Office System 2010

  1. Provide an existing user account. This account is used as the service account for the search service, the Help search service, ...
  2. Provide client-side image maps instead of server-side image maps unless the regions cannot be defined with an available shape. ...
  3. Provide information about current projects, clients, or business activities. Insert an existing text file or type directly ...
  4. Provide managed path under which you want all personal sites to be created. This managed path will be used to form the URL ...
  5. Provide more functionality to the form by adding actions such as navigating to a different page or a form action workflow. ...
  6. Provide the Domain name and Domain controller name for the master forest associated with this Active Directory Resource. ...
  7. Provide the farm passphrase for the original farm associated with this backup package, and click validate. This will allow ...
  8. Provide the full name of the strongly named event handler assembly. For example: mydll, Version=, Culture=neutral, ...
  9. Provide the information below to add a link to the site you just created. Portal users can click on the site title and go ...
  10. Provide the information in the form below to add a link to an existing Web site. Portal users can click on the site title ...
  11. Provide the location of the content distributors in the format FQDN:port. Use semicolons(;) to separate multiple entries. ...
  12. Provide the location of the query service in the format protocol://FQDN:port. Use semicolons(;) to separate multiple entries. ...
  13. Provide the order for the event handler. If there are multiple event handlers associated with this event, the order number ...
  14. Provide the path to a folder with document, spreadsheet, and presentation files to be used as templates for a unencrypted ...
  15. Provide the URL of the site collection where you would like to provision My Site Host. You may want to create a new site ...
  16. Provider connection point "|1" on "|0" and consumer connection point "|3" on "|2" are Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services ...
  17. Provides a choice of which cost rate table to use for the resources assigned to a task. A cost rate table is a collection ...
  18. Provides a summary usage report of policies per site in a @1PivotTable, which can be manipulated to drill further into the ...
  19. Provides a top navigation bar that shows a single level of navigation and a vertical navigation section that does not include ...
  20. Provides a top navigation bar that shows a single level of navigation and a vertical navigation section that does not include ...
  21. Provides capability to store data (e.g. credential set) securely and associate it to a specific identity or group of identities. ...
  22. Provides centralized libraries, content types, master pages and page layouts and enables page scheduling and other publishing ...
  23. Provides choices for how resources are to be assigned when you use the Resource Substitution Wizard. You can request that ...
  24. Provides choices for the contour shape to use for the resources assigned to a task. The work contour determines how work ...
  25. Provides choices for the type of constraint you can apply for scheduling a task. Constraints are a restriction set on the ...
  26. Provides choices that control the effect that editing work, assignment units, or duration has on the calculations of the ...
  27. Provides each list in the site with a settings pages for configuring that list to use metadata tree view hierarchies and ...
  28. Provides enhanced full-text indexing and search capabilities. Replaces the SharePoint Foundation Search service for search ...
  29. Provides more storage capacity for items and folders. Supports multilingual Unicode data. Not compatible with Outlook 97, ...
  30. Provides team collaboration capabilities for a site by making standard lists, such as document libraries and issues, available. ...
  31. Provides the content types required for creating and using document sets. Create a document set when you want to manage multiple ...
  32. Provides the lists required within a Project Site for integration with Microsoft Project Server 2010 including Project Documents, ...
  33. Provides the location of each list using policies in this @1Site Collection, including a count of how many items in that ...
  34. Provisioning '%1': Database provisioning failed. User '%2' must be in both dbcreator and securityadmin server roles or be ...
  35. Provisioning '%1': Databases specified for site 'ProjectServer' are as follows: Published: Name = '%2', State = %3 Draft: ...
  36. Provisioning '%1': One or more of the databases already contains schema. When editing or creating a Project Server instance, ...
  37. Provisioning '%1': Unable to update roles in databases for Project Web App instance '%2' because the farm admin user isn't ...
  38. Provisions the SharePoint Central Administration Web Application on this server. Provisioning will create a new SharePoint ...
  39. Provisions the SharePoint services that are located on this server and sets the services as online if SharePoint is installed ...
  40. Proxy bytes obtained from SystemUtility of Type '{0}' does not represent a valid assembly. The proxy embedded in the metadata ...
  41. PseudoState - WFR1 - In activity models, transitions incoming to (and outgoing from) join and fork pseudo states have as ...
  42. PseudoState - WFR2 - All of the paths leaving a fork must eventually rejoin in a subsequent join or joins. Furthermore, if ...
  43. PseudoState - WFR6 - A branch vertex must have one incoming transition segment and at least two outgoing transition segments ...
  44. Public folders can not be indexed unless they are cached locally. To enable indexing you need to adjust your Outlook mail ...
  45. Publications must be saved before they can be shared with the template community. Do you want to save your publication and ...
  46. Publicly perform and display, import, broadcast, transmit, distribute, license, and lend your submission with or without ...
  47. Publicly perform and display, import, broadcast, transmit, distribute, license, rent, lease, lend, offer to sell and sell ...
  48. Publish and save are disabled because the certificate to sign this form template is not available or is invalid. To resolve ...
  49. Publish submitted. Once the server has successfully processed this publish request, you will see the updates marked as published ...
  50. Publish this form template as a template in a form library. A form library stores forms based on this form template. Users ...
  51. Publish your Excel workbooks to SharePoint using Excel Services and let your team access and interact with their data in ...
  52. Publish your highly-formatted charts and reports using Excel Services. For interactive visualizations like the decomposition ...
  53. Published calendars are checked once per publish interval. If you manually do a Send/Receive, only calendars that have exceeded ...
  54. Publisher applies a keepaway trap to the nonblack process colors in the foreground object according to the threshold settings ...
  55. Publisher cannot access the TEMPLATE folder. The TEMPLATE folder is where Publisher stores all of the template files. You ...
  56. Publisher cannot access the user dictionary. Save your work, exit Publisher, restart Windows, and try again. If you've already ...
  57. Publisher cannot access your printer's software. Reinstall your printer driver, and then try again. For information on installing ...
  58. Publisher cannot add a bullet to the publication. You may be low on memory or you may have reached the maximum number of ...
  59. Publisher cannot add a date or time to this text box because it is being edited within (!idspnWord_NV). Use Microsoft Word's ...
  60. Publisher cannot add an item to the Design Gallery. One or more objects have been grouped too many times. Ungroup the objects ...
  61. Publisher cannot add rows or columns to the selected table because the table would exceed the maximum of 128 rows and 128 ...
  62. Publisher cannot add this OLE object to the Design Gallery because the OLE source program is busy. The program may be showing ...
  63. Publisher cannot add this word because the user dictionary is full. To add this word to the user dictionary, delete some ...
  64. Publisher cannot apply a background because a special paper is currently applied. To apply a background, you must first remove ...
  65. Publisher cannot change pages. Clicking on the page number allows you to go to different pages in your publication, but your ...
  66. Publisher cannot communicate with the scanner software. You may need an updated version of the scanner software. To obtain ...
  67. Publisher cannot complete the action while Word Story Editing is being used. You are using (!idspnWord_NV) to edit a text ...
  68. Publisher cannot complete the merge because the catalog merge area has been dragged off of the page. Drag the merge area ...
  69. Publisher cannot complete this action with the filter and sort options you have entered. You may have accidentally typed ...
  70. Publisher cannot complete this action with the filter and sort options you have entered. You may have forgotten to enter ...
  71. Publisher cannot complete this command because parts of text boxes that are connected are in the scratch area or are not ...
  72. Publisher cannot complete this mail merge operation because there was a disk or network error. Check your floppy drive or ...
  73. Publisher cannot complete this operation on a file opened from the Web. To complete the operation, copy the file from the ...
  74. Publisher cannot connect a box to itself. You have clicked the same text box to flow text into that you are flowing text ...
  75. Publisher cannot connect to a box that is in Word Story Editing. When the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means ...