Lync Server 2010

  1. A stored procedure executed by the application took too long and caused a transaction time-out. Application Uri: '%1' Cause: ...
  2. A Tenant ID attribute value was changed, deleted, or added for an existing user in the database. Resolve the conflict by ...
  3. A trusted conferencing server with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for a previous ...
  4. A trusted MCU with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for unmatched Globally Routable ...
  5. A trusted server with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{0}" was found for unmatched Globally Routable User Agent URI ...
  6. A trusted service with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for a previous server version. ...
  7. A trusted service with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for empty or unmatched Globally ...
  8. A trusted service with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for unmatched pool distinguished ...
  9. A trusted service with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for unmatched port number ...
  10. A trusted service with the type "{0}" and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{1}" was found for unmatched routable value. ...
  11. A trusted web components server with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) "{0}" was found for a previous server version. ...
  12. A UC Policy contains an unknown phone route usage. UC Policy name: %1 Usage distinguished name: %2 Cause: The phone route ...
  13. A user attempted to connect to a conference, but an internal exception occurred while processing the request. The connection ...
  14. A user attempted to connect to a conference, but the INVITE request was not valid. The request was rejected. Conference URI: ...
  15. A user attempted to connect to a conference, but the request could not be processed. There is a problem with the user object. ...
  16. A user attempted to connect to a conference, but the user was not recognized as a participant of any active conference. User ...
  17. A user attempted to connect to a conference, but the user was not recognized as a participant of any active conference. User ...
  18. A user could not be authenticated on the Response Group Service Configuration Tool. Cause: Anonymous authentication may be ...
  19. A user has reached the per-user port allocation limit. ClientID %1 Cause: A user has attempted too many connections. Resolution: ...
  20. A User ID attribute value is already being used by another valid user in the database. Resolve the conflict by using a value ...
  21. A User ID attribute value was changed, deleted, or added for an existing user in the database. Resolve the conflict by restoring ...
  22. A user sent an INVITE request to a conference, or responded to an INVITE from a conference, but an internal error occurred ...
  23. A user tried to create a conference with no Simple URL of type Dialin available. This configuration would lead to inability ...
  24. A user tried to create a conference with no Simple URL of type Meet available. This configuration will not work for scheduled ...
  25. A user URI is already being used by another valid user in the database. Resolve the conflict by using a URI that isn't already ...
  26. A Vacant Number entry contains an invalid service ID. Service ID: %1. Cause: The service ID pointed to by a vacant number ...
  27. A Vacant number entry contains null service Id Vacant number entry name: %1 Cause: A Vacant Number Entry refers to a Service ...
  28. A valid queue was not specified for the queue overflow destination. Queue Name: %1 Queue Id: %2 Cause: Incorrect queue overflow ...
  29. A valid queue was not specified for the queue time out destination. Queue Name: %1 Queue Id: %2 Cause: Incorrect queue time ...
  30. A valid URI was not specified for the queue overflow destination. Queue Name: %1 Queue Id: %2 Cause: Incorrect queue overflow ...
  31. A valid URI was not specified for the queue time out destination. Queue Name: %1 Queue Id: %2 Cause: Incorrect queue time ...
  32. A value of negative one is used as a the wild card that will match any received ISUP cause codes or when there are no ISUP ...
  33. A voice call to user %1 failed because it is not possible to determine the user's Unified Communications (UC) policy. It ...
  34. A WorkflowRuntime cannot be started. This can be caused by one of the following cases. 1) The service we are trying to add ...
  35. A WorkflowRuntime cannot be started. This can be caused by one of the following cases. 1) There is more than one service ...
  36. A {0} ({1}) response was received from the network and the operation failed. See the exception details for more information. ...
  37. A/V Authentication Service is not selected for Mediation Server. Connections that require firewall traversal may not be successful. ...
  38. Access Denied. Only users with administrative privileges, users in the Performance Log Users group, and services running ...
  39. Access Edge Server external edge FQDN cannot be located in the certificate configured for its external edge. External FQDN: ...
  40. Access Edge Server internal edge FQDN cannot be located in the certificate configured for its internal edge. Internal FQDN: ...
  41. Access to the Lync Server Control Panel is controlled by a group membership in universal group "CSAdministrator". Add designated ...
  42. Account credentials for Kerberos authentication are not properly configured. Account domain: %1, user name: %2, password ...
  43. Account credentials for Kerberos authentication could not be added. Account domain: %1, user name: %2, exception details: ...
  44. Active Directory indicates that user is homed on a different server but user data exists on this server as well. Active Directory ...
  45. Active Directory indicates that user is homed on a different server but user data exists on this server as well. Active Directory ...
  46. Active Directory operation failed on "{0}". The credential supplied for "{1}" on "{2}" operation is invalid. Error Code: ...
  47. Active Directory operation failed on "{0}". The credential supplied on "{1}" operation is invalid. Failed to retrieve current ...
  48. Active Directory operation failed on "{0}". There are too many entries that exceed the limit of the virtual list view. "{1} ...
  49. Active Directory operation failed on "{0}". There are too many entries that exceed the limit of the virtual list view. "{1}" ...
  50. Active Directory operation failed on "{0}". This error could have been caused by user input or because the Active Directory ...
  51. Active Directory operation failed on "{0}". This error could have been caused by user input or because the Active Directory ...
  52. Active Directory operation failed while verifying validity of service account password Active Directory operation failed ...
  53. Active log session. You can check a component in the list on the left and it will be added to the current log session. You ...
  54. Active real-time log session. For any checked component you can check or uncheck the flags in the list on the right and it ...
  55. AddConference request failed, Reason validation failed: Failed to retrieve meeting policy from CCCP request, Origin of request: ...
  56. Adding permissions to local group '[Property_RTCServerLocalGroup]' on Client Version Filter performance counters registry ...
  57. Adding permissions to local group '[Property_RTCServerLocalGroup]' on Enterprise Services performance counters registry key ...
  58. Adding permissions to local group '[Property_RTCServerLocalGroup]' on Intelligent IM Filter performance counters registry ...
  59. Adding permissions to local group '[Property_RTCServerLocalGroup]' on Routing Applications performance counters registry ...
  60. Adding permissions to local group on Monitoring Server performance counters registry key. Group:'[Property_RTCComponentLocalGroup]' ...
  61. Address book (AB) entries are populated successfully during UR initial cycle for domain %1 (DN: %2). Number of objects examined ...
  62. Address Book Request web service could not be started. Exception information : %1. Cause: Startup errors. Resolution: Check ...
  63. Address Book Request web service encountered an exception %1 Cause: Unexpected exception occurred while processing a HTTP ...
  64. Address Book Server has encountered an unexpected exception. Exception: %1 Exception Type: %2 %3 Cause: Internal Error Resolution: ...
  65. Address Book Server is unable to access the output location. No output files will be generated. Path: %1 Exception: %2 Cause: ...
  66. Address Book Server is unable to generate its output files as the output location configured is invalid. Cause: Either configuration ...
  67. Address Book Server settings have been changed. Run Time: %1 (%2) Generate Output Files: %3 Use Normalization Rules: %4 Ignore ...
  68. Address Book Server was unable to perform its heartbeat function against the back-end database after 3 attempts. SQL Connection ...
  69. Address Book Server was unable to set the time for the next synchronization pass in the SQL back-end data base. SQL Connection ...
  70. Address Book web service encountered an exception. %1 Cause: Unexpected exception occurred while accessing Central Management ...
  71. Address Book Web Service failed to initialize Exception: %1 Cause: Unexpected exception occurred during initialization. Resolution: ...
  72. Adds global Active Directory containers, universal groups, and access control entries (ACEs) required to host Lync Server ...
  73. ADPagedReader results cannot be enumerated twice. As the results are iterated over, memory is made available for the next ...
  74. After changes to the FQDN or listening ports, local Setup must be rerun on all servers in the pool in order for these changes ...
  75. After successfully running the Power Shell Scripts ExchUCUtil.ps1 and Get-UCPool.ps1 on your Exchange 2007 Server, the Office ...