Office System 2010

  1. You have modified a signed project. You do not have the correct key to sign this project. The signature will be discarded. ...
  2. You have modified styles, building blocks (such as cover pages or headers), or other content that is stored in {f}. Do you ...
  3. You have moved a merge field outside the Catalog Merge Area. Your product list data will not be merged into fields outside ...
  4. You have multiple filters applied to at least one field in the PivotTable. Disallowing multiple filters per field will remove ...
  5. You have no printer installed, or no printer has been selected as the default. To add a printer or select an existing one ...
  6. You have no templates saved to My Templates. To save a publication as a template, choose the Publisher Template type in the ...
  7. You have not assigned a security category to this view. Failure to do so will prevent anyone from seeing the view in the ...
  8. You have not been granted the right to view this Printout. You can contact the original document owner or person who inserted ...
  9. You have not chosen any levels for your cube file. You must choose at least one level before the cube file can be created. ...
  10. You have not chosen any levels for your cube file. You must choose at least one level before the cube file can be created. ...
  11. You have not created a condition for the rule " ". All items will be colored with the selected label. Are you sure this is ...
  12. You have not created a condition for the rule " ". All items will be formatted with the selected font. Are you sure this ...
  13. You have not created any notes or tagged any pages. You can mark Sharepoint pages that you find helpful on the Track tab ...
  14. You have not entered a valid class. A class must start with a letter or underscore and subsequent characters must be letters, ...
  15. You have not entered a valid ID. An ID must start with a letter or underscore and subsequent characters must be letters, ...
  16. You have not saved the project to the server. If you do not complete this step then the project will not be imported to the ...
  17. You have not saved your changes to the column. Select OK to save the changes and open the term management tool, or Cancel ...
  18. You have not saved your data. Click OK to save all the changes and continue, or cancel to abandon the intended operation. ...
  19. You have not selected any tasks. To break a link between two or more tasks, you need to select all the tasks in the view ...
  20. You have not selected any tasks. To link tasks, you need to select two or more tasks in the view on the right. Select tasks ...
  21. You have not set a title for this page, so the URL name of this page will remain {0}. Are you sure you want to use this URL ...
  22. You have not specified any criteria for this Search Folder. All messages in the folders you have selected will appear in ...
  23. You have not specified any source ranges for your PivotTable report. Type or select at least one range in the Ranges box ...
  24. You have opened a page that was last modified using Access 2000. To be able to edit the page, you must save it using a more ...
  25. You have opted to change how Microsoft SharePoint Workspace restricts messages received from other SharePoint Workspace users. ...
  26. You have opted to change how Microsoft SharePoint Workspace restricts messages that are received from other SharePoint Workspace ...
  27. You have opted to change how Microsoft SharePoint Workspace restricts your communication with other SharePoint Workspace ...
  28. You have performed an action which uses the cryptographic e-mail features of Outlook. However, in order to use cryptographic ...
  29. You have placed a shape onto a legend. Would you like to convert it into a symbol and add it to the legend(s) on this page? ...
  30. You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be added to SharePoint workspaces. SharePoint Workspace will ...
  31. You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be downloaded to SharePoint workspaces. Please discard local ...
  32. You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be downloaded to SharePoint workspaces. Please discard the ...
  33. You have reached the maximum number of speed dial entries. You must delete a speed dial entry before you can add a new one. ...
  34. You have reached the maximum number of styles. Publisher cannot work with more than 255 styles. Some styles may not be imported ...
  35. You have received a message with restricted permission. Open this item to read its content. - - If you are not running an ...
  36. You have received a voicemail with restricted permissions, but failed to be properly authenticated. This message cannot be ...
  37. You have received an (!idspnInfoPath) form with restricted permission. To view the form, open the attachment, or click Open ...
  38. You have received the following message through the Contact Us form on your Microsoft Office Live Small Business Web site: ...
  39. You have requested an encoding type for this document that is not currently available. Please ensure all supplemental files ...
  40. You have selected "Hide When Minimized." When the Outlook window is minimized, you can restore it by clicking on this icon. ...
  41. You have selected "Tables and Related Views" as the way to group objects in the database. Access needs to update information ...
  42. You have selected %d records to export to Microsoft Excel. This may take several minutes. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
  43. You have selected a custom field in both the 'Required Custom Fields' and 'Read only Custom Fields' sections. A 'read only' ...
  44. You have selected a Search Folder as part of your search. Searches that include a Search Folder cannot include any additional ...
  45. You have selected a view that cannot be printed.}If you want your project to appear in Binder printouts, you must select ...
  46. You have selected an entire drive to import. This may include a very large number of files and take a long time. Are you ...
  47. You have selected more resources than can be assigned at one time.}If you continue, some of the resources you selected will ...
  48. You have selected no Project Detail Page in the 'Visible Project Detail Pages' section. Select at least one Project Detail ...
  49. You have selected to sign the entire form, this action will change the signatures mode to "multiple signatures". Do you want ...
  50. You have selected too many users or permission policy levels for this operation. Please press "Back" on your browser to return ...
  51. You have selected WBS code renumbering for the entire project.}Do you want to proceed with renumbering all the WBS codes ...
  52. You have set |1's Type property to Popup, which changes the toolbar to a shortcut menu.@The shortcut menu disappears because ...
  53. You have specified a table space for an index column or a long column but not a table space for the table to be created. ...
  54. You have specified a table space which is not defined or does not exist in the extracted database. The SQL 'create table' ...
  55. You have specified a Transfer Type that doesn't support the HTML Table Name argument.@Leave the HTML Table Name argument ...
  56. You have specified a URL that begins with http://. Communication to this URL will not be secure and can be intercepted by ...
  57. You have specified a word that isn't found in the main or custom dictionary.@Do you want to use this word and continue checking?@20@1 ...
  58. You have specified that the database has already been created in the server. You may now proceed to the next page and select ...
  59. You have specified to drop table(s) in the database. The Drop Table statement may fail if you did not reverse engineer other ...
  60. You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that requires a web server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to ...
  61. You have this project open read-write in another session.}To open this project read-write, you must close the project in ...
  62. You have tried to change the permission level for all site administrators. There must always be at least one site administrator. ...
  63. You have tried to open too many custom dictionaries. An Office application can have up to 10 custom dictionaries open at ...
  64. You have two copies of the same telephony device driver installed. Use Windows Control Panel to remove one of the copies. ...
  65. You have two sessions of Word open at the same time and you attempt to save the current file with the same name as the file ...
  66. You have typed a character that is not valid in a Reporting Limit field, or left the field blank. Type a number from 0 through ...
  67. You have typed a character that is not valid in a Reporting Limit field, or left the field blank. Type a number from 0 through ...
  68. You have typed a character that is not valid in a Reporting Limit field, or left the field blank. Type a number from 0.00 ...
  69. You have typed an invalid field name. A field name can contain alphabetic and numeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and ...
  70. You have typed an invalid name. Field names cannot begin with leading spaces and cannot include control characters (ASCII ...
  71. You have unsaved changes to this page, which will be lost when you reattach to the page layout. Are you sure you want to ...
  72. You have written a subquery that can return more than one field without using the EXISTS reserved word in the main query's ...
  73. You haven't entered a workgroup ID. To ensure that your workgroup information file is unique, enter a unique workgroup ID ...
  74. You haven't saved your changes to the dynamic web template(s) being attached. Would you like to save your changes and update ...
  75. You haven't saved your changes to the Master Pages that are being attached. Do you want to save your changes and update now? ...