/fileloggerparameters[n]: Provides any extra parameters for file loggers. The presence of this switch implies the corresponding ...

                     Provides any extra parameters for file loggers.
                     The presence of this switch implies the 
                     corresponding /filelogger[n] switch.
                     "n" if present can be a digit from 1-9.
                     /fileloggerparameters is also used by any distributed
                     file logger, see description of /distributedFileLogger.
                     (Short form: /flp[n])
                     The same parameters listed for the console logger are
                     available. Some additional available parameters are:
                        LogFile--path to the log file into which the
                            build log will be written.
                        Append--determines if the build log will be appended
                            to or overwrite the log file. Setting the
                            switch appends the build log to the log file;
                            Not setting the switch overwrites the 
                            contents of an existing log file. 
                            The default is not to append to the log file.
                        Encoding--specifies the encoding for the file, 
                            for example, UTF-8, Unicode, or ASCII
                     Default verbosity is Detailed.
