Dynamics 365

  1. An unexpected error occurred while receiving email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to receive email again ...
  2. An unexpected error occurred while receiving email through the mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile ...
  3. An unexpected error occurred while receiving email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile ...
  4. An unexpected error occurred while receiving email. Mailbox {0} didn't synchronize. The owner of the associated email server ...
  5. An unexpected error occurred while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The mailboxes didn't synchronize. For more ...
  6. An unexpected error occurred while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to send email again later. ...
  7. An unexpected error occurred while sending email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile ...
  8. An unexpected error occurred while sending the email message {0} through the mailbox {1}. The owner of the associated email ...
  9. An unexpected error occurred while sending the email message {0}. Mailbox {1} didn't synchronize. The owner of the associated ...
  10. An unexpected error occurred while synchronizing appointments, contacts, and tasks for one or more mailboxes. The system ...
  11. An unexpected error occurred while synchronizing appointments, contacts, and tasks for the mailbox {0}. The owner of the ...
  12. An unexpected error occurred while synchronizing appointments, contacts, and tasks for your mailbox {0}. The owner of the ...
  13. An unhandled error has occurred. To view details about this error, enable debugging in the web.config file or view the Windows ...
  14. An unknown error occurred while receiving email through one or more mailboxes. The mailboxes didn't synchronize. For more ...
  15. An unknown error occurred while receiving email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to receive email again ...
  16. An unknown error occurred while receiving email through the mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile ...
  17. An unknown error occurred while receiving email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile ...
  18. An unknown error occurred while receiving email. Mailbox {0} didn't synchronize. The owner of the associated email server ...
  19. An unknown error occurred while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The mailboxes didn't synchronize. For more information, ...
  20. An unknown error occurred while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to send emails again later. ...
  21. An unknown error occurred while sending email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile ...
  22. An unknown error occurred while sending the email message {0} through the mailbox {1}. The owner of the associated email ...
  23. An unknown error occurred while sending the email message {0}. Mailbox {1} didn't synchronize. The owner of the associated ...
  24. An unknown error occurred while trying to connect to the Management Reporter application service. Check the deployment log ...
  25. An unknown error occurred while trying to refresh the exception report. Click Refresh to try again. Contact your system administrator ...
  26. An unknown error occurred while trying to validate the package with ID {0} against environment with ID {1}. Please try again ...
  27. An unknown error occurred. If you continue to see this error, please provide the following information when requesting support. ...
  28. An unknown exception occurred while downloading metadata from Message database. Please check Async Server setup in Retail ...
  29. An unknown exception occurred while uploading metadata from Message database. Please check Async Server setup in Retail Shared ...
  30. An unposted invoice for order %1 exists. To avoid duplicate postings, delete order %1 or invoice %2.\Do you still want to ...
  31. An unsupported key change was detected. Keys cannot be changed, removed, or reordered. New keys can only be added to the ...
  32. An update conflict occured when running asynchronous source document line transition. The SourceDocumentLine record (%1) ...
  33. An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record. ...
  34. An update is ready to be installed. Do you want to install this update now?\ \Installing the update will take several minutes. ...
  35. An vendor invoice that has not been posted exists for purchase order %1 in this fiscal year. Post the invoice, change it ...
  36. An XML document used to update the navigation structure, including adding custom buttons, menus, and navigation areas to ...
  37. Analysis type identifier/code for the dimension type (e.g. departments, projects, journal types, cost centers, employees, ...
  38. Analytics filter bar. Contains current data set setup: search topic, custom filters, time frame, and total number of posts ...
  39. Analyze figures in general ledger accounts or compare general ledger entries with general ledger budget entries. For example, ...
  40. Analyze the dynamics of your inventory according to key performance indicators that you select, for example inventory turnover. ...
  41. Analyze the dynamics of your purchase volumes. You can also use the report to analyze your vendors' performance and purchase ...
  42. Analyze the dynamics of your sales according to key sales performance indicators that you select, for example, sales turnover ...
  43. Analyze the job, such as the budgeted prices, usage prices, and billable prices, and then compares the three sets of prices. ...
  44. Analyze the job, such as the budgeted prices, usage prices, and contract prices, and then compares the three sets of prices. ...
  45. Analyze the job, such as the scheduled prices, usage prices, and contract prices, and then compares the three sets of prices. ...
  46. Analyze your jobs. For example, you can create a report that shows you the scheduled prices, usage prices, and contract prices, ...
  47. and other variable names should not start with an underscore. Only parameter names are required to start with an underscore. ...
  48. Another active certificate exists for the company. You must deactivate the other certificate before you can activate this ...
  49. Another active certificate exists for the user %1. You must deactivate the other certificate before you can activate this ...
  50. Another auto-expanding field is already on this tab.To set this field as auto-expanding, click OK. To leave the original ...
  51. Another computer has been set to synchronize with this Dynamics 365 organization. Would you like to instead designate this ...
  52. Another Configuration Wizard is already running. Only one Configuration Wizard can run at a time. Please stop or complete ...
  53. Another entitlement is already set as the default for this customer. Are you sure you want to set this entitlement record ...
  54. Another forecast accuracy is currently being calculated. Please wait until that is finished before you calculate demand forecast ...
  55. Another report with the same name is already linked to the selected parent report. To link this report instead, first delete ...
  56. Another source entry transfer for the same ledger and fiscal period is currently in progress. Please wait until it is finished ...
  57. Another user has modified the cost register. The To Register No. field must be equal to %1.\Run the Delete Cost Entries batch ...
  58. Another user has modified the record for %1.1 %6.1.1 '%6.1.5' after you retrieved it from the database. Re-enter the changes ...
  59. Another user has modified the record for this %1.1 after you retrieved it from the database. Enter your changes again in ...
  60. Another user has modified the record for this %1\after you retrieved it from the database.\Enter the changes again in the ...
  61. Another version of the program is already running on this computer. You cannot run multiple versions of the program simultaneously. ...
  62. Any cash discount is deducted before sales tax calculation (that is sales tax is calculated from invoice amount minus any ...
  63. Any changes made to the tables and fields being shared from template %1 must be careful to ensure all appropriate information ...
  64. Any date related to the purchase order, such as the delivery date, date that the PO was entered, or date that the PO was ...
  65. Any download, installation, or use of any hotfix or update is governed by the software license terms for the Microsoft Dynamics ...
  66. Any Experience / No Sample Data / No Setup Data\Create a company with the desired experience for companies with any process ...
  67. Any information that you enter into the application while you are recording is captured and included in the recording file. ...
  68. Any report your organization provides to Microsoft will be used to verify licensing compliance pursuant to the software license ...
  69. Any user with a role of Project Owner or Environment Manager in LCS will have access to the SQL and machine credentials for ...
  70. AOS failed to start due to the presence of the modified configuration key %2 from the model (%3). If you are upgrading, restart ...
  71. AOS failed to start due to the presence of the modified license key %2 from the model %3. If you are upgrading, restart in ...
  72. AOS service user does not have create/read/delete permission on application share %1. Please grant user sufficient rights ...
  73. AOS service user does not have read permission on certificate private key. Please grant user sufficient rights and try again. ...
  74. App is created using the solution : {0}. An error occurred while sitemap configuration. Please configure the sitemap manually. ...
  75. App Search Search for components on the app designer canvas. Click a search result to highlight that component on the canvas. ...