System Center Operations Manager 2007

  1. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceComponentHasServiceComponentItem ...
  2. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceComponentHasServiceComponentItem.Item ...
  3. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceComponentReference ...
  4. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceComponentReference ...
  5. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceComponentReferencesServiceComponent ...
  6. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceHasServiceComponent ...
  7. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceHasServiceComponent.ContainsComponent ...
  8. Description for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.ServiceDesignerEditor.DSL.ServiceHasServiceComponent.Service ...
  9. Deselect servers that you don't want agents to failover to (if for example, one of servers is a critical management server ...
  10. Deserializing the given object into the given ManagementGroup failed because one of the types referenced does not exist in ...
  11. Diagnostics data of the specified role which are older than %13 GMT have been deleted from the Windows Azure storage table. ...
  12. did not pass the security verification. The management pack cannot be downloaded and the temporary file has been deleted. ...
  13. Disable a monitor: I want to disable monitor for all Windows Computers. Override a diagnostic: I need to override this diagnostic ...
  14. Disable a monitor: I want to disable monitor for all Windows Computers. Override a diagnostic: I need to override this diagnostic ...
  15. Discovery data couldn't be inserted to the database. This could have happened because of one of the following reasons: - ...
  16. Discovery data couldn't be inserted to the database. This could have happened because of one of the following reasons: - ...
  17. Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. The health service id %2 should ...
  18. Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. The health service id %2 should ...
  19. Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. This can be due to the following ...
  20. Discovery data generated by discovery source id '%1' has invalid topology relationships. This can be due to the following ...
  21. Discovery data has been received from a rule targeted at a non-existent monitoring object id. MonitoringObjectId: {0} RuleId: ...
  22. Discovery data has been received from a rule targeted at a non-existent monitoring object id. MonitoringObjectId: {0} RuleId: ...
  23. Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response by rule %5. This is not supported ...
  24. Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response by rule %5. This is not supported ...
  25. Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response by task %5. This is not supported ...
  26. Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response by task %5. This is not supported ...
  27. Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response invoked by %5. This is not supported ...
  28. Discovery data has been submitted with both disabled and enabled scopes in a single response invoked by %5. This is not supported ...
  29. Discovery failed to initialize because in a single day window, the start hour is greater than the end hour. Discovery name: ...
  30. Discovery failed to initialize because some "hour in the day" in the schedule could not be parsed on the HH:mm format. Hour ...
  31. Discovery failed to initialize because some schedule window has a negative start. Discovery name: %2 Instance name: %3 Management ...
  32. Discovery failed to initialize because some schedule window has a non-positive length of time. Discovery name: %2 Instance ...
  33. Discovery failed to initialize because some schedule window has no day of the week set. Discovery name: %2 Instance name: ...
  34. Discovery failed to initialize because some schedule windows overlap with each other. Discovery name: %2 Instance name: %3 ...
  35. Discovery failed to initialize because some value in its schedule configuration is too long. Value: %1 Discovery name: %3 ...
  36. Discovery failed to initialize because the exclude date interval in the schedule failed to parse using the MM/dd format. ...
  37. Discovery failed to initialize because the first schedule window is after the full interval. Discovery name: %2 Instance ...
  38. Discovery failed to initialize because the last and first schedule windows overlap. Discovery name: %2 Instance name: %3 ...
  39. Discovery failed to initialize because the maximum number of schedule windows has been reached. Number of windows: %1 Maximum ...
  40. Discovery failed to initialize because the number of excluded dates in the schedule is greater than the maximum allowed. ...
  41. Discovery failed to initialize because the recurring interval can not be greater than the full re-sync interval for the schedule. ...
  42. Discovery failed to initialize because the specified schedule contains an invalid multiple days interval. The start and end ...
  43. Discovery failed to initialize because the specified schedule interval is greater than the maximum allowed. Interval (seconds): ...
  44. Discovery failed to initialize because the specified schedule interval number is out of range. Interval: %1 Minimum Unit ...
  45. Discovery failed to initialize because the specified schedule is not recognized as a weekly or simple recurring one. Discovery ...
  46. Discovery failed to initialize because the specified schedule spread initialization interval is greater than the maximum ...
  47. Discovery failed to initialize because the specified schedule spread initialization interval number is out of range. Interval: ...
  48. Discovery failed to initialize because there is no schedule window specified. Discovery name: %2 Instance name: %3 Management ...
  49. Discovery failed to initialize due to invalid schedule configuration. Invalid Configuration: %1 Discovery name: %3 Instance ...
  50. Discovery failed to initialize due to invalid schedule configuration. Rejected Item: %1 Rejected Value: %2 Discovery name: ...
  51. Discovery manager has detected an unsupported topology. On demand discovery is being disabled and the health service will ...
  52. Discovery module failed connecting to local cluster and module will unload. Error: %5 Details: %6 Workflow name: %2 Instance ...
  53. Discovery module failed connecting to local cluster while cluster service is registered. Module will try reconnect after ...
  54. Discovery module succeeded connecting to local cluster. Workflow name: %2 Instance name: %3 Instance ID: %4 Management group: ...
  55. Displays the interval during {0}which the image loaded and {0}the elapsed time in ms between {0}TTFB and the load completion. ...
  56. Distributed application exported successfully. This file needs a valid management pack ID and matching file name before it ...
  57. Distributed application exported successfully. This file needs a valid management pack ID and matching file name before it ...
  58. Domain {0} has a functional level of {1}. For AD based assignment the domain functional level should be Windows2000 or Windows2003 ...
  59. Due to an unusually high system load, the threshold for functions processed per second has been exceeded. This may have resulted ...
  60. Due to an unusually high system load, the threshold for functions processed per second has been exceeded. This may have resulted ...
  61. Duplicate Error: More than one language pack item has been specified for the same MP Object: ElementID={1}, SubElementID= ...
  62. Duplicate MonitorTypeStateID {0} specified for OnDemand Detection. This MonitorTypeStateID already has another OnDemand Detection ...
  63. Duplicate MonitorTypeStateID {0} specified for RegularDetection. This MonitorTypeStateID already has another Regular Detection ...
  64. Duplicate routes to %2 were found in management group %1. The route through %3 has been ignored. Please verify the communication ...
  65. Duplicate Signature ID usage detected for STT Signature ID: '%5'. The STT Rule and monitor for this ID might differ in configuration ...
  66. Duplicate Signature ID usage detected for STT Signature ID: '%5'. The STT Rule and monitor for this ID might differ in configuration ...
  67. Duplicated MonitorTypeState ID: {0}]. MonitorTypeState ID field is not case-sensitive. Please specify a valid ID string. ...
  68. During the install of the "%1" software updates one of the patch required a reboot the computer "%2". Please reboot the computer ...
  69. During the install of the "%1" software updates one of the patch required a reboot the computer "%2". Please reboot the computer ...
  70. During the upgrade process the database will not be available to the DCAMs. Data will queue up on the DCAMs until the database ...
  71. Either upgrade all agents to System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, or remove the agents that have not been upgraded from ...
  72. Either upgrade all gateway servers to System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, or remove the gateway servers that have not ...
  73. Either upgrade all secondary management servers to System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, or remove the management servers ...
  74. Element '{0}' is treated as the target role-player of a relationship '{1}' instance, which should be serialized in full-form. ...
  75. Element with ID={0} exists in the ExportCatalog. But it is not of the requested type. Requested type={1}, Actual type={2}] ...