/BindPolicy Configures the interface bind policy for the server. /Policy:{Include | Exclude} Sets the policy to include or ...

        Configures the interface bind policy for the server.

  [/Policy:{Include | Exclude}]
        Sets the policy to include or exclude the addresses on the
        interface list.

        Adds an interface to the list.

        Specifies the IP or MAC address of the interface.

    /AddressType:{IP | MAC}
        Specifies the type of the address specified using /Address

        Removes an interface from the list.

        Specifies the IP or MAC address of the interface.

    /AddressType:{IP | MAC}
        Specifies the type of address specified using the /Address

        Configures the driver package policy.

  [/AvoidDuplicateDriverPackages:{Yes | No}]
        Specifies whether or not duplicate driver package should not
        be imported to the driver store.
