/Get-Intl /Distribution: Displays information about international settings and languages. Use the /Online option to display ...

/Get-Intl [/Distribution:]

  Displays information about international settings and languages.
  Use the /Online option to display information about international settings
  and languages in the running operating system.
  Use /Image to display information about international settings and languages
  in the offline image.  
  When used with the /Image and /Distribution options, information about
  international settings and languages in the distribution is displayed.

  WARNING: The default user locale and location is only reported
  for offline images. The report does not include this setting for
  running operating systems.

      DISM.exe /Online /Get-Intl
      DISM.exe /Image:C:	est\offline /Get-Intl
      DISM.exe /Image:C:	est\offline /Get-Intl /Distribution:D:\distribution