BizTalk Server 2010

  1. After completing this dialog, you need to use the BizTalk Mapper to define the mapping from the source messages to the destination ...
  2. After you have successfully uninstalled this instance of the BizTalk host from this BizTalk server, this method remove the ...
  3. Aggregation view is not available. You have to create analysis database with Configuration Wizard or specify OLAP database ...
  4. Agreement Resolution for {0} Protocol based on the context properties AgreementNameForSend with value "{1}", SenderPartyNameForSend ...
  5. Agreement Resolution for {0} Protocol based on the context properties DestinationPartySenderQualifier with value "{1}", ...
  6. All BizTalk Servers in the BizTalk group are already mapped to this BizTalk Host. At least one unmapped BizTalk server is ...
  7. All existing UDDI authentication tokens will be invalidated. Are you sure you want to reset the cryptography settings for ...
  8. All receive locations are being temporarily disabled because either the MessageBox or Configuration database is not available. ...
  9. Allows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced ...
  10. Alternate credentials to access the file folder cannot be supplied while accessing local drive or a mapped network drive. ...
  11. Alternatively, you may choose to disable the installer's rollback functionality. This allows the installer to restore your ...
  12. Although the metadata address is not browsable, metadata may still be available. If metadata was retrieved, click the Next ...
  13. An abstract description of an action supported by the Party Type. Specify a Solicit-Response Party Send Port for this Operation. ...
  14. An application is a logical grouping or container of artifacts that allows you to organize management tasks more efficiently. ...
  15. an atomic scope may not contain or call a service or scope that contains both the send and the corresponding receive of a ...
  16. An element with the same name exists in the current scope and has an anonymous built-in type. Two elements in the same scope ...
  17. An Enterprise Single Sign-on application for storing password or security information that is relevant to Envelope Segments ...
  18. An error occured during the installation of assembly component 2]. HRESULT: 3]. {assembly interface: 4], function: 5], assembly ...
  19. An error occured when reading a response from the server "%1". This usually indicates that either the server did not respond ...
  20. An error occured while reading a response from the server. This could be due to the timeout settings. Also check whether ...
  21. An error occurred accessing the Message Box Database. Check that SQL Server is running and that you have network connectivity ...
  22. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component 2]. HRESULT: 3]. {assembly interface: 4], function: 5], assembly ...
  23. An error occurred in accessing the Analysis database. Make sure that Analysis Server is running and that you have network ...
  24. An error occurred in accessing the database. Make sure that SQL Server is running and that you have network connectivity ...
  25. An error occurred in accessing the Management database. Make sure that SQL Server is running and that you have network connectivity ...
  26. An error occurred in accessing the Tracking database. Make sure that SQL Server is running and that you have network connectivity ...
  27. An error occurred retrieving the latest version of the file '%1' from the Web server: %2 You have a local copy of the file. ...
  28. An error occurred that requires the BizTalk service to terminate. The most common causes are the following: 1) An unexpected ...
  29. An error occurred when accessing the part data or one of its fragments. The part data or fragment may not exist in the database. ...
  30. An error occurred when sending message with ID %1 because it is too large. Messages cannot be larger than 4095 KB. Please ...
  31. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  32. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  33. An error occurred while attempting to access the registry on the specified computer. You may not have sufficient credentials ...
  34. An error occurred while attempting to publish this site to Active Directory. This operation typically requires domain administration ...
  35. An error occurred while attempting to remove this site from Active Directory. This operation typically requires domain administration ...
  36. An error occurred while attempting to retrieve configuration information from the database. Either the database is not running ...
  37. An error occurred while creating the Mass Copy functoid. Check whether the base functoids assembly is in the right location. ...
  38. An error occurred while validating the child delimiter entered. Make sure the child delimiter is entered in hexadecimal format ...
  39. An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and ...
  40. An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and ...
  41. An error was encountered in the binding engine. The process %1 will be stopped. Error information: %2. Resolve the issue ...
  42. An error was encountered while attempting to shut down the process engine for process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue ...
  43. An error was encountered while attempting to stop process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception ...
  44. An error was encountered while deactivating the binding for process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue that is causing ...
  45. An error was encountered while posting to the suspended queue. Name of the process: %1, Message identifier: %2, exception: ...
  46. An error was encountered while removing the event queuer for process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue that is causing ...
  47. An exception was encountered while attempting to dispose an event handler. Name of the process: %1, event handler: %2, exception: ...
  48. An exception was encountered while reporting a hung event. Name of the process: %1, Message identifier: %2, errorMsg: %3, ...
  49. An existing Status Reporting's BAM activity ({0}) is found in the database {1} on {2}. You will need to use bm.exe to remove ...
  50. An identifier is a reference to a company-wide identification scheme that logically groups providers (or tModels) using a ...
  51. An identifier is a reference to a company-wide identification scheme that logically groups providers (or tModels) using a ...
  52. An identifier is a reference to a company-wide identification scheme that logically groups tModels (or providers) using a ...
  53. An identifier is a reference to a company-wide identification scheme that logically groups tModels (or providers) using a ...
  54. An installation for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want ...
  55. An installation for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want ...
  56. An installation package for the product 2 cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation ...
  57. An Instance Info is a reference to a tModel that typically represents an interface. Instance information can also contain ...
  58. An Instance Info typically contains technical information, such as instance parameters or links to programmatic descriptions, ...
  59. An Instance Info typically references an interface tModel and can include technical information such as instance parameters ...
  60. An Instance Info typically references an interface tModel. It can also provide instance parameters and a reference to technical ...
  61. An internal error has occurred in the Microsoft.BizTalk.CommonSettings assembly. Please refer to the BizTalk traces for more ...
  62. An internal error was encountered. The bit array is full. Contact Microsoft BizTalk RFID Support for further assistance. ...
  63. An internal failure occurred where a transaction pointer is passed to an AdminCore operation which does not support transaction. ...
  64. An invalid value has been specified on the message context for "PropertiesToUpdate" while resubmitting the message. Please ...
  65. An output message of the component "%1" in receive pipeline "%2" is suspended due to the following error: %4. The sequence ...
  66. An overview document is an HTTP-accessible resource, such as a WSDL file or interface specification, that typically contains ...
  67. An overview document is an HTTP-accessible resource, such as WSDL file or specification document, that usually contains technical ...
  68. An overview document is an HTTP-accessible resource, such as WSDL file or specification document, that usually contains technical ...
  69. An overview document is an HTTP-accessible resource, such as WSDL file or specification document, that usually contains technical ...
  70. An unhandled exception was encountered by a RFID provider or process. Terminating = %1. BizTalk RFID will attempt to log ...
  71. An unknown error has occurred when trying to save the message. Ensure that WMI is running and that the database is available. ...
  72. An unrecoverable exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has occurred. Service Name: {0} Service Id: {1} Instance Id: ...
  73. An XML Web service uses standard Web protocols to share data with one or more applications, regardless of how each service ...
  74. An XML Web service uses standard Web protocols to share data with one or more applications, regardless of how each service ...
  75. Analysis database is not specified correctly. Either specify the Analysis Services and database, or leave them both empty. ...