Lync Server 2013
- Failed to launch Lync Server Unified Data Collection Agent application. Cause: Either the UdcAgent.exe file is missing or ...
- Failed to launch Lync Server UserPin Service application. Cause: Either the UserPinService.exe file is missing or it tried ...
- Failed to launch Lync Server Xmpp Listener application. Cause: Either the Xmpp Listener executable is missing or it tried ...
- Failed to launch Lync Server Xmpp Routing application. Cause: Either the Xmpp Routing executable is missing or it tried to ...
- Failed to listen on the new listen address. Message: %1 Stack: %2 Resolution: Please check the listen address and port configured. ...
- Failed to load call park settings Message: %1 Stack: %2 Cause: Lync Server Call Park Orbit Settings are configured incorrectly. ...
- Failed to load policy map. Cause: Invalid values/elements in the policy map file. Resolution: Run cmdlet 'Get-CsPolicyMap', ...
- Failed to lookup Base URL This may indicate a possible configuration problem or a Fuzzing attack. Incoming URL. %1 Cause: ...
- Failed to notify director cluster "{0}" of the pool "{1}" unavailability. Fix the issue with director cluster and rerun the ...
- Failed to notify kernel mode driver of a settings change. Driver Name: %1 Error code: %2 Cause: Driver is not responding ...
- Failed to notify target cluster "{0}" of the pool "{1}" unavailability. Fix the issue with target cluster and rerun the cmdlet. ...
- Failed to open a server certificate store used for federated partner certificates. Failed to open/create the server certificate ...
- Failed to parse Web Conferencing Server specified by the client Over the past %1 minutes Lync Server has experienced client ...
- Failed to perform a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) call to backup service instance on computer "{0}". Verify that ...
- Failed to persist data into Storage Service. Error: %1 Cause: Storage Service or its dependent components are not running. ...
- Failed to post a listen Web Conferencing Edge Server failed to listen on address %1. Error code reported was %2. Make sure ...
- Failed to post QoE report to External Consumer. Error: %1 Cause: Configurations for the external reports consumer are not ...
- Failed to process data received from the client Over the past %1 minutes Lync Server has disconnected clients %2 time(s) ...
- Failed to process delete meeting request for the sender %1. The connection to the database or Fabric Pool Manager might be ...
- Failed to process empty replica status report. This replica will not receive configuration changes until a new configuration ...
- Failed to process replica status report. If this replica status is not up to date, Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Master Replicator ...
- Failed to process request for the MCU with the following modality %1 and vendor %2. The connection to the database might ...
- Failed to process service consumer event to update the User Services Global Settings because the value of Attribute1 cannot ...
- Failed to process the EnumerateDomains stored procedure. Inputs to stored procedure: %1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The ...
- Failed to process the Get Lockout Report stored procedure. Exception Details: %1 Cause: The connection to the database might ...
- Failed to process the Get Pin Info Batch stored procedure. Exception Details: %1 Cause: The connection to the database might ...
- Failed to process the Get Published Cert stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database ...
- Failed to process the Get User Pin Info stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database ...
- Failed to process the GetUserPolicyAndPinHistory procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database ...
- Failed to process the LookupDomain stored procedure. Inputs to stored procedure: %1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection ...
- Failed to process the LookupUser stored procedure. Inputs to stored procedure: %1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection ...
- Failed to process the Publish Cert stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database ...
- Failed to process the Record Failed Validation Batch stored procedure. Exception Details: %1 Cause: The connection to the ...
- Failed to process the Record Failed Validation stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the ...
- Failed to process the Record Successful Validation stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection ...
- Failed to process the Resolve User stored procedure. Inputs to stored procedure: %1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection ...
- Failed to process the Set Pin stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database might ...
- Failed to process the Unlock Pin Sproc. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database might be broken. ...
- Failed to read Central Management database information from AD connection point. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, File Transfer ...
- Failed to read Central Management database information from AD connection point. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Master Replicator ...
- Failed to read Central Management Server root directory from topology. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, File Transfer Agent will ...
- Failed to read Central Management Server root directory from topology. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Master Replicator Agent ...
- Failed to read expected file from file store. Directory: %1 Exception: %2 Cause: Expected directory does not exist. Resolution: ...
- Failed to read Master Central Management database information from AD connection point. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Backup ...
- Failed to read Registrar port number for the given fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Using default Registrar port number. ...
- Failed to read topology from Master Central Management database Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Backup Service will continuously ...
- Failed to read topology. This is usually due to SQL connection failure. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Replica Replicator Agent ...
- Failed to read watcher node configuration. Make sure local management store database is accessible. Connection: {0} Inner ...
- Failed to register endpoint. Application Id: %1 User URI: %2 Message: %3 Cause: Failed to register endpoint. Resolution: ...
- Failed to register with back-end database. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, File Transfer Agent will continuously attempt to reconnect ...
- Failed to register with back-end database. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Master Replicator Agent will continuously attempt ...
- Failed to register with back-end database. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Replica Replicator Agent will continuously attempt ...
- Failed to remove a domain from the list supported by SIP registrar in this Lync Server deployment. Domain: %1; Allow sub-domains: ...
- Failed to remove a server from the known servers table. Server=[%1]. Site=[%2]. InstanceID=%3. Error=%4 (%5). Cause: This ...
- Failed to remove mirroring for database {0} using TSQL. Primary SQL Instance: {1}, Mirror SQL Instance: {2}. Message: {3} ...
- Failed to replicate to some replica machines in the topology. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Master Replicator Agent will continuously ...
- Failed to reset the database security after restore. The Central Management Service will function normally, but the database ...
- Failed to retrieve user data for move. User: %1. Execution Error: %2. Native Error: %3. Error Details: %4. Cause: This may ...
- Failed to roll back the user from ucs mode as the contact list export from Exchange failed. Autodiscover failed with exception: ...
- Failed to roll back the user from unified contact store mode as the contact list export from Exchange failed. Contact list ...
- Failed to roll back the user from unified contact store mode because the contact list export call from Exchange returned ...
- Failed to roll back the user from unified contact store mode because the contact list export from Exchange failed. Contact ...
- Failed to rollback user move on source pool. User: %1. Execution Error: %2. Native Error: %3. Error Details: %4. Cause: This ...
- Failed to save Web Ticket Signing certificate to the file store. Certificate file path: %1, exception details: %2. Resolution: ...
- Failed to schedule reboot operation for the end of the uninstallation. Please reboot the machine after the Setup Wizard finishes ...
- Failed to send backup custom command to backup service on server "{0}". Skipping the server and continuing with other servers. ...
- Failed to send Http application request to service. Requests for this service will be retried but if this error continues ...
- Failed to set "{0}". Manually disable "{0}" to ensure that cluster fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) can authenticate ...
- Failed to set "{0}". Manually disable "{0}" to ensure that cluster fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) can authenticate ...
- Failed to set the backend state. The service will shutdown. The Connection string: %1 Exception: %2 Cause: Possible issues ...
- Failed to set the server role Role: '%1'. Resolution: Check the previous event log entries and resolve them. Restart the ...
- Failed to start all critical applications Cause: One or more critical applications failed to register within the maximum ...
- Failed to start Call Notification Queuing Engine. Failed to start Call Notification Queuing Engine. Exception Message: %1. ...
- Failed to start kernel mode driver component Driver Name: %1 Exception: %2 Cause: Either invalid configuration or permission ...
- Failed to start kernel mode driver component. Cause: An IP address and/or listening ports may be configured incorrectly. ...