Dynamics CRM 2016

  1. Precision value must allow the control to properly parse and validate any value between the control's minimum and maximum ...
  2. Preparation of the Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition database failed. Contact your system administrator for assistance ...
  3. Prerequisites not met for document recommendations:{1} You must enable SharePoint server based integration and similarity ...
  4. Preview how this form will look after it is published. This is what will be displayed when a user views a read-only record. ...
  5. Preview how this form will look after it is published. You can use the preview to test scripts associated with form events. ...
  6. Primary entity for the process. The process can be associated for one or more SDK operations defined on the primary entity. ...
  7. Primary entity for the workflow. The workflow can be associated for one or more SDK operations defined on the primary entity. ...
  8. Problems with the server configuration prevented the app from loading. Please contact your CRM administrator and give them ...
  9. Process {0}({1}) cannot be imported because a process with same unique identifier is activated on the target system. Deactivate ...
  10. Processes designed outside the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web application cannot be viewed or edited in the web application. ...
  11. Product Name: " & IIf(Fields!ProductName.Value="_CRM_NOTSPECIFIED",ReportItems!txtNotSpecified.Value,Fields!ProductName.Value) ...
  12. Product Type : " & IIF(Fields!ProductType.Value = "_CRM_NOTSPECIFIED", ReportItems!txtNotSpecified.Value, Fields!ProductType.Value) ...
  13. Product Type : " & IIf(Fields!ProductType.Value="_CRM_NOTSPECIFIED",ReportItems!txtNotSpecified.Value,Fields!ProductType.Value) ...
  14. Profile '{0}' cannot be deleted because it is referenced by deployment '{1}'. You must first update the deployment before ...
  15. Pronunciation of the name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, of the object with which the campaign activity ...
  16. Prospect or potential sales opportunity. Leads are converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities when they are qualified. ...
  17. Provide a name and select the type of discount for this new discount list. When you click OK, you can set up volume discounts ...
  18. Provide a title and description for this article template. The title will be visible to users when they create new articles. ...
  19. Provide customer service through cases, handle contracts, and create articles in the knowledge base. Work with accounts, ...
  20. Publish the product family hierarchy. This will set all the child records of the selected product family to the active state. ...
  21. Publish the selected articles to the knowledge base. Articles will be available for viewing soon, generally within 15 minutes. ...
  22. Publishing the article might make the contents avaible to the public depending on the permissions settings. Confirm these ...
  23. Put this contract on hold. This will temporarily suspend it. While this contract is on hold, no cases can be opened against ...
  24. Quarterly fiscal calendar of an organization. A span of time during which the financial activities of an organization are ...
  25. Query Weight of the component. Factored with the Optimization Impact to determine the overall importance of applying an optimization. ...
  26. Quick campaigns cannot be run on a Marketing List that is inactive. Activate the Marketing List or select a different Marketing ...
  27. Quickly connect with a select group of customers to tell them about new products and promotions. This activity can be done ...
  28. Reactivate this case. Do this if additional actions are required for the case. The case is assigned to the person who owned ...
  29. Reason for the status of the service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance. For example, the SLA ...
  30. Recalculate pricing amounts for this contract. After you update contract lines, recalculating is a quick way to change the ...
  31. Record agreements to provide customer service during specified coverage dates, for a specified number of cases, or an amount ...
  32. Recurring appointments are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. If you continue, the item will not be linked to Microsoft ...
  33. Recurring appointments are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. If you save your changes, the link to Microsoft Dynamics ...
  34. Recurring appointments are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This item is therefore no longer linked to Microsoft ...
  35. Recurring tasks are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. If you continue, the item will not be linked to Microsoft Dynamics ...
  36. Recurring tasks are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. If you save your changes, the link to Microsoft Dynamics CRM ...
  37. Recurring tasks are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This item is therefore no longer linked to Microsoft Dynamics ...
  38. Recurring tasks are not supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This item {0} is therefore no longer linked to Microsoft Dynamics ...
  39. Reference panel section can have only reference panel sub-grid and reference panel quick view form controls. Found control ...
  40. Regenerates the condition id for 2 relationship extra conditions; this will drop the old and create a new relationship extra ...
  41. Registry value '{0}' of 'HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MSCRM Email\HomeRealmUrl' can't be resolved as an absolute Uri. ...
  42. Registry value of 'HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MSCRM Email\HomeRealmUrl' has a wrong value type '{0}', The correct type ...
  43. Release the queue items when you're done working on them. When you release the items, they leave your default queue, but ...
  44. Removal did not complete successfully because of errors. If logging was enabled, check the log for errors. If logging was ...
  45. Remove indexes which have index attributes with duplicate index orders, this action should be before ProcessMetadataDiffFile. ...
  46. Remove the Microsoft Dynamics CRM folders, CRM menu, CRM toolbar, and Status Notification icons. Your logon credentials will ...
  47. Remove the most recently used form settings for the account, case, contact, lead, and opportunity entities for every user ...
  48. Remove the selected records with the Bulk removal Wizard. You can continue to work while the bulk removal job runs. Removal ...
  49. Remove this member from a marketing list. Removing the member will prevent them from being part of any campaign activities ...
  50. Removes any OutlookCommand nodes in ribbon definitions from import packages that are generated on a different version of ...
  51. Removes the document entity component node from import packages that are generated on a different version of Microsoft Dynamics ...
  52. Removing all roles from a {0} will prevent the {0} from accessing Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Do you want to continue removing ...
  53. Renaming the attribute 'EntityName' to 'EntityTypeCode' for the entities SyncAttributeMapping and PrincipalSyncAttributeMap, ...
  54. Renaming the intersect entity table "ProductAssociation" to first class entity table "ProductAssociationBase" for Bundle ...
  55. Renew the Entitlement. This will create another entitlement with a new validity period based on the selected entitlement. ...
  56. Repair the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server installation. This operation reinstalls application files. It does not repair the ...
  57. Repair was not completed because of errors. If logging was enabled, check the log for errors. If logging was not enabled, ...
  58. Report upload failed due to sandboxing limitations of Reporting Service Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM online. Refer to ...
  59. Report Wizard reports are not available because the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions component is not installed ...
  60. Reports cannot be run because the Connector for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, a required component for reporting, ...
  61. Reports will not be published for some organizations because the Report Server instances used by these organizations differ ...
  62. Represents a mapping between attributes where the attribute values should be copied from a record into the form of a new ...
  63. Represents a mapping between two related entities so that data from one record can be copied into the form of a new related ...
  64. Required Feature {0} must be installed manually, because it has been removed from the system. Please enable this feature ...
  65. Required resources have not been selected for one or more selection rules. To complete the rules, click Required Resources. ...
  66. Resets the IsAuditEnabled property of the attributes in the solution to zero when they are marked as not valid for audit ...
  67. Resetting Social Insights in CRM will remove all data relating to Social Insights on all existing forms and dashboards. All ...
  68. Respond quickly to service issues, whether they come in from phone calls, email, or social media. Tie entitlements to service ...
  69. Retire the product family hierarchy. This will set all the child records of the selected product family to the retired state. ...
  70. Retrieves email changes from CRM to show the updated tracking status and updated regarding CRM record of an email in your ...
  71. Revise the selected record. This lets you change the properties of this record. You must publish the record again for the ...
  72. Ribbon customizations cannot hide the node. Any ribbon customization that hides this node is ignored during import and will ...
  73. Rows with localizable attributes can only be created when the user interface (UI) language for the current user is set to ...
  74. Run an email configuration test on all the mailboxes that have been updated during the migration to verify the settings and ...
  75. Save a draft of this form, and close the window. This version of the form will not be used until it is published. Anyone ...