Visual Studio 2013

  1. Unable to restart servicing jobs for the Team Project Collection {0} because a more recent servicing job is queued or running. ...
  2. Unable to restore some default file associations. Note: you must be an administrator or a power user on this machine in order ...
  3. Unable to retrieve information for this node, possibly because the node has been deleted or its connection disrupted. If ...
  4. Unable to retrieve the schema from the database table. Source column mapping information will not be available. Would you ...
  5. Unable to retrieve WS-Federation metadata from the following address: {0}. You can perform the following to troubleshoot ...
  6. Unable to satisfy all prerequisites for %1. Setup cannot continue until all system components have been successfully installed. ...
  7. Unable to save database instance hint. The saved database instance is only used to intialize the Upgrade Wizard's database ...
  8. Unable to save object because the object type is not supported. This editor can only manipulate triggers, stored procedures ...
  9. Unable to send message to the following recipients: {0} Preferred Email address is not configured within the user's profile. ...
  10. Unable to set lab management related permissions on this collection. Run the TFSLabConfig permissions command line before ...
  11. Unable to set the Custom Tool or Custom Tool Namespace properties of this file in order to change strongly-typed resource ...
  12. Unable to start collection because collection is already in progress or the ETW sessions used by the Concurrency Visualizer ...
  13. Unable to start debugging. A fatal error occurred. For more details, please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. ...
  14. Unable to start debugging. Check for one of the following. 1. The application you are trying to debug uses a version of the ...
  15. Unable to start debugging. Check your debugger settings by opening project properties and navigating to 'Configuration Properties->Debugging' ...
  16. Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight debugging component '%s' was not installed correctly. Re-install the Silverlight ...
  17. Unable to start project {0}. Either a Web Browser is not installed on this computer or a default browser has not been configured ...
  18. Unable to start the application due to an unknown error. Possible reason could be that another instance of the application ...
  19. Unable to stop collection. Please use the 'Windows Performance Monitor' to stop any of the following Event Tracing Sessions ...
  20. Unable to store a diagnostic data adapter file in the load test results database; Diagnostic Data Adapter: '{0}', File: {1}, ...
  21. Unable to update content. To install content from online, switch to the user account you used to log on to the computer, ...
  22. Unable to update the manifest to set the application as toast capable and could not add the appropriate internet capability ...
  23. Uncomment the below section and replace APPLICATION_NAME with the name of your application to write to the Application Event ...
  24. Uncomment to see an alignment grid to help ensure your controls are aligned on common boundaries. The image has a top margin ...
  25. Undo move code operation completed in Coded UI Test Editor. However, you must manually undo the changes in the following ...
  26. Undoing checkouts will lose any local changes for the selected items. If the selection includes solutions, projects or folders ...
  27. Undoing this operation may result in a loss of work. The operation represents all changes made in the designer before the ...
  28. Unexpected data found in fence status key {0}. Ensure that Fence Agent is running and has the required permissions to write ...
  29. Unexpected default version control repository type for project: {0}. Expected a "{1}" repository, but found a "{2}" repository. ...
  30. Unexpected error encountered. It is recommended that you restart the application as soon as possible. Error: %s File: %S ...
  31. Unexpected number of DataSet classes found in user validation file. Do not manually modify the class-structure of this file. ...
  32. Unexpected quotation operator '<@' in type definition. If you intend to pass a verbatim string as a static argument to a ...
  33. Unexpected version control repository type for repository {0} in project: {1}. Expected a "{2}" repository type but the actual ...
  34. Unhandled exception occurred while creating a SharePoint project item from the following location: {0}. Exception: {1}. Message: ...
  35. Unhandled exception occurred while initializing menu items in the menu extension class: {0}. Exception: {1}. Message: {2} ...
  36. Unhandled exception occurred while initializing SharePoint project item type in type definition class: {0}. Exception: {1}. ...
  37. Unhandled exception occurred while loading a SharePoint project item type definition of type: {0}. Exception: {1}. Message: ...
  38. Unhandled WinRT Exception : %s Please check if test is taking reference from an Application. In-process references to applications ...
  39. Unicode keyword Used in a Declare statement. Specifies that Visual Basic should marshal all strings to Unicode values in ...
  40. Uninitialized 'val' fields must be mutable and marked with the '[ ]' attribute. Consider using a 'let' binding instead of ...
  41. Uninstall Microsoft.VisualStudio.Diagnostics.ServiceModelSink. This disables Visual Studio debugger and profiler support ...
  42. Unique Id of the Web test. This value can be used in the TestId argument of the IncludeDeclarativeWebTest attribute in a ...
  43. Unit tests for Windows Store and Windows Phone apps cannot be run outside appcontainer. Create an app package and run tests ...
  44. Unit tests for Windows Store apps can not be run with specified attributes. Typical reason for this failure is usage of test ...
  45. Unit tests for Windows Store apps cannot be run from a process that has Administrator privileges. Please run unit tests for ...
  46. Unit tests for Windows Store apps cannot be run from a service or non interactive process. Please run unit tests from an ...
  47. Unit tests for Windows Store apps cannot be run from BUILTIN\administrator or {0} user accounts. Please run tests using a ...
  48. UNKNOWN COMMAND-LINE ERROR Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical ...
  49. UNKNOWN COMMAND-LINE WARNING Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical ...
  50. UNKNOWN ERROR %$N Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ %$N Help menu, or open the Technical Support ...
  51. UNKNOWN ERROR%$N Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++%$N Help menu, or open the Technical Support ...
  52. UNKNOWN FATAL ERROR %$N Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ %$N Help menu, or open the Technical ...
  53. UNKNOWN FATAL ERROR Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support ...
  54. UNKNOWN MESSAGE %$N Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ %$N Help menu, or open the Technical Support ...
  55. UNKNOWN WARNING %$N Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ %$N Help menu, or open the Technical Support ...
  56. UNKNOWN WARNING%$N Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++%$N Help menu, or open the Technical Support ...
  57. Unlocking the selected release template while it is being modified by another user will prevent that user from saving any ...
  58. Unrecognized attribute target. Valid attribute targets are 'assembly', 'module', 'type', 'method', 'property', 'return', ...
  59. Unrecognized part detected when attempting to generate scope. Caching scopes with parts not specified in full catalog is ...
  60. Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, ...
  61. Unregister an executable name from coverage collection. Usage: unregister options Options: /force optional Forces the unregistration ...
  62. UnregisterExtenderProvider() cannot be used to unregister an Extender Provider that was not registered through RegisterExtenderProvider(). ...
  63. Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved ...
  64. Unsaved documents cannot be dragged from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved document(s) before dragging ...
  65. Unsealed types secured by a LinkDemand should also specify an InheritanceDemand. Without an InheritanceDemand, the link demand ...
  66. Unspecified if the delayed child nodes state is not specified. NotFetched if the group contains child nodes that are not ...
  67. Unspecified if the delayed cross-group links state is not specified. NotFetched if delayed cross-group links on this node ...
  68. Unsupported configuration help URI scheme. The configuration help URI '{0}' provided for the diagnostic data adapter of type ...
  69. Unsupported expression '{0}' from type provider. If you are the author of this type provider, consider adjusting it to provide ...
  70. Unsupported framework: This binary was emitted by an incompatible version of another binary instrumentation tool, unable ...
  71. Update involving addition or removal of virtual machines may take several minutes or longer depending on number and size ...
  72. Update of Package.appxmanifest not complete. Detected one or more out of process server entries in the WMAppManifest that ...
  73. Updates existing TFS Proxy configuration. For initial TFS Proxy configuration use either TFS Administration Console or TfsConfig ...
  74. Updates the app tile by periodically polling a URI. The URI template can contain "{language}" and "{region}" tokens that ...
  75. Updating a '%1' statement around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...