/Get-ImageFile Displays information for images in a WIM file. /Add-ImageGroup Adds an image group to the server. /Get-ImageGroup ...

/Get-ImageFile                  Displays information for images in a WIM file.
/Add-ImageGroup                 Adds an image group to the server.
/Get-ImageGroup                 Displays information for an image group.
/Remove-ImageGroup              Removes an image group from the server.
/Set-ImageGroup                 Changes the attributes of an image group.
/Get-MulticastTransmission      Displays the attributes of a transmission.
/New-MulticastTransmission      Creates a new multicast transmission.
/Remove-MulticastTransmission   Deletes the multicast transmission for an
/Start-MulticastTransmission    Starts the specified transmission.
/Get-Namespace                  Displays the attributes of a namespace.
/New-Namespace                  Creates a new namespace.
/Remove-Namespace               Removes a namespace.
/Start-Namespace                Starts the specified namespace.
/Convert-RiPrepImage            Converts an existing RIS RIPrep image to a WIM
/Disable-Server                 Disables all WDS services on a server.
/Enable-Server                  Enables all WDS services on a server.
/Get-Server                     Displays information for a WDS server.
/Initialize-Server              Configures a WDS server for initial use.
/Set-Server                     Configures settings of a WDS server.
/Start-Server                   Starts all WDS services on a server.
/Stop-Server                    Stops all WDS services on a server.
/Uninitialize-Server            Reverts changes made when the server
                                was initialized.
/Update-ServerFiles             Updates server files on the RemoteInstall
/Disable-TransportServer        Disables all WDS services on a transport
/Enable-TransportServer         Enables all WDS services on a transport server.
/Get-TransportServer            Displays information for a transport Server.
/Set-TransportServer            Configures settings of a transport server.
/Start-TransportServer          Starts all WDS services on a transport server.
/Stop-TransportServer           Stops all WDS services on a transport server.

For help with a specific command, type 'WDSUTIL  /?' where
 is one of the commands shown above. For example:
WDSUTIL /Get-Image /?