SQL Server 2008 R2

  1. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The data provided for Row %1!Iu!, Column %2!Iu! ...
  2. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The data provided for Row %1!Iu!, Column %2!Iu! ...
  3. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The failure occurred at Row %1!Iu!, Column ...
  4. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The length (%1!Iu!) for Row %2!Iu!, Column ...
  5. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The length (%1!Iu!) for Row %2!Iu!, Column ...
  6. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The length was not provided by the consumer ...
  7. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The provider failed to convert data for Row ...
  8. A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The status (%1!u!) provided for Row %2!Iu!, ...
  9. A failure occurred while the file store was being cleared. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
  10. A fatal error occurred during a full-text population and caused the population to be cancelled. Population type is: %1!s!; ...
  11. A fatal error occurred in the .NET Framework common language runtime. SQL Server is shutting down. If the error recurs after ...
  12. A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The maximum number of network packets in one request ...
  13. A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The session will be terminated (input error: %1!s!, ...
  14. A fatal error occurred while trying to parse the script text. Verify that the script engine for the chosen language is installed ...
  15. A feature name is required to complete the merge. No feature name was provided. Database table: "{0}"; database keys = "{1}"; ...
  16. A feature required by the current database configuration for operation is not available in the current client library version. ...
  17. A field in the dataset {4}' has the name {3}'. Field names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {5} characters. ...
  18. A file activation error occurred. The physical file name '%1!s!' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, ...
  19. A file age has not been specified. In this configuration, this task will delete all the files of the type specified regardless ...
  20. A file named "{0}" already exists in the destination folder. To continue, do one of the following: remove the existing file, ...
  21. A file of a different type already exists with the same name. Report Builder does not support having more than one file with ...
  22. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate ...
  23. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the ...
  24. A FileStore error from WriteFile occurred. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. %1[: %{External/}%]%[, ...
  25. A FileStore error occurred while a record was being locked. This may be a read failure. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. ...
  26. A FileStore error occurred. Read/Write mode can only be changed from Write to Read. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical ...
  27. A FILESTREAM transaction context could not be initialized. This might be caused by a resource shortage. Retry the operation. ...
  28. A filter expression cannot be specified while creating multiple partitions. Run the wizard separately for each partition. ...
  29. A filter expression for the {0} '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in {0} filter expressions. ...
  30. A filter has been applied to the '{0}' characteristic using a different hierarchy than the one selected in the query. This ...
  31. A filter value in the filter for {0} {1}' specifies a data type that is not supported by the '{3}' operator. Verify that ...
  32. A filtering type changed for the article. Any pending or future changes made in this article by a Subscriber in a given partition ...
  33. A full-text retry pass of %1!s! population started for table or indexed view '%2!s!'. Table or indexed view ID is '%3!s!'. ...
  34. A function '%{function/}' has been used in a Boolean expression that is used as a table filter expression. This is not allowed. ...
  35. A function has a parameter with an unsupported data type. The type of the parameter cannot be implicitly cast into a compatible ...
  36. A function parameter cannot be converted to a static value. The parameter must be static and cannot contain dynamic elements ...
  37. A general exception generated by Time Series algorithm while working with the mining model, %{modelname/} - likely due to ...
  38. A generation that was expected to be in %1!s!.dbo.MSmerge_genhistory could not be found. If this error occurred in a subscription ...
  39. A group expression for the {0} '{1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in group expressions. ...
  40. A group expression for the {0} {1}' includes the aggregate function Previous. Previous cannot be used in group expressions. ...
  41. A group expression for the {0} {1}' includes the aggregate function RunningValue. RunningValue cannot be used in group expressions. ...
  42. A group expression for the {0} {1}' uses the RowNumber function with a scope parameter that is not valid. When used in a ...
  43. A grouping filter expression for the {0} {1}' uses aggregate function First, Last or Previous. These aggregate functions ...
  44. A grouping in the {0} {1}' has Parent and more than one group expressions. Parent is only allowed if the grouping has exactly ...
  45. A grouping in the {0} {1}' has the name {3}'. Grouping names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {3} characters. ...
  46. A job step received an error at line {0} in a PowerShell script. The corresponding line is '{1}'. Correct the script and ...
  47. A key column is based on the DataColumn {0}].[{1} of type GUID. This is not supported, create a named column where you cast ...
  48. A large constant was found in the request, please be aware that these are now types as Large Value Types instead of legacy ...
  49. A large number of tables are selected for copying, and the wizard may not be able to copy all the tables in a session. Select ...
  50. A line chart displays a series as a set of points connected by a single line. Line charts are used to represent large amounts ...
  51. A linked measure group can be used only with linked dimensions from the same source database. It is recommended that you ...
  52. A list of actions for the selected items cannot be obtained because of the following error. {0} This error may have occurred ...
  53. A list of additional reports and other files related to the PowerPivot management data. Additional files can also be added ...
  54. A logical record relationship, specified by the @filter_type parameter, requires a one-to-one or a one-to-many join from ...
  55. A logical value: if TRUE, do not display commas in the returned text; if FALSE or omitted, display commas in the returned ...
  56. A loop involving the member with the key %1[%{key/}%]%[, %{key/}%], was detected in the parent-child relationship between ...
  57. A mapping in the file, "%1!s!", is not valid. Values cannot be null or empty. The tag is "%2!s!", the key is "%3!s!", and ...
  58. A mapping in the file, "{0}", is not valid. Values cannot be null or empty. The tag is "{1}", the key is "{2}", and the value ...
  59. A meaningful named query cannot be generated based on the current selection. Select a chart series, chart series value, or ...
  60. A measure group with writeback partitions cannot have measures bound to unsigned columns or measures whose AggregateFunction ...
  61. A measure with 'ByAccount' aggregation function requires exactly one dimension with Type = 'Accounts' with exactly one attribute ...
  62. A member in the '%{attr/}' attribute has the unsupported '%{uop/}' unary operator value. Only the following unary operator ...
  63. A member of the db_owner role must use the database diagramming functionality in order to setup the required database diagramming ...
  64. A member of the db_owner role must use the Visual Studio 2005 database diagramming functionality in order to set up the required ...
  65. A merge conflict occurred during the merge. Database table: "{0}"'; database keys = "{1}"; module table: "{2}"; module keys: ...
  66. A MERGE statement is not valid if it triggers both the 'ON DELETE SET NULL' and 'ON UPDATE CASCADE' actions for a referential ...
  67. A message of type '%1!s!' failed XML validation on the target service. %2!s! This occurred in the message with Conversation ...
  68. A message of type '%1!s!' was received and failed XML validation. %2!s! This occurred in the message with Conversation ID ...
  69. A method call expression or convert expression has SizeFixed set to true, but MaxSize is not specified, which is not allowed. ...
  70. A Mining Accuracy Chart cannot be displayed for mining model column content types of continuous and discrete at the same ...
  71. A mining structure with this name already exists. You can accept the suggested mining structure name, {0}, or type a new ...
  72. A model with this name already exists. You can accept the suggested model name, {0}, or type a new model name. Then, click ...
  73. A Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that defines the default member for the attribute. If no default member is ...
  74. A name column must be specified when a composite key is used. If not already present, it is recommended to create a named ...
  75. A name for the '%{strAttrID/}' attribute ID was not specified. Attribute names must always be specified for new attributes. ...