Exchange Server 2010

  1. Are you sure you want to delete these {0} UM hunt groups? If you delete them, they are deleted from Active Directory and ...
  2. Are you sure you want to delete these {0} UM IP Gateways? If you delete them, they are removed from Active Directory and ...
  3. Are you sure you want to disable the UM auto attendant {0}? If you disable it, it won't answer calls to the specified access ...
  4. Are you sure you want to disable these {0} UM auto attendants? If you disable them, they won't answer calls to the specified ...
  5. Are you sure you want to disable these {0} UM IP gateways? If you disable them, UM features won't be available to users on ...
  6. Are you sure you want to disable this UM IP gateway? If you disable it, users on the UM dial plans associated with this UM ...
  7. Are you sure you want to enable the UM auto attendant {0}? If you enable it, it will start answering calls to the specified ...
  8. Are you sure you want to enable these {0} UM auto attendants? If you enable them, they will start answering calls to the ...
  9. Are you sure you want to leave this page without saving? If you continue, you'll lose all changes made since your last save. ...
  10. Are you sure you want to stop importing users from {0} and delete the current import process? New user accounts that have ...
  11. As a best practice, enable Kerberos authentication for SMTP message transfer between cluster server {2} and other Exchange ...
  12. As a best practice, Sender ID should be configured in Exchange. Sender ID is configured properly when the 'Enabled' and 'ExternalMailEnabled' ...
  13. As a best practice, the port used by Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) should be blocked to outside access. ADAM is ...
  14. As a best practice, the port used by Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) should be blocked to outside access. ADAM is ...
  15. As a best practice, the size of the Application log on server {2} should be increased. The current size is {9} MB. For servers ...
  16. As a result of this error, message (Message-Id: {0}) will be delivered without a prelicense for the server, which may impact ...
  17. As many of the queued messages share the same destinations, the tool will focus on the destinations that occurred frequently ...
  18. ASP.NET 2.0 is not enabled for virtual directory '{3}' on server '{2}'. The virtual directory will not function properly ...
  19. Associate this connector with the following Hub Transport servers. Alternatively, you can add Edge Subscriptions to this ...
  20. Async RPC Requests Peak is the maximum number of asynchronous requests that were processed simultaneously by the information ...
  21. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or possibly corrupted. ...
  22. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or possibly corrupted. ...
  23. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a configuration error. The problem may also result from a storage ...
  24. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a configuration error. The problem may also result from a storage ...
  25. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a configuration error. The problem may also result from a storage ...
  26. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a configuration error. The problem may also result from a storage ...
  27. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a greater load than it can support. Consult the Event log on the ...
  28. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a greater load than it can support. Consult the Event log on the ...
  29. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a greater load than it can support.To help identify the specific ...
  30. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a greater load than it can support.To help identify the specific ...
  31. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which has caused it to (at least temporarily) terminate ...
  32. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which has caused it to (at least temporarily) terminate ...
  33. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which has caused it to (at least temporarily) terminate ...
  34. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which has caused it to (at least temporarily) terminate ...
  35. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which is unlikely to be resolved by a failover. ...
  36. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which is unlikely to be resolved by a failover. ...
  37. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which is unlikely to be resolved by a failover. ...
  38. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious error which is unlikely to be resolved by a failover. ...
  39. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious I/O error. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
  40. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious I/O error. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
  41. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious I/O error. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
  42. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have a serious I/O error. To help identify the specific failure, consult ...
  43. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have an I/O error that it may be able to repair. To help identify the ...
  44. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have an I/O error that it may be able to repair. To help identify the ...
  45. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have run out of disk space. Consult the Event log on the server for ...
  46. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have run out of disk space. Consult the Event log on the server for ...
  47. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have run out of disk space. For more detail about the failure, consult ...
  48. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server appears to have run out of disk space. For more detail about the failure, consult ...
  49. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected corruption in the active copy of the database. To help identify the specific ...
  50. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected corruption in the active copy of the database. To help identify the specific ...
  51. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected corruption in the active copy of the database. To help identify the specific ...
  52. At '%8' database copy '%1' on this server detected corruption in the active copy of the database. To help identify the specific ...
  53. At '%8' the copy of '%1' on this server experienced an error that requires it be reseeded. For more detail about this failure, ...
  54. At '%8' the copy of '%1' on this server experienced an error that requires it be reseeded. For more detail about this failure, ...
  55. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server appears to be experiencing performance issues, possibly as a result of storage ...
  56. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server appears to be experiencing performance issues, possibly as a result of storage ...
  57. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server didn't mount because the number of mailbox database copies on this server ...
  58. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server didn't mount because the number of mailbox database copies on this server ...
  59. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
  60. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
  61. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
  62. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
  63. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
  64. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered a serious I/O error that may have affected all copies of the ...
  65. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error during the mount operation. For more details about ...
  66. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error during the mount operation. For more details about ...
  67. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that caused the database to be dismounted. Consult ...
  68. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that caused the database to be dismounted. Consult ...
  69. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that couldn't be automatically repaired. For more detail ...
  70. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that couldn't be automatically repaired. For more detail ...
  71. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that couldn't be automatically repaired. The error ...
  72. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server encountered an error that couldn't be automatically repaired. The error ...
  73. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server experienced a performance problem. Failover returned the following error: ...
  74. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server experienced a performance problem. Failover returned the following error: ...
  75. At '%8' the copy of database '%1' on this server experienced an error that requested reseeding. This request is not valid ...