Visio 2007

  1. error C2043: '%1!.1023s!' : Ring constraint can only be expressed on the two roles of the same predicate played by the same ...
  2. error C2049: '%1!.1023s!' : Predicate is an undefined 'External'. At least one predicate with this text must not be external. ...
  3. error C2065: Subtype link involves object type that is used in the reference scheme of other object type(s) in the same subtype ...
  4. error C2069: '%1!.1023s!' : %2!.1023s! constraint contains role sequences with conflicting uniqueness constraint pattern. ...
  5. error C2070: '%1!.1023s!' : The equality constraint involving two facts results in the same population. One of the facts ...
  6. error C2103: '%1!.1023s!' : Alias object type '%2!.1023s!' may identify only one element using a primary uniqueness constraint. ...
  7. error C2104: '%1!.1023s!' : Aliased object type by '%2!.1023s!' must be a built-in type, an unnamed row, or a collection ...
  8. error C2105: '%1!.1023s!' : Aliased object type by '%2!.1023s!' must be a built-in type, a named row, or another distinct ...
  9. error C2112: '%1!.1023s!' : Typed object type '%2!.1023s!' cannot be used for the primary reference scheme of an untyped ...
  10. error C2113: '%1!.1023s!' : Untyped entity object type may not be used to define an attribute for typed object type '%2!.1023s!' ...
  11. error C2114: '%1!.1023s!' : Untyped entity object type may not play a role in the nested predicate by a typed object type ...
  12. error L1008: '%s' : Subtype table is not allowed to have a primary key. The primary key is inherited from the supertype table. ...
  13. error L3008: '%1!.1023s!' : Referential action 'Set NULL' option not valid when child column '%2!.1023s!' does not allow ...
  14. error L3018: '%1!.1023s!' : Parent column '%2!.1023s!' and child column '%3!.1023s!' have mismatched value/range constraints. ...
  15. error L3020: '%1!.1023s!' : Foreign key relationship has same parent and child tables as %2!.1023s!, but does not have different ...
  16. error L3021: '%s' : Category relationship must be from the parent primary key to the child primary key, and both primary ...
  17. error L3022: '%1!.1023s!' : Self-referencing foreign key column '%2!.1023s!' cannot exist as both a parent and a child in ...
  18. error L3028: '%1!.1023s!' : Referential action 'Set default' option not valid when child column '%2!.1023s!' does not have ...
  19. error L4007: '%1!.1023s!' : Primary identifier on table '%2!.1023s!' is not allowed to contain subfields of a composite type. ...
  20. error L4009: '%1!.1023s!' : Alternate key on table '%2!.1023s!' and alternate key '%3!.1023s!' (on same table) are functionally ...
  21. error L4011: '%1!.1023s!' : View column is projected on a column '%2!.1023s!' whose owner occurs after the view definition. ...
  22. error L4012: '%1!.1023s!' : View has join expression involving a column '%2!.1023s!' whose owner occurs after the view definition. ...
  23. error L7001: '%s' : A composite type originating from a logical document cannot be associated with objects built from different ...
  24. error M2501: '%1!.1023s!' : Table has more than one definition. Please change the conceptual name of the offending table ...
  25. error M2502: '%1!.1023s!' : Column has more than one definition. Please change the conceptual name of the offending column ...
  26. Error! Cannot extract column definition for the table/view '%s'. The definition is not available or you may not have sufficient ...
  27. Expresses a decision when guard conditions are used to indicate different possible transitions that are Boolean dependent. ...
  28. Expression is invalid. Use curly braces '{}' around field labels to use them in expressions. Use a double brace '{' in places ...
  29. Externally defined columns cannot be dropped. To remove an externally-defined column, You must do so from within the document ...
  30. Failed to load Aec.dll because either it or Aec.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this problem. ...
  31. Failed to load AecUtils.dll because either it or AecUtils.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  32. Failed to load Brainstorming.dll because either it or Brainstorming.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to ...
  33. Failed to load CrossFunctional.dll because either it or CrossFunctional.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. ...
  34. Failed to load DBEngr.dll because either it or DBEngr.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  35. Failed to load dbwiz.dll because either it or dbwiz.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this problem. ...
  36. Failed to load Gantt Chart.dll because either it or Gantt Chart.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct ...
  37. Failed to load Hvac.dll because either it or Hvac.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this problem. ...
  38. Failed to load lgnd.dll because either it or lgnd.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this problem. ...
  39. Failed to load MPX Interface.dll, ViewModel.dll or ProjectModel.dll. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this problem. ...
  40. Failed to load Organization Chart Solution DLL because either it or the VSL is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. ...
  41. Failed to load OrgChWiz.dll because either it or OrgChWiz.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  42. Failed to load ProcessEngineering.dll because either it or ProcessEngineering.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. ...
  43. Failed to load PropRpt.dll because either it or PropRpt.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  44. Failed to load SaveAsWeb.dll because either it or SaveAsWeb.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct ...
  45. Failed to load ShapNum.dll because either it or ShapNum.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  46. Failed to load SMigrate.dll because either it or SMigrate.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  47. Failed to load VisColor.dll because either it or VisioColors.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct ...
  48. Failed to load VisUtils.dll because either it or VisUtils.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  49. Failed to load VisWeb.dll because either it or VisWeb.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  50. Fatal error - cannot delete file. Close this file now! To recover, open '%s'. To avoid this error, set NetFlags=3 in the ...
  51. Fatal error - cannot rename temp file. Close this file now! To recover, open '%s'. To avoid this error, set NetFlags=1 in ...
  52. File growth size cannot exceed the maximum file size specified. You need to adjust either the maximum file size or file growth ...
  53. Follow these steps to start using this diagram: To open and modify the linked Excel data source, choose Help, Sample Diagrams. ...
  54. For each portable type, select the physical type that it maps to. You can override this default mapping in the data type ...
  55. For large schemas, automatically adding all the shapes to the current page is not recommended as the generation time may ...
  56. Frequency Band;Mastergroup;Erect Band of Frequencies;Group of Erect Channels;Inverted Band of Frequencies;Band of Mixed Channels ...
  57. General #.# General units #.# u Whole number (%s) 0 Whole number w/ units (%s cm.) 0 u Floating pt (%s) 0.00 Floating pt ...
  58. GeneralizableElement - WFR2 - No generalizable element can have a supertype generalization to an element which is a leaf. ...
  59. Has currency symbols, warning signs, danger signs, bathrooms, restrooms, hospitality signs, food signs, environmental symbols, ...
  60. Identify a table into which ORACLE places information about rows that violate an enabled integrity constraint. Prefix the ...
  61. If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show ...
  62. If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show ...
  63. If there is more than one role at each end of the constraint, increase the indicated "Number of roles at each end" to show ...
  64. If you need to specify server specific information in the create database statement, check the 'Extract server information'. ...
  65. If you press Finish, any conflicts resolved will be migrated back to the model, but no changes will be made to the database. ...
  66. If you press Finish, the wizard will %s the database and create a DDL script file, but will not store an image of the database ...
  67. If you press Finish, the wizard will %s the database, but will not create a DDL script file and will not store an image of ...
  68. If you press Finish, the wizard will %s the database, generate the DDL file, and mark the objects in the model as reverse ...
  69. If you select a column to color by, the wizard will use the values in that column to create a color legend and color your ...
  70. If you trust the source of this document, you can enable automatic refresh. If you disable automatic refresh, you can manually ...
  71. Import failed. Target document contains existing model elements or is of the wrong type. Target document must contain no ...
  72. Importing large amounts of data may negatively impact performance and increase file size. It is recommended that you filter ...
  73. Include only tasks and milestones (tasks that have duration of 0) that have outline level 1. Task that do not specify an ...
  74. Include only tasks and milestones (tasks that have duration of 0) that have outline level 1. Tasks that do not specify an ...
  75. Include only tasks that have duration greater than 0 and outline level 1. Tasks with duration greater than 0 that do not ...