System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 R2

  1. Review the application event log for information about a possible service shutdown. Verify that the following services are ...
  2. Review the application event log for information about a possible service shutdown. Verify that the following services are ...
  3. Review the Application Event log for more details. Verify that DPM is installed and that the DPM Writer service is running. ...
  4. Review the application event log on the protected computer for errors from the DPM writer service. Take appropriate action ...
  5. Review the error details. In Control Panel, click Windows Firewall, and on the General tab, verify that the "Don't allow ...
  6. Review the error log for details. Verify that the Remote SQL Server administrator credentials you provided are correct and ...
  7. Review the failure errors for individual files from the log file %FileName; and take appropriate action. If some files fail ...
  8. Review the log files on %ServerName;: windir emp\msdpm*.log and take appropriate action. Retry the operation, and if the ...
  9. Right click to change auto protection status. When instance is Auto Protected any new database that is found will be automatically ...
  10. Run chkdsk on the affected volume and then run synchronization with consistency check. 2) If running chkdsk does not solve ...
  11. Run SQL Configuration tool on the computer running SQL Server to change the account for the services. Then run the program ...
  12. Run the following command at the command prompt to start the DPM Troubleshooting Console manually: %CommandlineArgument; ...
  13. Run the SQLPrepInstaller.exe located on the installation DVD or installation share, and try again. The executable is located ...
  14. Running a consistency check on a replica that has become inconsistent allows DPM to continue protecting the data source. ...
  15. Select fewer objects. 1) If you are trying to protect a large number of data sources on a volume, consider protecting the ...
  16. Select the appropriate option and click on the button to perform the prerequisite check and install the missing Windows components. ...
  17. Select the date from the calendar and the time from the drop down list for the recovery points that you want. Click recover ...
  18. Select this method if you want DPM to automatically run a consistency check when it finds a replica in an inconsistent state. ...
  19. Select this method if you want DPM to check for inconsistent replicas at a specified time every day and then run a consistency ...
  20. Select this option for backing up data from laptops and desktops. You can install the DPM protection agent after completing ...
  21. Select this option for backing up file servers and application servers. Before selecting this option, ensure that the DPM ...
  22. Select this option if the target SharePoint farm has changed since the time of creation of selected recovery point. Here, ...
  23. Select this option if the version of the target SharePoint farm is same as at the time of creation of the selected recovery ...
  24. Select this option to allow end users to include folders of their choice for protection. Folders you have excluded will not ...
  25. Selected agent(s) are configured using Certificates. Uninstalling the agent(s) would remove the record(s) from DPM Server. ...
  26. Selected drive is disabled. Any protection jobs configured to use the library to which the selected drive belongs will use ...
  27. Selected protection group is marked for tape usage optimization: {0}. To change the settings, use Optimize Tape Usage' on ...
  28. Send e-mail providing information about events that do not require immediate action, such as a change within a protected ...
  29. Separate multiple e-mail addresses with a semi-colon. For example, [email protected]; [email protected]. The report ...
  30. ServerName; cannot be used as a destination for recovery because it has not been restarted since the protection agent was ...
  31. ServerName; needs to be restarted. This may be because the computer has not been restarted since the protection agent was ...
  32. ServiceName; only supports up to %Parameter1; recovery points for each data source. The azure backup schedule you have specified ...
  33. ServiceName; only supports up to %Parameter1; recovery points for each data source. The azure backup schedule you have specified ...
  34. Setup cannot parse the SQL Server Reporting Services configuration file (%FileName;) for the SMTP server address and the ...
  35. Setup could not find a drive with %s KB free disk space to install the program. Please free up some space first and press ...
  36. Setup does not uninstall the protection agents. To uninstall the protection agents, use DPM Administrator Console or Add ...
  37. Setup has configured Operations Manager Server to run DPM data source discoveries at 06:00 and 18:00 DPM server time every ...
  38. Setup has detected that DPM Remote Administration is already installed. Uninstall the application and then run setup again. ...
  39. Setup has detected that either DPM Management Shell or DPM Remote Administration is installed on this computer. Uninstall ...
  40. Setup has detected that Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 SP1 is not installed. You need to install .NET framework 3.5 SP1 before ...
  41. Setup was cancelled during installation of {0}. Because installation of {0} cannot be interrupted, Setup stopped the installation ...
  42. Since %OccuredSince;, DPM Online recovery point creation jobs for %DatasourceName; have failed. The total number of failed ...
  43. Since %OccuredSince;, synchronization jobs for %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; have failed. The total number of failed jobs ...
  44. Size optimization cannot be done on data source %DatasourceName;. This can be done only if a part of the data source is protected. ...
  45. Some configuration steps for DPM Central Console server components failed. Please execute the file DPMCentralConsoleServerConfig.bat ...
  46. Some items were not recovered because recovering items across a reparse point is not permitted. The folder %ReparsePtPath; ...
  47. Some of the databases were not available for protection when the selected recovery point was created. For farm recovery, ...
  48. Some of the datasources were not available for protection when the selected recovery point was created. Only those datasources ...
  49. Some of the recovery point that you selected is stored on multiple tape sets. Select the tape set to use for recovery from ...
  50. Some of the selected computers could not be added. To view the list of computers that could not be added, click the "Failed ...
  51. Some of the selected tapes cannot be removed at this time because the selected library does not have enough I/E ports. Tapes ...
  52. Some protection agents cannot be updated from the DPM console. Perform the following steps to update these agents: 1. Copy ...
  53. Some SQL databases are mirrored in the selected Windows SharePoint Services farm. For each mirrored database, you must select ...
  54. Space required on the web front end server should be atleast as large as the size of the items that have been selected for ...
  55. Specify a different instance to install DPM or choose the option to let DPM install its own SQL Server instance. If DPM's ...
  56. Specify a drive letter based file path, for example, C:\folder\subfolder\*.txt or C:\mnt\E_vol\1.txt, and then try again. ...
  57. Specify a location on the front-end Web server of the recovery farm where database can be copied to. After recovery is over ...
  58. Specify a location on the front-end Web server of the recovery farm where database files can be copied. After recovery is ...
  59. Specify a location where database files will be temporarily copied to. After recovery is over these files will be deleted. ...
  60. Specify a temporary file location on the web front end server for the SharePoint farm you want to recover selected item to. ...
  61. Specify an alternate parent URL under which you want to recover the selected item. This URL should be in the same SharePoint ...
  62. Specify an instance of SQL Server you would like to use to temporarily stage content database prior to recovery. DPM would ...
  63. Specify how much data will be protected from each computer. DPM would use this information to allocate space in the DPM storage ...
  64. Specify how much data would be protected by each computer in this protection group. DPM uses this information to allocate ...
  65. Specify new sizes for replica and recovery point volumes. The new size for the volume cannot be less than what is currently ...
  66. Specify the DPM server to which you want to connect. Ensure that you have permissions to access the DPM server. If you do ...
  67. Specify the DPM server to which you want to connect. You need administrator permissions on the DPM server to be able to connect ...
  68. Specify the network bandwidth usage throttle setting for the selected protected computer. This setting applies for both protection ...
  69. Specify the times and days of the week for recovery points. The times you select reflect the local time zones of your protected ...
  70. Specify whether to prune the catalog when the protection group retention range expires (default) or after a shorter period ...
  71. Specify which SharePoint recovery farm you would like to use to temporarily stage data prior to recovery. DPM would use the ...
  72. Specify which SharePoint recovery farm you would like to use to temporarily stage data prior to recovery. DPM would use the ...
  73. SQL Server Management tools not installed on this machine. 1) Please install SQL 2012 Service Pack 1 Tools from installation ...
  74. SQL Server Reporting Service on the selected instance is using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This will be reconfigured so that ...
  75. SQL Server Reporting Services uses the {0} local account to access the Data Protection Manager SQL Server database for generating ...