Visual Studio 2010

  1. When a project is created, it is placed within a new folder of the same name. The folder '%1' already exists. You need to ...
  2. When automatically creating a test project, disregard the default language setting and use the language of the production-code ...
  3. When compiling with /clr, an implicit conversion exists from string literal type to System::String^. If necessary to avoid ...
  4. When constructing a StylusPointDescription, any StylusPointPropertyInfos that represent buttons must be placed at the end ...
  5. When content is updated or added, the Local Help Viewer has to be restarted in order for the table of contents to render ...
  6. When converting a string to DateTime, parse the string to take the date before putting each variable into the DateTime object. ...
  7. When deploying the service library project, the content of the config file must be added to the host's app.config file. System.Configuration ...
  8. When enabled, any policy supplied by this assembly's publisher will be applied to this assembly. The publisher policy will ...
  9. When generating or updating an application manifest, the {0} option can only be used when the UseManifestForTrust option ...
  10. When hotpatching is on, the compiler ensures that first instruction of each function is two bytes, which is required for ...
  11. When implementing the ICollectionView interface, raise this event before changing the current item. Event handler can cancel ...
  12. When keyword Adds a conditional test to a Catch statement. Exceptions are caught by that Catch statement only when the conditional ...
  13. When marshaling strings as ANSI (or as Auto on Win9x), some characters may be changed. If best-fit mapping is on, strings ...
  14. When overloading the addition and subtraction operators, make sure that the equality operator (=) is defined in a consistent ...
  15. When passing ResXDataNodes as the IDictionary values to StronglyTypedResourceBuilder.Create, the keys must match the corresponding ...
  16. When performing potentially long running actions, such as downloading and installing content from the Web, you can click ...
  17. When redefining operators, implement named methods to provide access to the operator functionality from languages that do ...
  18. When Register Output is enabled, Per-user redirection forces registry writes to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT to be redirected to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. ...
  19. When set to true and you rename a component or control from the property grid or document outline, a rename refactoring operation ...
  20. When specified, the type wchar_t becomes a native type that maps to _wchar_t in the same way that short maps to _int16. /Zc:wchar_t ...
  21. When the 'Web Access Mode' property is set to FrontPage, specifies whether FrontPage Server Extensions' link repair is enabled. ...
  22. When the 'Web Access Mode' property is set to FrontPage, this property displays the version of the FrontPage Extensions that ...
  23. When the breakpoint location is reached, the expression is evaluated and the breakpoint is hit only if the expression is ...
  24. When this application is installed on the client machine, a shortcut will be added to the Start Menu, and the application ...
  25. When this item is selected, the policy will be evaluated using the rules that were selected in a previous version of Visual ...
  26. When this option is set to true, the imported model will be interpreted before it is saved to disk. By default, this option ...
  27. When updating a service definition, make sure the identifier is properly set. The best way to do this is to retrieve the ...
  28. When using a test settings file on a computer where Visual Studio Premium or Visual Studio Ultimate is not installed and ...
  29. When using a test settings file on a machine where Visual Studio Premium or Visual Studio Ultimate is not installed, and ...
  30. When using an external build system, the command lines are the commands that will be executed when a build action occurs ...
  31. When using ctrX, one of the following constraints must also be specified: l, r, or w. When using ctrY, one of the following ...
  32. When using Source Server, only use symbol files that are from a known and trusted location. Please see help for important ...
  33. When using the overloaded two-argument FindString or FindExactString methods with a ComboBox or ListBox, check the startIndex ...
  34. When Word sends information to the blog service provider, it may be possible for other people to see that information. This ...
  35. When you click 'Finish', Microsoft Test Manager will compose a new virtual environment in team project host group: {0}'. ...
  36. When you click 'Finish', Microsoft Test Manager will deploy the new virtual environment in team project host group {0}'. ...
  37. When you click 'Finish', Microsoft Test Manager will import the template and store it in project library share {0}'. The ...
  38. When you click 'Finish', Microsoft Test Manager will import the virtual machine and store it in project library share {0}'. ...
  39. When you click 'Finish', Microsoft Test Manager will store the new virtual environment in project library share {0}'. The ...
  40. When you click 'Finish', Microsoft Test Manager will update this virtual machine with the following additional information. ...
  41. When you click Next, you may be asked to enter more information, such as the location of the specific file you want to connect ...
  42. When you close this wizard, you will be prompted to send a problem report to Microsoft. For more information, see Microsoft ...
  43. When you create a new test case from a bug, the test case is added to the same plan as an existing test result for the bug. ...
  44. When you create a Visual Studio project from existing code files, the project is created on your computer and all relevant ...
  45. When you delete a query folder, you also delete all the queries in the folder. Do you want to delete the following query ...
  46. When you delete a test run, any test results for the test cases in the test run will no longer be associated with its test ...
  47. When you delete a test suite, it is removed from any test run that references it. Any test results from running the tests ...
  48. When you delete your current test plan, you also delete all test results for the test plan. Also, any items you have open ...
  49. When you have finished arranging your envelope, click Next. Then you can preview each recipient's envelope and make any individual ...
  50. When you have finished arranging your label, click Next. Then you can preview each recipient's label and make any individual ...
  51. When you have finished composing your document, click Next. Then you can preview and personalize each recipient's document. ...
  52. When you have finished previewing your directory, click Next. Then you can print the merged directory or edit it to add personal ...
  53. When you have finished previewing your document, click Next. Then you can print the merged documents or edit them to add ...
  54. When you have finished previewing your envelopes, click Next. Then you can print the merged envelopes or edit individual ...
  55. When you have finished previewing your labels, click Next. Then you can print the merged labels or edit individual labels ...
  56. When you have finished previewing your letters, click Next. Then you can print the merged letters or edit individual letters ...
  57. When you have finished previewing your publication, click Next. You can then print the merged publication or edit individual ...
  58. When you import a database, each database object (such as a table or a view) is stored in a separate file on the disk. You ...
  59. When you insert a frames page using the Include Page component, Visual Web Developer cannot display it. To edit the frames ...
  60. When you play back the action recording for an iteration of this test, only recorded values will be used and not the parameter ...
  61. When you play back the action recording for these shared steps as part of a test, only recorded values will be used and not ...
  62. When you publish your blog post, your pictures need to be uploaded to a picture provider or other storage location. Where ...
  63. When you specify the command file switch @, you must follow it with the name of the file that contains the command input. ...
  64. Whether a beginner or an expert, your training starts here. The Microsoft Data Platform provides developers with a comprehensive ...
  65. Whether or not the item is statically defined, that is, if the item is common to all instances of this object type, or only ...
  66. Whether the types in this reference need to embedded into the target assembly - interop asemblies only (optional, boolean) ...
  67. Which data connection should your application use to connect to the database? Click New Connection if the connection you ...
  68. While any type may derive from a transparent type or interface, restrictions apply as to the types that can inherit from ...
  69. While attempting to update source control binding information, %s could not check out the project file, possibly because ...
  70. While getting assembly resolver, FindPlatformDirectory recommended using the installed platform ({0}) instead of the target ...
  71. While keyword Runs a series of statements as long as a given condition is true, or specifies a condition that allows the ...
  72. While keyword Specifies a condition for Skip and Take operations. Elements will be bypassed or included as long as the condition ...
  73. While Office customizations can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not ...
  74. While Office customizations can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not ...
  75. While Office customizations from the Internet can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust ...