SQL Server 2012

  1. User does not have permission to %1!s! the conversation '%2!s!' in state '%3!s!'. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server ...
  2. User does not have permission to alter database '%1!s!', the database does not exist, or the database is not in a state that ...
  3. User does not have permission to query backup files with the virtual table DBLog. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server ...
  4. User does not have permission to query the virtual table, DBLog. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner ...
  5. User ID and/or Password is specified in the connection string. They will be ignored because External Activator does not support ...
  6. User {0} is a member of DatabaseMailUserRole which is needed for to send e-mail using other profiles. Do you want to remove ...
  7. User {0} on client {1} is attempting to update Knowledge Base '{2}' Id={3}], This session was terminated by an administrator. ...
  8. User {0} on client {1} is attempting to update Knowledge Base '{2}' Id={3}], This session was terminated due to login of ...
  9. User-defined %1!s! '%2!s!' in tempdb cannot be referenced from local temp table '%3!s!' because the temp table is being created ...
  10. user-defined aggregate extension method '{0}' has an invalid mapping expression, it has to map from input type '{1}' to a ...
  11. user-defined aggregate method '{0}' has a return type '{1}', which is not a type that is supported by Complex Event Process ...
  12. User-defined function {0} has the execution context of {1} that is not supported in the target database version, SQL Server ...
  13. User-defined function {0} has the execution context {1}. Scripting user-defined function with the execution context {1} is ...
  14. User-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, CLR types, and methods on CLR types are not allowed in expressions in this ...
  15. User-defined login name {0} cannot match the names of fixed server roles. Rename the login {0} before upgrading to SQL Server ...
  16. User-defined method call '{0}' on an object of type '{1}' is not supported, only static user-defined method call is supported. ...
  17. user-defined operator call can only take at most one more parameter as configuration for the user-defined operator. The following ...
  18. User-defined operator or aggregate '{0}' implements the interface IDeclareEventProperties but the return type is either null ...
  19. User-named %1!s! constraint '%2!s!' is not allowed on temp table '%3!s!' because it is being created in a contained database. ...
  20. UserDefinedType method call failed because parameter %1!s! of method '%2!s!' of type '%3!s!' is annotated with unsupported ...
  21. USERELATIONSHIP function cannot be used while querying table '%{table1/}' because of the row level security defined on table ...
  22. USER_ID will be removed from a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to ...
  23. Uses patterns in the data to estimate the correct input in one column, if you know the result you want in a different column. ...
  24. Using '%1!s!' version '%2!s!' to execute extended stored procedure '%3!s!'. This is an informational message only; no user ...
  25. Using an expression to set the AutoRefresh property is not supported in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. Set AutoRefresh ...
  26. Using ConditionDatastoreIntegration with the condition '{0}' is not supported, as the condition method '{1}' is static. Only ...
  27. Using Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages in replication requires a password that is not NULL or empty. Specify a ...
  28. Using dynamic lock allocation. Initial allocation of %1!s! Lock blocks and %2!s! Lock Owner blocks per node. This is an informational ...
  29. Using the '{0}' data type is not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or change the data type before ...
  30. Using the recovery LSN %1!s! stored in the metadata for the database with ID %2!s!. This is an informational message only. ...
  31. Using the same random seed on the same input data always generates the same sample. Specifying random seed is recommended ...
  32. Using the service account as the impersonation setting for a data source is less secure than using a Windows account. Select ...
  33. Using the static lock allocation specified in the locks configuration option. Allocated %1!s! Lock blocks and %2!s! Lock ...
  34. Utility collection sets are not installed. Enrollment of an instance requires utility collection sets be pre-installed on ...
  35. U[ser user_name Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. You use this ...
  36. Valid values: positive integers starting from 0 or -1. If the value is 0 entries are not deleted from the Execution Log table. ...
  37. Validate source database failed. See the exception details for more information. For more information on validation rules ...
  38. Validate target requirements failed. See the exception details for more information. For more information on validation rules ...
  39. Validate this instance of SQL Server 2012 by entering the 25-character key from the Microsoft certificate of authenticity ...
  40. Validation failed. The operation failed to create a login on the specified instance of SQL Server. Possible reasons include ...
  41. Validation of one or more log providers failed. The package cannot execute. The package does not execute when a log provider ...
  42. Validation skipped. This validation was skipped because the SQL Server Agent service account cannot be a built-in account. ...
  43. Validation skipped. This validation was skipped because the SQL Server Agent service was not started. Correct the failure ...
  44. Validation skipped. This validation was skipped because the SQL Server version validation step failed. Correct the failure ...
  45. Validation skipped. This validation was skipped because the user permissions validation step failed. Correct the failure ...
  46. Validation will occur the next time the Distribution Agents run. The results will be available in Replication Monitor. Note ...
  47. VALIDMEASURE=1= Tuple =Returns a value computed at the granularity of the measure group without unrelated dimensions and/or ...
  48. Value for the feature set option should be between 0 and 3. To combine feature sets append the option values delimited by ...
  49. Value of property {0} is not in a committed state. Configuration value = {1}, Run value = {2}. Before policies can evaluate ...
  50. Value representing the type of the object involved in the event. This value corresponds to the type column in sysobjects. ...
  51. VAR=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. ...
  52. VarArgs - Is list of Variant expression, of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit ...
  53. VarArgs - is list of Variant expression, of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit ...
  54. Varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) and large CLR type data types are not supported as return value or output parameter ...
  55. Vardecimal storage format cannot be disabled for database "%1!s!" because the database is not under simple recovery model. ...
  56. Vardecimal storage format cannot be enabled on table '%1!s!' because database '%2!s!' is a system database. Vardecimal storage ...
  57. Variable "%1!s!" bound to child package parameter "%2!s!" contains a sensitive value. The child package parameter is not ...
  58. Variable parameters can not be passed to fulltext predicates: contains, freetext and functions: containstable, freetexttable ...
  59. VARIANCE=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased ...
  60. VARIANCEP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased ...
  61. VARP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased population. ...
  62. Va[lidate Optional. Stops the execution of the package after the validate phase, without actually running the package. If ...
  63. VBA functions handle null values and empty values differently than they were handled in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services ...
  64. VBA functions in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services returned 0 or an empty string when either null values or empty values ...
  65. Verification of the connection to the provider failed. Possible causes include an account key that is invalid, an incorrect ...
  66. Verifies that the computer is connected to the Internet. When a Microsoft .NET application like Microsoft Management Studio ...
  67. Verify that your selections are correct for this event session. To close this wizard and create the event session, click ...
  68. Verify the row counts and compare checksums to verify the row data (all Subscribers are servers running SQL Server 2000 or ...
  69. VerifyB[uild major[;minor[build Optional. Verifies the build number of a package against the build numbers specified in the ...
  70. VerifyP[ackageID package_id Optional. Verifies the ID of the package to be executed against the value specified in the packageID ...
  71. VerifyV[ersionID version_id Optional. Verifies the version GUID of a package to be executed against the value specified in ...
  72. Version store is full. New version(s) could not be added. A transaction that needs to access the version store may be rolled ...
  73. Version store scan timed out when attempting to read the next row. Please try the statement again later when the system is ...
  74. VertiPaq column '%{IWColumnName/}' must be bound to the table through the table primary key and only through it. Columns ...
  75. Videos are available to highlight features of the product and help you understand where Master Data Services fits in with ...