Visual Studio 2010

  1. A protected member is called or 'base' is being used. This is only allowed in the direct implementation of members since ...
  2. A read-only declaration for a mutable reference type does not prevent the field's instance data from being modified. For ...
  3. A recurring meeting cannot be linked to a Meeting Workspace that is already linked to another meeting. Either change your ...
  4. A reference to '{0}' (with assembly name '{1}') could not be added. A reference to the component '{2}' with the same assembly ...
  5. A reference to '{0}' could not be added. This is not a valid assembly or COM component. Only assemblies with extension 'dll' ...
  6. A reference to System.Core is required when using events defined in an assembly that was referenced with 'Embed Interop Types' ...
  7. A reference to the DLL {0} is required by assembly {1}. The imported type {2} is located in the first assembly and could ...
  8. A reference to {0} could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM ...
  9. A reference was created to embedded interop assembly '%1!ls!' because of an indirect reference to that assembly created by ...
  10. A reference was created to embedded interop assembly '|1' because of an indirect reference to that assembly from assembly ...
  11. A referenced assembly depends on another assembly that is not referenced or could not be found;;A referenced assembly requires ...
  12. A report folder already exists and has items for the following team project: {0}. SQL Server Reporting Services is configured ...
  13. A report folder already exists and has items for the team project. Either remove the items in the folder or add the following ...
  14. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps in ...
  15. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  16. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  17. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  18. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  19. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  20. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  21. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  22. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  23. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  24. A report has been created that includes more information about the causes of this error. Submitting this report helps Microsoft ...
  25. A report parameter expression for the {0} {1}' uses the function RowNumber. RowNumber cannot be used in report parameter ...
  26. A required restriction returned by the selector for type '{0}' references an unsupported restriction or the type member does ...
  27. A resource file with the name '{0}' already exists. Select a different culture or click Cancel and delete the existing file ...
  28. A row control was specified as container of the element. To search for a cell control using '{0}' and '{1}', you need not ...
  29. A rule set that is included by the TFS rule set does not exist on the server. The rule set that references the missing rule ...
  30. a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute constructor {1}. Mark this target as security critical or ...
  31. a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute field {1}. Mark this target as security critical or security ...
  32. a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute property {1}. Mark this target as security critical or security ...
  33. a security transparent method, calls {1} which is decorated with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute. Remove the ...
  34. A security update to your Windows Rights Management client is available. You can't create or access content with restricted ...
  35. A serious internal error occurred while processing this command. The debugger may be unstable now. It is recommended that ...
  36. A server application that must be launched by a container; cannot run as a stand-alone application. Supports only embedded ...
  37. A servicing step ({0}) references a StepPerformer ({1}) that was not found. Confirm you have the necessary servicing assemblies ...
  38. A SharePoint project item with the following name already exists: {0}. Please give a unique name to the project item you ...
  39. A SharePoint server is not installed on this computer. A SharePoint server must be installed to work with SharePoint projects. ...
  40. A single instance of controller '{0}' cannot be used to handle multiple requests. If a custom controller factory is in use, ...
  41. A SkinID has been specified but the page is not configured to use a page theme or stylesheet theme. This is acceptable if ...
  42. A software publisher will often use one publisher certificate to sign the assemblies in all of their applications. If you ...
  43. A solution with the specified name already exists on disk in the specified location. Do you want to overwrite the existing ...
  44. A sort expression for the {0} '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in data row sort expressions. ...
  45. A sort expression for the {0} '{1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in data row sort expressions. ...
  46. A sort expression for the {0} {1}' uses aggregate function First, Last or Previous. These aggregate functions cannot be used ...
  47. A sort expression for the {0} {1}' uses the aggregate function RunningValue. RunningValue cannot be used in sort expressions. ...
  48. A special path defines a common location that many graph objects can refer to. For example you might see something like $(SolutionDir) ...
  49. A SQL command string built from user input is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Microsoft SQL Server and other database ...
  50. a STDC pragma may only appear between declarations in the global scope or before any statements or declarations in a block ...
  51. A stored query or query folder with the name '{0}' has already been imported into this methodology. Duplicates will be ignored. ...
  52. A String that is evaluated to give a default value for the Property when an object of the owning Classifier is instantiated. ...
  53. A structure definition '%1' has been found in code-behind file '%2'. New file '%3' has been created for this structure and ...
  54. A table that has a defined column set can have up to 30,000 columns with a maximum of 1024 non-sparse and computed columns. ...
  55. A tag which registers the "%2" task was found in the project file "%1". tags in the project file take precedence over those ...
  56. A target file name within the VSTemplate file cannot be used because it is desktop.ini, which can be used to run unauthorized ...
  57. A target file name within the VSTemplate file is invalid. It is not being placed within the project destination directory. ...
  58. A target model and deploy to database were specified. If the origin of the target model was a file the results cannot be ...
  59. A Team Foundation Server proxy could not be found at the provided URL: {0} The proxy will be added to the server, but you ...
  60. A Team Project Collection is where your projects are stored. During upgrade all existing projects being upgraded are placed ...
  61. A Team Project Collection is where your projects are stored. You must create at least one Team Project Collection in order ...
  62. a template declaration containing a template parameter list may not be followed by an explicit specialization declaration ...
  63. A template file name {0} could not be found on disk. The multi-project solution could not be properly created, and may not ...
  64. A test configuration in the XML file has the following invalid value for 'IsDefault' field: {0}. You must set the value to ...
  65. A test plan lets you define your testing effort, including test cases and configurations you may need to run your tests. ...
  66. A test project can only be targeted to .NET Framework 3.5 or above. Other versions of the .NET Framework are not supported. ...
  67. A test run can only be targeted to single .Net framework version. Targeting multiple Framework version in single run is unsupported. ...
  68. A test script for {0} could not be created because {0} could not be found in the project's model. Check and fix any errors ...
  69. A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed in a finally clause that is nested inside the nearest enclosing catch ...
  70. a transparent method, contains a security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, ...
  71. a transparent method, contains a security assert. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, or the ...
  72. a transparent method, contains a security demand for {1}. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should ...
  73. a transparent method, contains a security demand. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should be removed ...
  74. a transparent method, uses the HandleProcessCorruptingExceptionsAttribute. In order to handle process corrupting exceptions, ...
  75. a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security ...