback on the current experience and ...
  21. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using Azure Data Catalog and would like to set up a demo to better understand the capabilities ...
  22. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using the Azure Data Catalog preview and would like to ask a question that I don t see answered ...
  23. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using the Azure Data Catalog preview and would like to ask a question that I don't see answered ...
  24. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using the Azure Data Catalog preview and would like to provide feedback on the current experience ...
  25. Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using the Azure Data Catalog preview and would like to set up a demo to better understand ...
  26. Hi,%0A%0AI'm requesting access to the {0} {1} on {2}.%0A%0AAs the database administrator or owner of the data source, could ...
  27. Hi,%0A%0AI'm requesting access to:%0A{0}%0AAs the database administrator or owner of the data source, could you please grant ...
  28. Hub Name value is not valid for Pipeline {0}. Hub Name must not be specified for Pipelines with Null Activities and StoredProcedure ...
  29. Hub {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and inspecting ...
  30. I'm requesting access to Azure Data Catalog and its capabilities for data source discovery and annotation. As an administrator ...
  31. I'm requesting access to Azure Data Catalog and its capabilities for data source discovery and annotation.%0A%0AAs an administrator ...
  32. I'm trying to set up Azure Data Catalog for our organization, but cannot proceed because someone is already in the process ...
  33. Invalid 'case-sensitive' parameter value for sortKeys key '{0}'. Case-sensitive value in sort paths can only be set to '0' ...
  34. Invalid 'missing value' parameter value for sortKeys key '{0}'. Missing value can only be set to 'lowValue' or 'highValue'. ...
  35. Invalid .Net activity package found in blob. Ensure that the package files are in the root of the zip file. Assembly Name: ...
  36. Invalid custom activity package found in blob. Ensure that the package files are in the root of the zip file. Assembly Name: ...
  37. Invalid parameter '{0}' provided to copy activity. This could be caused by the mismatch between the information in encrypted ...
  38. is not ready. Current status: {2}. If {0} {1} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and inspecting ...
  39. is not yet enabled for the Azure Data Catalog. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact your ...
  40. Linked service type '{0}' is not enabled for subscription '{1}'. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team for further ...
  41. Linked service {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object ...
  42. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. ...
  43. Microsoft Azure Data Catalog is a fully managed cloud service that enables users to discover, understand, and consume data ...
  44. Microsoft Azure Data Catalog is a fully managed cloud service that serves as a system of registration and system of discovery ...
  45. Microsoft Azure Data Catalog is a fully managed cloud service that serves as a system of registration and system of discovery ...
  46. Microsoft Azure Data Catalog is a fully managed cloud service that serves as a system of registration and system of discovery ...
  47. Microsoft Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that automates the movement and transformation of ...
  48. Moving asset to a data source location with a different protocol is not supported. From protocol: '{0}'. To protocol: '{1}'. ...
  49. Name must be from 1 to {0} characters long, start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character. ...
  50. Name must be from 1 to {0} characters long, start with letter and contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character. ...
  51. Name: '{0}' is not a valid name. For Data Factory naming restrictions, please see ...
  52. Namespace must be from 1 to {0} characters long, contain one or more non-empty parts separted by dot (.). Each part must ...
  53. Namespace must be from 1 to {0} characters long, contain one or more non-empty parts separted by dot (.). Each part must ...
  54. No Column Information Available: Column information was not included when this data source was registered with Azure Data ...
  55. No data gateway is selected. Select an online data gateway in DATA GATEWAY field and reopen CREDENTIALS blade to set your ...
  56. No pipeline produces Dataset {0} from {1} to {2}. - Try changing the slice time range to fall within the active period of ...
  57. No pipeline produces Dataset {0} from {1} to {2}. - Try changing the slice time range to fall within the active period of ...
  58. No Pipeline produces Dataset {0}. Please deploy a pipeline that produces the Dataset first. If this Dataset is an input to ...
  59. No Pipeline produces Dataset {0}. Please deploy a pipeline that produces the Dataset first. If this Dataset is an input to ...
  60. Only one Azure Data Catalog is supported per organization. A Catalog has already been created for your organization. You ...
  61. Only one Azure Data Catalog is supported per organization. If a Catalog has already been created for your organization, you ...
  62. Open in Excel (Top 1000) feature is not supported for the selected asset, please use the connection info in the properties ...
  63. Operations API access is not allowed for your tenant: {0}. Please contact Azure Data Factory support team directly if you ...
  64. Package connection string used in activity '{0}' does not contain AccountName and AccountKey. Package connection string must ...
  65. Pipeline not supported for this subscription. Please contact the Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature. ...
  66. Pipeline {0} and Linked Service {1} referred by Activity {2} are not on the same hub. Please ensure that all activities that ...
  67. Pipeline {0} has no activity with outputs external to the pipeline. This is typically due to cyclic references in the pipeline. ...
  68. Pipeline {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and ...
  69. Pipeline {0} is on Hub {1}, and Linked Service {2} (referred by Activity {3}) is on Hub {4}. Please ensure that all activities ...
  70. Please do not close the wizard until settings for configuring your on-premises cluster are generated. Note: After the settings ...
  71. Please note that Azure Active Directory distribution groups are not supported for authorizing access to Data Catalog. As ...
  72. Please select the objects to be registered with Azure Data Catalog. The structural metadata for the selected objects, including ...
  73. Pricing details, including changing between Free Edition and Standard Edition and changing the number of units selected for ...
  74. Pricing details, including changing between Free Edition and Standard Edition, can only be changed by users who are an owner ...
  75. Property {0} with value {1} is of type {2}. The expected type is string or EncryptedString. Consider converting the parameter ...