Dynamics AX 2012
- If you will use this computer to develop cubes and reports, install the Business Intelligence Development Studio feature ...
- If your Microsoft Dynamics AX system has been customized, you must compile the application and generate CIL code before performing ...
- Illegal data conversion from original field %1.%2 to %3.%4: Unable to convert data types to anything but character field ...
- Illegal data conversion from original field %1.%2 to %3.%4: Unable to convert string data types to anything but INT, or REAL ...
- Import application files (AOD files) from the source system into the baseline model store. This applies when you upgrade ...
- Import the application files (AOD files) to upgrade the desired application layers. Files will be imported from the source ...
- Import to shared tables can cause errors if the table already contains some or all of the data you are importing. Use the ...
- Imported version %1 differs from the current version %2. Note that the keys set in the asg file may not still exist and so ...
- In cases of power failure, crashes, or other kinds of unexpected termination, the system cannot return the numbers automatically. ...
- In cases of power failure, crashes, or other kinds of unexpected termination, the system cannot return the numbers automatically. ...
- In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Administrative Tools > IIS Manager), right-click the web site '{Website}' ...
- In Item sales tax group %1, Reporting type is neither Item or Service. Assuming Service by default. Please check the reporting ...
- In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, all address record must have a description. Enter a default description for all upgraded address ...
- In order to automatically save e-mails in the application, Microsoft Outlook must be configured to have either a Sent Items ...
- In order to create new budget values, you must specify an account structure for each new value. This can be done by setting ...
- In order to install the requested components, you must install one or more prerequisite programs. To automatically install ...
- In order to upgrade, each user must be associated to a contact person, for external users, or an employee, for internal users. ...
- In the LABEL "@SYS40" field, enter the time horizon. The program suggests a value for this field based on your entries in ...
- In the LABEL "@SYS40" field, enter the time horizon. The program suggests a value for this field based on your entries in ...
- In the Storage dimensions - activation and setup field group, select the Active field and the Coverage plan by dimension ...
- In this wizard the areas are indicated by specifying two corners in the box constituting the area. This means that a From-location ...
- Inbound reference ID is not resolved. Check the relationship metadata. Service: %1, DataSource: %2, Field: %3, Target RecId ...
- Inbound reference ID is not resolved. Check the relationship metadata. Service: %1, DataSource: %2, Field: %3, Target RecId ...
- Inbound reference ID is resolved into multiple entities. Check the relationship metadata. Check the relationship metadata. ...
- Inbound reference ID is resolved into multiple entities. Check the relationship metadata. Check the relationship metadata. ...
- Include dimension in test of whether quantity is physically in stock, and in calculation of floating product consumption? ...
- Include the value of beginning inventory to report ending inventory value, or else do not include beginning to only report ...
- Includes a variety of physical conditions, such as proximity to moving mechanical parts, moving vehicles, electrical current, ...
- Inconsistency found between table constraint column and modeling variable. No modeling variable exists for table constraint ...
- Inconsistency: If the terms of delivery does not require third-party freight charge terms, the third-party name and address ...
- Inconsistency: If the terms of delivery requires third-party freight charge terms, the carrier account number must be specified. ...
- Inconsistent usage of AOSAuthorization property for a table in chain of inheritance. Ensure that both tables %1 and %2 have ...
- Index %1 is globally partitioned. Dynamics Ax does not support synchronization of global indexes. The partitioning scheme ...
- Index %1 is partitioned. The action you have taken will drop the partitioned index. If this is a clustered index, you need ...
- Indicates that the address component is for data entry only and will not appear when an address using the selected format ...
- Indicates that, upon user clicking on a vendor catalog to access vendor web site, if a new browser window should be opened, ...
- Indicates the directional flow of characters when the EDT is rendered. The Auto behavior is controlled by the application ...
- Indicates the maximum percentage that was utilized the last time that a depreciation proposal was run according to the reducing ...
- Indicates whether or not an external catalog accepts purchase orders that contain a quantity that differs from the original ...
- Indicates whether the report is the original, or a correction of a prior report, or will be integrated with (addition to) ...
- Indicates whether to display the whole expense report or filtered by specific expense line when drilling back from General ...
- Indirect cost %1 of type %2 is not found in the costing sheet, although it has one or more corresponding records in the '%3' ...
- Information about the original parameter and variable names is not available for the class %1. Recompile the class in debug ...
- Information about the original parameter and variable names is not available for the table %1. Recompile the table in debug ...
- InitializeGlobalVariables() Error Probable Cause: One or more of the report lists is missing, the source list that triggered ...
- Initially, this is activated for the following tables because it improves performance when data has been preloaded. because ...
- Insert operations are not allowed across companies. Please use changecompany keyword to change the current company before ...
- Inserting a checkmark means the company has no obligations to declare the annual sales from previous year to the Belgian ...
- Install a supported version of Microsoft Project Server. For information about the versions of Project Server that are supported ...
- Install a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server and verify that you have access to the SQL Server instance. Note: Setup ...
- Install a supported version of Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. For information about the versions of Microsoft Office ...
- Install a supported version of SharePoint Server or SharePoint Foundation. To install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, ...
- Install a supported version of the Analysis Management Objects. You can download and install the Analysis Management Objects ...
- Install a supported version of the Analysis Management Objects. You can download and install the Analysis Management Objects ...
- Install a supported version of the Analysis Services component of Microsoft SQL Server. For information about the versions ...
- Install a supported version of the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client. You can download and install the Microsoft SQL Server ...
- Install a supported version of the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client. You can download and install the Microsoft SQL Server ...
- Install a supported version of the Reporting Services component of Microsoft SQL Server. For information about the versions ...
- Install a supported version of Visual Studio. For information about the versions of Visual Studio that are supported with ...
- Install Microsoft Dynamics AX on a supported version of Windows. For information about the versions of Windows that are supported ...
- Install Microsoft Report Viewer 2010. {0} Note: If Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 is already installed and the prerequisite ...
- Install the supported version of the .NET Framework from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=198034. If you are using ...
- Installation completed successfully, but Setup could not create the Enterprise Portal website. You can create the website ...
- Installs the components and configures the tables that are required for Microsoft Project Server integration in Microsoft ...
- Insufficient identification data for the Bank account %1 for vendor %2. At least one of the SWIFT code, Routing number/type, ...
- Integration components cannot be installed until at least one company is associated with the current Microsoft Project Server ...
- Interest records for reversal must be marked in order beginning with the most recent. Newer interest records were automatically ...
- Interest was not calculated for any customer because a posting profile is not selected on the Accounts receivable parameters ...
- Interest was not calculated for any customer because a posting profile is not selected on the Interest calculation form. ...
- Intervals are incomplete. Tax rate 0 applies to the amounts that the current intervals do not cover. Apply the rules: First ...
- Invalid constrained table %1. Please refer to the documentation on restrictions on which table can be constrained tables. ...
- Invalid field type for PresenceDataField '%1' on control '%2'. The field must be of type string, integer, int64, or guid. ...
- Invalid join mode in union query. Join mode of the second level data source for query of type union can only be exists or ...
- Invalid table relation '{0}' defined on table '{1}', the following properties are required for 'Normal' type relations: Table, ...
- Invalid table relation '{0}' defined on table '{1}', the following properties are required for 'Related field fixed' type ...