Most organizations use a combination of a standard set of performance planning and review criteria, including those which ...

Most organizations use a combination of a standard set of performance planning and review criteria, including those which tap into values the organization strives to meet (e.g., integrity, creativity and collaboration), as well as criteria that are more goal or duty based, which are unique to the individual being reviewed (e.g., "complete the XYZ project within six months").  These tasks reflect the need to learn from the last cycle of performance planning and review, determine if there are any new executive mandates (or changes to corporate mission, vision, values) for the instrument or process, investigate if there are any changes to industry best practices for this instrument or process, and to modify the instrument or process accordingly.  The Communications activities reflect the need to ensure that all employees (supervisors and supervisees) are educated as to the purpose, guidelines, expectations, and deadlines for the performance review and planning process.
English (United States)