Visual Studio 2012

  1. %2 contains an invalid setting for '%3'. It must be between %4 and %5. It has been overridden with the default setting '%3=%6'. ...
  2. %2 contains an invalid setting for 'NumberOfBuffers' (less than MaxThreads + 2). This setting has been overridden with the ...
  3. %2 contains an invalid setting for 'SizeOfBuffers'. It must be a multiple of the native system page size. The setting has ...
  4. /? - Display command line parameters /NoEventLog - Used to turn off event logging /NoErrorLog - Used to turn off error logging ...
  5. /? - Display command line parameters. /NoEventLog - Used to turn off event logging. /NoErrorLog - Used to turn off error ...
  6. /? - Display command line parameters. /q - Quiet Mode. UI is entirely suppressed. /remove - Uninstalls the product. Works ...
  7. /? or /help - Display this command-line help /install - Install Team Foundation Server /repair - Repair Team Foundation Server ...
  8. /AcceptNonGoLive is required in combination with /quiet for Technology Preview releases. By supplying both switches you acknowledge ...
  9. /AcceptNonGoLive is required in combination with /quiet for Technology Preview releases. By supplying both switches you acknowledge ...
  10. /ADMIN:(service|driver),(start|stop|install|uninstall) Starts, stops, installs, or uninstalls the profiling service component ...
  11. /ADMIN:(service|driver),autostart,(on|off) Enables or disables automatically starting the profiling service (service) or ...
  12. /ADMIN:security,(allow|deny),(right)[,(right)],(user|group) Allow or deny the specified user or group access to profiling ...
  13. /ALLOWBIND:NO sets a bit in a DLL's header that indicates to Bind.exe that the image is not allowed to be bound. You may ...
  14. /AUTOMARK:n Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) between automatic marks when using /WINCOUNTER. Rounded up to the ...
  15. /AUTOMARK:[n Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) between automatic marks when using /WINCOUNTER. Rounded up to ...
  16. /category:[filter Use the specified filter to select tests to run based on the test category of each test. You can use the ...
  17. /CLRSUPPORTLASTERROR, which is on by default, preserves the last error code of functions called through the P/Invoke mechanism, ...
  18. /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECK specifies whether the linker will apply SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute to linker-generated ...
  19. /consoleloggerparameters: Parameters to console logger. (Short form: /clp) The available parameters are: PerformanceSummary-Show ...
  20. /COUNTER:cfg Specifies a performance counter to include in data collection. cfg is counter configuration string with the ...
  21. /COUNTER:cfg Valid only when using /TRACE flag. Specifies a performance counter to include in trace data collection. cfg ...
  22. /d /shutdown Shuts down the monitor and clears the environment. Can not be used at the same time as /nowait. Use this in ...
  23. /debug Causes a debugger prompt to appear immediately so that Visual Studio can be attached for you to debug the MSBuild ...
  24. /detail:[property id The name of a property that you want to show values for, in addition to the test outcome. Please examine ...
  25. /detailedsummary Shows detailed information at the end of the build about the configurations built and how they were scheduled ...
  26. /diffcolumn:[columnname Use this specific column to perform diffing. The default is the exclusive samples percent column. ...
  27. /diffthreshold:[value Below this value of difference the differ will regard two values as the same. Also, new data with values ...
  28. /distributedFileLogger Logs the build output to multiple log files, one log file per MSBuild node. The initial location for ...
  29. /distributedlogger: Use this logger to log events from MSBuild, attaching a different logger instance to each node. To specify ...
  30. /DRIVER:Autostart[,(on|off) Enables or disables automatically starting VSPerfDrv.sys when the system is rebooted. (Deprecated) ...
  31. /DRIVER:Start Starts the VS performance driver. Will attempt to install the driver if it is not already installed. (Deprecated) ...
  32. /DRIVER:UPONLY causes the linker to add the IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY bit to the characteristics in the output header to ...
  33. /DRIVER:WDM causes the linker to set the IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER bit in the optional header's DllCharacteristics ...
  34. /EnableCodeCoverage Enables data diagnostic adapter 'CodeCoverage' in the test run. Default settings are used if not specified ...
  35. /EVENTS: Control ETW event collection. , ,flags[,level , ,flags[,level Where guid is the provider control GUID, and flags ...
  36. /excludewss - Exclude the project's SharePoint site when deleting the project. This option will leave site intact so that ...
  37. /fileloggerparameters[n]: Provides any extra parameters for file loggers. The presence of this switch implies the corresponding ...
  38. /fileLogger[n Logs the build output to a file. By default the file is in the current directory and named "msbuild[n].log". ...
  39. /Framework: Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. Valid values are Framework35, Framework40 and Framework45 ...
  40. /GC[:(allocation|lifetime) Enable managed memory profiling. It is possible to enable tracing of allocations only (/GC:allocation) ...
  41. /help Displays this usage message (short form: /? or /h). /nologo Do not display the startup banner and copyright message. ...
  42. /ignoreprojectextensions: List of extensions to ignore when determining which project file to build. Use a semicolon or a ...
  43. /InIsolation Runs the tests in an isolated process. This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an ...
  44. /install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout directory - installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a complete local copy of the ...
  45. /logger: Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use ...
  46. /logger: Use this logger to log events from MSBuild. To specify multiple loggers, specify each logger separately. The syntax ...
  47. /MANIFESTFILE lets you change the default name of the manifest file. The default name of the manifest file is the file name ...
  48. /maxcpucount[:n Specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes to build with. If the switch is not used, the default ...
  49. /maxpriority:[priority Only tests whose priority is less than or equal to this value will be executed. Example: /minpriority:0 ...
  50. /minpriority:[priority Only tests whose priority is greater than or equal to this value will be executed. Example: /minpriority:0 ...
  51. /m[:TYPE /memory[:TYPE Enable managed memory profiling. It is possible to enable tracing of allocations only (/m:allocation ...
  52. /n /nowait If this is turned on, the monitor will keep running after this process has terminated. If this is on, run again ...
  53. /nodeReuse: Enables or Disables the reuse of MSBuild nodes. The parameters are: True -Nodes will remain after the build completes ...
  54. /noisolation Run tests within the MSTest.exe process. This choice improves test run speed but increases risk to the MSTest.exe ...
  55. /noresults Do not save the test results in a TRX file. This choice improves test run speed but does not save the test run ...
  56. /OPT:REF eliminates functions and/or data that are never referenced while /OPT:NOREF keeps functions and/or data that are ...
  57. /o[:FILE /output[:FILE Dumps the results into the specified FILE. If not specified, the results are stored in PerformanceReport.vsp ...
  58. /preprocess[:file Creates a single, aggregated project file by inlining all the files that would be imported during a build, ...
  59. /property: = Set or override these project-level properties. is the property name, and is the property value. Use a semicolon ...
  60. /publishresultsfile:[file name The name of the test results file to publish. If none is specified, use the file produced ...
  61. /p[:(on|off) /packsymbols[:(on|off) Enables symbol packing. Symbol packing is on by default. The flag by itself is the same ...
  62. /q - Suppresses all UI. An .INI file cannot be specified with this option. /quiet - Same as /q. /qb - Displays minimal UI, ...
  63. /runtitle:[title Optional The title of the test run to be published. If none is specified, use the default test run name ...
  64. /s /sample Turns on sampling profiling. This does not require instrumentation of any of the assemblies. This is the default. ...
  65. /sdl, /sdl-) Additional Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) recommended checks include enabling secure code-generation features ...
  66. /SHUTDOWN[:n Waits for monitored applications to shutdown, shuts down VSPerfMon.exe, and then waits for the shutdown to complete. ...
  67. /START:mode Starts the data collection logger and waits until it is initialized. Mode should be one of COVERAGE, SAMPLE, ...
  68. /t /trace Turns on instrumentation profiling. For this will automatically instrument the dynamically generated assemblies, ...
  69. /target: Build these targets in this project. Use a semicolon or a comma to separate multiple targets, or specify each target ...
  70. /TARGETCLR[:vn.n.nnnnn Specifies which CLR version to profile in the target application. Version strings should be formatted ...
  71. /teamproject:[team project name The name of the team project to which the build belongs. Specify this when publishing test ...
  72. /TestAdapterPath This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. ...
  73. /TestCaseFilter: Run tests that match the given expression. is of the format Operator | where Operator is one of =, != or ...
  74. /TestCaseFilter: Run tests that match the given expression. is of the format Operator | where Operator is one of =, != or ...
  75. /testconfigid:[config id The id (a positive integer) of the pre-existing test management configuration to associate with ...