Project 2016

  1. Project Web App was unable to process the request.}The same resource type filter parameter was specified two or more times ...
  2. Project Web App was unable to save changes to the resource.}The resource needs to be checked out before changes can be made ...
  3. Project ^1 cannot be opened at this time because it is locked on the server to apply status updates from team members.}Please ...
  4. Project ^1, which was checked out to you, has been modified on the server. This could happen if this project was \"Force ...
  5. Projects with tasks cannot be saved as administrative projects.}To create an administrative project, you must save a project ...
  6. Project}Do you want to close the project without saving changes? To discard your changes and close the project, click Yes. ...
  7. Propose that the selected task is removed. Your manager may have to approve the removal request before the task is actually ...
  8. Provide the full name of the strongly named event handler assembly. For example: mydll, Version=, Culture=neutral, ...
  9. Provide the order for the event handler. If there are multiple event handlers associated with this event, the order number ...
  10. Provides a choice of which cost rate table to use for the resources assigned to a task. A cost rate table is a collection ...
  11. Provides choices for how resources are to be assigned when you use the Resource Substitution Wizard. You can request that ...
  12. Provides choices for the contour shape to use for the resources assigned to a task. The work contour determines how work ...
  13. Provides choices for the type of constraint you can apply for scheduling a task. Constraints are a restriction set on the ...
  14. Provides choices that control the effect that editing work, assignment units, or duration has on the calculations of the ...
  15. Provides the lists required to connect the SharePoint site to Project Web App. It enables the integration of issues, risks, ...
  16. Provides the lists required within a Project Site for integration with Project Web App including issues, risks, and deliverables. ...
  17. Provisioning '%1': Database provisioning failed. User '%2' must be in both dbcreator and securityadmin server roles or be ...
  18. Provisioning '%1': Databases specified for site 'ProjectServer' are as follows: Published: Name = '%2', State = %3 Draft: ...
  19. Provisioning '%1': One or more of the databases already contains schema. When editing or creating a Project Server instance, ...
  20. Provisioning '%1': Unable to update roles in databases for Project Web App instance '%2' because the farm admin user isn't ...
  21. Publish submitted. Once the server has successfully processed this publish request, you will see the updates marked as published ...
  22. Publish the resource plan. This will not publish the project plan. If this command is disabled, you need to first publish ...
  23. Publishing a project will publish all applied task updates and any other changes that were made to the plan. To preview all ...
  24. Queued operations have not been successfully completed. Review your changes and retry, or contact your administrator if the ...
  25. Rate the impact of each project against each business driver. Based on these ratings, a priority score will be assigned to ...
  26. Receive email notifications when there are changes to your resources' tasks and status reports. To change the email address, ...
  27. Receive email notifications when there are changes to your tasks and status reports. To change the email address, contact ...
  28. Recurrence pattern invalid.}The exception as presently configured would end after the maximum possible date Project supports ...
  29. Recurring tasks need to have a valid duration value.}Type a duration in the correct format, for example, 4 hours (4h) or ...
  30. Refreshing project requirements and resource availability data will invalidate any saved portfolio selection scenarios. Do ...
  31. Reloads all project resource requirement and resource availability data into the current analysis. Use this option if you've ...
  32. Removes the relevant data from an existing instance of Project Web App from the Configuration Database. Note: It does not ...
  33. Require project dependencies to be enforced when determining project selection status. You can define dependencies by clicking ...
  34. Require project finish to start dependencies to be enforced when determining project selection status. You can define dependencies ...
  35. Reset will set the calendar back to its original settings.}Any changes to the calendar will be lost. Do you want to continue? ...
  36. Resource capacity is affected by projects not included in this analysis. If project or resource plan assignments use proposed ...
  37. Resource formula custom fields are only updated in Project Professional. Changes made in Project Web App or external systems ...
  38. Resource Rate is invalid: For Work resources, the rate must be a numeric value between {0} and {1} that may be followed by ...
  39. Resource substitution failed}Project is unable to allocate enough memory to process your request. Try again at a later time ...
  40. Resource substitution failed}The Resource Substitution wizard could not find substitute resources for one or more assignments. ...
  41. Resource \"^1\" has actuals reported.}They will remain on the team but their remaining work will be reassigned to resource ...
  42. Resource \"^1\" has been deleted from the active project.}Resource(s) who are team members in other open projects will still ...
  43. Resources of one type (like Work) cannot be replaced with resources of another type (Material or Cost).}Due to the different ...
  44. Responses are all Status Reports you need to submit that have been previously requested from your manager or another resource. ...
  45. Restart the workflow associated with this project. On restart, the current workflow is terminated and a new workflow will ...
  46. Return the selected timesheet to you so you can edit it. You must resubmit the timesheet when you are finished editing it. ...
  47. Returns details of a User/Resource based on either the display name or Globally Unique Identifier for that user/resource. ...
  48. Save could not be completed because of invalid custom field data. This can occur when a custom field has been changed or ...
  49. Save the changes you made to this page and publish the project summary information such as the project name and project-level ...
  50. Save the resource team. You will then be able to assign tasks to the resources or block the resources time in the resource ...
  51. Saving the analysis is taking longer than expected. To view the status of the operation, visit the {0} page, or refresh this ...
  52. Saving the file to the Project Web App will remove all links to resources in the file.}Do you want to continue? To continue ...
  53. Saving \"^1\" as a template file will remove all OLE objects.}Because template files cannot contain OLE objects, all OLE ...
  54. Scheduling constraint conflicts with projects start and end dates. Review the constraints or uncheck the scheduling constraints ...
  55. Scheduling Project Web App instance provisioning job: Parent Web Application GUID=%1, Site Path=%2, HostHeaderIsSiteName=%3, ...
  56. Select a prioritization type for this analysis. The prioritization type will drive or represent how each project will be ...
  57. Select any Visible Project Detail Page that appears in the right List Box. For each selected page you may edit the following: ...
  58. Select how driver priorities will be specified. The prioritization type cannot be changed after the prioritization is saved ...
  59. Select projects to be analyzed. Analyses can include no more than 800 projects. For better manageability, include no more ...
  60. Select projects to be included in this analysis. Portfolio analyses can contain up to 800 projects, but no more than 200 ...
  61. Select the categories you want the group to access and the permissions you want the group to have on that category. Clicking ...
  62. Select the categories you want the Resource to access and the permissions you want the Resource to have on those categories. ...
  63. Select the default Web application and type the default site collection under which connected SharePoint sites are provisioned. ...
  64. Select the departments containing the projects that should be measured against this business driver. It is recommended to ...
  65. Select the drivers to be included in the prioritization. Each driver will be rated against each of the other drivers to determine ...
  66. Select the fields that will be used as portfolio selection scenario constraints. A column will be added to the projects grid ...
  67. Select the fields that will be used as portfolio selection scenario totals. The aggregated values for all selected projects ...
  68. Select the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets check box if your business requires that the project manager ...
  69. Select the Project Web App Security Group that you wish to add the user to. By adding the user to these groups you will allow ...
  70. Select the projects that are ALL dependent on each other. If one project from the set is executed, all other projects from ...
  71. Select the projects that are ALL exclusive to each other. If one project from the set is executed, all other projects from ...
  72. Select the types of project information you want to map: task information, resource information, or information on resource ...
  73. Select the users and groups to whom you want to grant permissions on this project. If you add a user or group that has been ...
  74. Select whether to map local resources to enterprise resources. If you don't map the resource, you need to select an enterprise ...
  75. Select whether to map local task custom fields to enterprise task custom fields. Required fields must be mapped before the ...