SQL Server 2008 R2

  1. A rowcount validation request has been submitted to heterogeneous publisher %1!s! for article %2!s! of publication %3!s!. ...
  2. A scalar function that allows the caller of a stored procedure to determine whether or not the procedure has returned a cursor ...
  3. A schema contains database objects, such as tables, views, and stored procedures. A schema owner can be a database user, ...
  4. A Schema.ini file has been detected in the current import folder "{0}". Settings from this file will override your current ...
  5. A security (SSPI) error occurred when connecting to another service broker: '%1!s!'. Check the Windows Event Log for more ...
  6. A semicolon (;) must be use to separate options in a notification options identifier. String '%1!s!' was found following ...
  7. A sequence node column was not found in the %{modelname/}, model. The Microsoft Sequence Clustering algorithm requires a ...
  8. A serious error occurred in the Service Broker message transmitter (operation %1!s!): Error: %2!s!, State: %3!s!. Message ...
  9. A server subscription can republish the data to, and be a synchronization partner with, other Subscribers. It has its own ...
  10. A session transaction cannot be nested inside an existing transaction. Session objects cannot be created inside a non-session ...
  11. A session transaction is already in progress, but a non-session write operation was initiated. After creating a session object, ...
  12. A set of customer data that can be used with the Query Data task on the Data Mining ribbon after models have been created. ...
  13. A set of sample rows will be extracted into a new spreadsheet. The sample will have at most {0} rows and will ensure {1}% ...
  14. A set of sample rows will be extracted into the "{0}" spreadsheet. The sample will have at most {1} rows and will ensure ...
  15. A setting '{0}' is found being implemented by both property '{1}' of object '{2}' and property '{3}' of object '{4}'. This ...
  16. A SharePoint Web application has content databases on a remote computer and the report server is running under an account ...
  17. A significant part of sql server process memory has been paged out. This may result in a performance degradation. Duration: ...
  18. A single session may have different Execution Context IDs if it is running a parallel query (see "sys.dm_os_tasks.exec_context_id") ...
  19. A single session may have different Request IDs if it uses Multiple Active Result Sets, or MARS (see "sys.dm_exec_requests.request_id") ...
  20. A site for teams to share workbooks in a PowerPivot Gallery, which includes a choice of interactive visualizations with thumbnail ...
  21. A SKU violation has been discovered; this normally indicates an attempt to use features from a lower SKU version of the product ...
  22. A sort expression for the {0} '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in data row sort expressions. ...
  23. A sort expression for the {0} '{1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in data row sort expressions. ...
  24. A sort expression for the {0} {1}' uses aggregate function First, Last or Previous. These aggregate functions cannot be used ...
  25. A sort expression for the {0} {1}' uses the aggregate function RunningValue. RunningValue cannot be used in sort expressions. ...
  26. A SortMode value of Automatic is incompatible with the DataGridViewAutoFilterColumnHeaderCell type. Use the AutomaticSortingEnabled ...
  27. A source binding is missing for the OLAP mining structure, '%{structure/}' (column='%{column/}', nested column='%{nestedcolumn/}'). ...
  28. A SQL Server update with a higher version has already been installed on SQL Server instance {4}, so the current SQL Server ...
  29. A stoplist cache cannot be generated while processing a full-text query or performing full-text indexing. There is not enough ...
  30. A stored procedure can be published only as a 'serializable proc exec' article, a 'proc exec' article, or a 'proc schema ...
  31. A stream with name '{0}' already exists, try use a different name. If you intend to refer to the same stream, make sure their ...
  32. A string literal contains an illegal hexadecimal escape sequence. The escape sequence is not supported in string literals ...
  33. A string value within the notification options identifier is too long. String with prefix '%1!s!' must be %2!s! characters ...
  34. A subscription database needs to be initialized with a snapshot of the publication data and schema unless it has already ...
  35. A summary page is not available for the {0} instance because the instance uses a previous version of Notification Services. ...
  36. A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details. Typically, an assertion failure is caused ...
  37. A system failure occurred during the last call. However, an error description could not be obtained. To get more detailed ...
  38. A system job category named Log Shipping has been added since SQL Server 2005. If an installation being upgraded already ...
  39. A table expression containing more than one column was specified in the call to function '%{function/}'. This is not supported. ...
  40. A table with the name '%1!s!' given for MatchIndexName already exists and DropExistingMatchIndex is set to FALSE. Transform ...
  41. A ThreadAbortException was thrown while running the consistency check operation on blob store . This could be caused by exceeding ...
  42. A time dimension is required to enable this functionality. Ensure that you have a dimension of type Time, that contains at ...
  43. A time series prediction was requested with a start time further in the past than the internal models of the mining model, ...
  44. A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch - type %1!s!, bp %2!s!, page %3!s!:%4!s!, stat %5!s!, database id: %6!s!, ...
  45. A timeout occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query in resource pool '%1!s!' (%2!s!). Rerun the query. ...
  46. A trace control request could not be processed because invalid parameters were specified when events were registered. Confirm ...
  47. A transactional log backup could not be generated because the database is in either NORECOVERY mode or STANDBY mode. Primary ...
  48. A truncation occurred during evaluation of the expression. The truncation occurred during evaluation, which may include any ...
  49. A user request from the session with SPID %1!s! generated a fatal exception. SQL Server is terminating this session. Contact ...
  50. A user-defined aggregate/operator can have at most two generic arguments, one for input event type, the other one for output ...
  51. A user-defined operator call cannot be combined with other method calls in the same select expression. The following expression ...
  52. A utility control point created on SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise can have a maximum of 25 managed instances of SQL Server. ...
  53. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use HOST_NAME() for parameterized ...
  54. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized ...
  55. A value for the parameter @retention cannot be specified when the job type is 'capture'. Specify NULL for the parameter, ...
  56. A value generated by the Time Dimension Generator (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator.dll) was of an unexpected ...
  57. A value in column '%{IWColumnName/}' of table '%{IWTableName/}' exceeded the maximum allowable size. The operation has been ...
  58. A value in the key column in the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model is missing. A key column value is required ...
  59. A value was specified for the SkippedLevels property of a member, but no binding was specified for the SkippedLevels property ...
  60. A variable specified was not found in the collection. It might not exist in the correct scope. Verify that the variable exists ...
  61. A Wait Category combines the wait time for closely-related wait types. See "Active User Tasks" for individual wait types. ...
  62. A weighted average of wait time over the last 1 to 2 minutes. Similar to the "Wait Time (ms/sec)" column, but with less variability. ...
  63. A wildcard-only template for performance counter object name is not allowed. Specify full object name or partial wildcard, ...
  64. A wildcard-only template for performance counter object name is not allowed. Specify full object name or partial wildcard, ...
  65. A worker thread in the Sort transformation stopped with error code 1!8.8X!. A catastrophic error was encountered while sorting ...
  66. A {2} expression used for the report parameter '{1}' includes an aggregate or lookup function. Aggregate and lookup functions ...
  67. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a data source. Data sources cannot be used in report parameter ...
  68. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a dataset. Datasets cannot be used in report parameter expressions. ...
  69. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions. ...
  70. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a parameter. Parameters cannot be used in report parameter ...
  71. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in report parameter ...
  72. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' uses the aggregate function Previous. Previous cannot be used in report ...
  73. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' uses the aggregate function RunningValue. RunningValue cannot be used ...
  74. A {2} for the {0} {1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in dataset filters or data region ...
  75. A {2} in the matrix {1}' contains more than one report item. Each section in a matrix can contain at most one report item. ...