Visual Studio 2012
- Build {0} in project {1} has flavor {2} and platform {3} values longer than 440 characters combined, will be truncated in ...
- By checking this box, I confirm that I would like to proceed with upgrade using the FULL recovery model, and have sufficient ...
- By convention, .NET events have two parameters that specify the event sender and event data. Event handler signatures should ...
- By default, the Remote Debugger Configuration dialog configures the Windows Firewall rule to apply to all network profiles ...
- By default, the remote debugger negotiates the strongest Windows authentication provider that can be used between the Visual ...
- By default, this build machine will run a build controller as well as whatever number of build agents you select below. Build ...
- By default, when /DEBUG is specified, the linker creates a program database (PDB) which holds debugging information. The ...
- By deleting these configuration settings, you will remove reporting functionality from all the team projects associated with ...
- By deleting these configuration settings, you will remove SharePoint Products functionality from all the team projects associated ...
- By sharing out the 'Remote Debugger' directory on the Visual Studio computer, you can run msvsmon.exe on the remote computer. ...
- By submitting this report, you will help Microsoft improve setup. Microsoft will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. ...
- By uploading a file you certify that you have the right to distribute this picture and that it does not violate the Terms ...
- ByRef keyword Specifies that an argument is passed in such a way that the called procedure can change the underlying value ...
- ByRef parameter '{0}' cannot convert from '{1}' to '{2}' when assigning back to the matching argument because the conversion ...
- ByVal keyword Specifies that an argument is passed in such a way that the called procedure or property cannot change the ...
- C Compiler Char Type : Specifies the default character type of the C compiler that will be used to compile the generated ...
- C Preprocess Options : C-compiler preprocessor option to pass to MIDL; must be in exact format of the Cpp Preprocess options. ...
- C++ AMP Marker Asynchronous Operation Id: {0} Accelerator Id: 0x{1:X} Accelerator: {2} Accelerator View: 0x{3:X} Accelerator ...
- C,Count: T,ShowTypes: N,ShowNames: V,ShowValues: M,ShowModule: #,ShowLineOffset: B,ShowByteOffset: L,ShowLanguage: X,ShowExternalCode: ...
- C/C++ Code Analysis (/analyze) is not enabled in the project. Make sure "Enable Code Analysis for C/C++ on Build" is selected ...
- CacheInDocument has no effect on non-public members. To enable caching, set the visibility of this DataSet to public by editing ...
- Calculates the difference in seconds between two times in the same day, and also constructs a TimeSpan value for that difference. ...
- Call GC.SuppressFinalize to suppress finalization of your instance once Dispose has been called. Objects that implement IDisposable ...
- Callback events cannot be used when the callback InstanceContext is specified. Please choose between specifying the callback ...
- Called by the container to return an implementation of IDropTarget which allows a windowless control to act as the target ...
- Called by the framework before a creation of the Windows window attached to a CWnd object to load the window placement information ...
- Called to determine the status or execute a command added through Commands.AddNamedCommand. Implemented by the Add-in writer. ...
- Called to retrieve the full path of the WinHelp file associated with the specified object and the identifier of the appropriate ...
- Called when a request is made to display the screen. If handled=false, the screen is automatically displayed. Runs on the ...
- Calling '%1$ls' without the MEM_RELEASE flag might free memory but not address descriptors (VADs). This causes address space ...
- Calling a method with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute applied to it can create a security weakness. Unmanaged ...
- Calling Convention : Select the default calling convention for your application (can be overridden by function). (/Gd, /Gr, ...
- Calling managed '%s': Managed code may not be run under loader lock, including the DLL entrypoint and calls reached from ...
- Calling Validate method of ExceptionValidationRule is not supported. Validation results for ExceptionValidationRule are set ...
- Calls ExecuteNonQuery on an existing command. Wraps the execution in a try/finally block to return the connection object ...
- calls into {1} which has a LinkDemand. By making this call, {1} is indirectly exposed to user code. Review the following ...
- calls {1} but does not explicitly check whether the conversion succeeded. Either use the return value in a conditional statement ...
- calls {1} but does not use the HRESULT or error code that the method returns. This could lead to unexpected behavior in error ...
- calls {1} but does not use the new string instance that the method returns. Pass the instance as an argument to another method, ...
- calls {1}, a method that is typically only called within an implementation of 'IDisposable.Dispose'. Refer to the IDisposable ...
- Can Add Assembly Reference With Strong Name : Determines if an assembly reference can be added to the project. If the relative ...
- Can Add Project Reference By Identifier : Determines if a project reference to a project with a given identifier can be added. ...
- Can Add Reference To File : Determines if the given file can be added as either an assembly reference or an ActiveX reference. ...
- Can be used to open HTML files and text files which are local to the project. None of the following are supported for OpenInHelpBrowser: ...
- Can be used to open HTML files and text files which are local to the project. None of the following are supported for OpenInWebBrowser: ...
- can only host a RibbonApplicationMenuItem, RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem, RibbonGallery or RibbonSeparator. '{1}' is an ...
- Can't change property {0} on test {1} because the test is open in an editor. Please close the editor in order to make this ...
- Can't launch server for '{0}'. This may be caused by using a custom web server which ASP.NET Profiler does not support at ...
- Canceling the New Team Project Wizard will delete this project and all of its contents. It may take several minutes for this ...
- Cannot access performance counters on {0}. To open performance counters user accounts must be a member of the security group ...
- Cannot access protected member '%1!ls!' via a qualifier of type '%2!ls!'; the qualifier must be of type '%3!ls!' (or derived ...
- Cannot access the delegate type '{0}' for the '{1}' event. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow ...
- Cannot access the jQuery content delivery networks. This might be caused by internet connectivity or by internet site issues. ...
- Cannot add 'File and Printer Sharing' to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure ...
- Cannot add a different AssemblyRef for '%1'. Specification of PublicKey or Version information does not match existing record ...
- Cannot add a port to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows Firewall. ...
- Cannot add an application to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows ...
- Cannot add directory '{0}' to deployment items because there is a deployment item associated with a file with the same name. ...
- Cannot add element to property '{0}', because the property can have only one child element if it uses an explicit collection ...
- Cannot add file '{0}' to deployment items because there is a deployment item associated with a directory with the same name. ...
- Cannot add file {3} to F# project '{0}'. This project uses wildcards in item specification: '{2}' for item type '{1}' Wildcards ...
- Cannot add file {3} to F# project '{0}'. This project uses wildcards in item specification: '{2}' for item type '{1}' Wildcards ...
- cannot add FrontPage Web Sites to source control. Use Visual Studio to save all Web Site files. Then from the web server, ...
- cannot add items from a different source control database while the projects are retrieved asynchronously. Please try again ...
- Cannot add machine role '{0}' to environment '{1}'. Another machine role with same ID already exists in another environment ...
- Cannot add property sheet '%s' as it is either an invalid property sheet, or adding it would cause a circular inheritance ...
- cannot add some of the projects you have selected to source control because they are Web projects that are using FrontPage ...
- Cannot add the control '{0}' to the design surface. This control is not available in the .NET Framework version that this ...
- Cannot add the control to the design surface or bind to the control because the type {0} cannot be resolved. Please try to ...
- Cannot add the following test because it is not valid: '{0}'. Make sure that the values of Id and TestType properties are ...
- Cannot add the item because the following folder cannot be created in the project: {0}. A folder with the same name already ...
- Cannot add the item. There already exists an item with the same name under source control that prevents this add operation ...
- Cannot add the item. You are attempting to add an item to a source-controlled project, but the item path has one or more ...
- Cannot add the property sheet as it would cause a circular dependency. The property sheet being added would either directly ...
- Cannot apply match conversion step because the set of input values does not contain at least one non-null value or no match ...