/Get-AllDevices Displays information on all prestaged devices. /Get-AllDriverGroups Displays information on all driver groups. ...

/Get-AllDevices                 Displays information on all prestaged devices.
/Get-AllDriverGroups            Displays information on all driver groups.
/Add-AllDriverPackages          Adds all the driver packages from a folder.
/Get-AllDriverPackages          Displays information on all driver packages.
/Get-AllImageGroups             Displays information on all image groups.
/Get-AllImages                  Displays information on all images.
/Get-AllMulticastTransmissions  Displays the attributes of all transmissions.
/Get-AllNamespaces              Displays the attributes of all namespaces.
/Get-AllServers                 Displays information for all WDS servers.
/Approve-AutoAddDevices         Approves pending Auto-Add devices on a server.
/Reject-AutoAddDevices          Rejects pending Auto-Add devices on a server.
/Get-AutoAddDevices             Displays the Auto-Add devices on server.
/Delete-AutoAddDevices          Deletes devices in the Auto-Add database.
/New-CaptureImage               Creates a WinPE image used for creating an
                                install image of a reference computer.
/Disconnect-Client              Disconnects a client from a multicast
                                transmission or namespace.
/New-DiscoverImage              Creates a WinPE image used for computers that
                                are not capable of booting to PXE.
/Add-Device                     Adds a prestaged device to Active Directory.
/Get-Device                     Displays the attributes of a prestaged device.
/Set-Device                     Changes the attributes of a prestaged device.
/Add-DriverGroup                Adds a driver group to the server.
/Copy-DriverGroup               Copies a driver group.
/Get-DriverGroup                Displays information about a driver group.
/Remove-DriverGroup             Removes a driver group from the server.
/Set-DriverGroup                Changes the attributes of a driver group.
/Add-DriverGroupPackage         Adds a driver package to a driver group.
/Add-DriverGroupPackages        Adds driver packages to a driver group.
/Remove-DriverGroupPackage      Removes a driver package from a driver group.
/Remove-DriverGroupPackages     Removes driver packages from a driver group.
/Add-DriverPackage              Adds a driver package to the server.
/Get-DriverPackage              Displays information about a driver package.
/Remove-DriverPackage           Removes a driver package from the server.
/Remove-DriverPackages          Removes multiple driver packages from
                                the server.
/Set-DriverPackage              Changes the attributes of a driver package.
/Get-DriverPackageFile          Displays information about the files
                                and drivers in a driver package.
/Add-Image                      Adds a boot or install image to the server.
/Copy-Image                     Copies an image within the image store.
/Export-Image                   Exports an image from the image store to a
                                WIM file.
/Get-Image                      Displays the attributes of an existing image.
/Remove-Image                   Removes a boot or install image from the
/Replace-Image                  Replaces a boot or install image with a new
                                version of that image.
/Set-Image                      Changes the attributes of an existing image.
/Add-ImageDriverPackage         Adds a driver package to an image.
/Add-ImageDriverPackages        Adds multiple driver packages to the server.
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