Azure Management Portal

  1. I agree that failover is a permanent operation and once the failover is successfully completed the source device will be ...
  2. I agree that I have taken all the volumes offline on the host. If the selected volumes are not offline on the host, the service ...
  3. I agree to {0}rsquo;s legal terms and that Microsoft will transfer my subscription and contact information to {0}. See also ...
  4. I confirm that I have taken all the volumes offline on the host. I understand that if the selected volumes are not offline ...
  5. I have allocated the required bandwidth and storage for protection. {capacityPlanningReadMoreId}|Read more|{capacityPlanningReadMoreLink}|_blank ...
  6. If "On" only users who are assigned to the app will be able to access it. If "Off" any user who attempts to access the app ...
  7. If a volume exists, it will be restored as the same usage type (local, tiered) as of the existing volume. If the volume has ...
  8. If any third-party extensions have been selected for installation, I acknowledge that I am getting such software from the ...
  9. If events arrive outside one of the timeframes, one of the following actions will be taken: Drop or Adjust. If you want to ...
  10. If something goes wrong, for example, if your database is not accessible, we can keep at least one export indefinitely regardless ...
  11. If the app has been configured to used Password-based Single Sign On, then enabling this will allow the approver to optionally ...
  12. If the application supports an alternate provisioning protocol, today you can use the provided libraries to build and deploy ...
  13. If the server reaches its premium database quota, you won't be able to create or restore premium databases on this server. ...
  14. If this user only needs to manage Office 365 services, assign admin access to Office 365 services instead of assigning the ...
  15. If Yes is selected, users will be allowed to self-assign access to enabled applications in the access panel. To enable an ...
  16. If you are developing an app that integrates with Microsoft Azure AD, update your code to use these endpoints for single ...
  17. If you are regenerating your access key you may lose connection to your storage account from your application. In order to ...
  18. If you are restoring to new databases, this option will update your web app settings to use the connection strings for the ...
  19. If you are using the scheduled jobs capabilities, you will have Azure Scheduler instances created and will be billed according ...
  20. If you are using _Visual Studio 2010_, you must connect to your team project manually. Open Team Explorer, click Connect ...
  21. If you change the directory, all existing co-administrators as well as owners, contributors and readers you may have assigned ...
  22. If you change the directory, all existing co-administrators as well as owners, contributors and readers you may have assigned ...
  23. If you change the DNS server while the virtual network is in use, you have to restart the virtual machines to reset the DNS ...
  24. If you check this box, we will always issue a token when you click the PLAY button to acquire the AES clear key or PlayReady ...
  25. If you check this box, you'll enable Azure CDN for your streaming endpoint. Streaming endpoint creation will take longer ...
  26. If you clear this checkbox, anyone who knows your ingest URL will be able to publish video to this channel. You can customize ...
  27. If you continue, bandwidth template '{0}' will be deleted. You cannot reverse this operation. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
  28. If you continue, storage account credential '{0}' will be deleted. You cannot reverse this operation. Are you sure you want ...
  29. If you continue, the IP addresses that were assigned to this virtual machine will be released. Are you sure you want to shut ...
  30. If you continue, volume container '{0}' will be deleted. You cannot reverse this operation. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
  31. If you continue, your account will be connected to the selected directory. This might cause users who aren't directory members ...
  32. If you continue, your application collection (and its applications) will be permanently deleted, and you won't be able to ...
  33. If you continue, your application will be permanently deleted, and you won't be able to recover them. If you still want to ...
  34. If you continue, your database server and its databases will be permanently deleted. After they are deleted, you will not ...
  35. If you continue, your database server will be permanently deleted. This includes all databases, backups and Elastic database ...
  36. If you continue, your device will be permanently deleted. If you delete this device, you cannot manage it or use it for disaster ...
  37. If you continue, your namespace (and its entities) will be permanently deleted, and you won't be able to recover them. If ...
  38. If you continue, your storage account and all the data within it will be permanently deleted. Associated resources such as ...
  39. If you continue, your Visual Studio Online account will be disconnected from your directory. This may impact your current ...
  40. If you continue, your Visual Studio Team Services account will be disconnected from your directory. This may impact your ...
  41. If you delete this application and service, any data in it will be gone forever. This operation cannot be undone. Also, to ...
  42. If you delete this gateway, you will not be able to connect virtual network '{0}' to your local network. If you create a ...
  43. If you deploy the virtual machine to a virtual network, you can choose the subnets and IP addresses for the virtual machine. ...
  44. If you deployed password writeback when installing Azure AD Sync, you can control whether or not this feature is enabled ...
  45. If you enable this setting, a separate profile is created that starts at the beginning of the UTC day on Saturday and finishes ...
  46. If you have already received an invitation, you can gain access to the Windows Azure Platform Developer Portal by redeeming ...
  47. If you have users in a domain that will not use single sign-on, go to the domains page to verify that your organization owns ...
  48. If you modify or delete an ACR, hosts that could previously access the device volumes may not be able to do so. If you apply ...
  49. If you need more than 9 local network address space entries, enter them on the Configure tab after the virtual network has ...
  50. If you need more than 9 virtual network address space entries, enter them on the Configure tab after the virtual network ...
  51. If you open this log, all queries will be output to it. However, opening general query log can impact your database server ...
  52. If you plan to create a secondary on this server, specify the server to use as the source of your geo-replication relationship. ...
  53. If you plan to use your quota to participate in active geo-replication, indicate whether you will use the quota to create ...
  54. If you regenerate the service registration key, the previous key will not be valid. Older devices will be unaffected by the ...
  55. If you select Automatic, the service is backed up based on the start date and the frequency you specify. If you select None, ...
  56. If you select Automatic, this database will be exported based on the start date and the frequency that you specify. If you ...
  57. If you select this option and the attempt fails, or if you do not select this option, the latest recovery point will be used. ...
  58. If you select yes the replicated target virtual machine will be deleted when you disable protection for the primary virtual ...
  59. If you store your media content in the default storage account, you can publish it through the Windows Azure Management Portal. ...
  60. If you use a wildcard character in your ACR, any host can access this volume. If multiple hosts access your volume concurrently, ...
  61. If you used the default settings in the Add Service Reference dialog box, you can use the following code to call the service. ...
  62. If you want external users to grant your app access to data in their Microsoft Azure AD directory, you have to turn on external ...
  63. If you want the device to consume all the available bandwidth, set this field to Unlimited. To enforce a custom bandwidth ...
  64. If you want the virtual machine to be connected to a network after failover, create a new virtual network, and then perform ...
  65. If you want users in {0} to be able to test or use this app, you must grant {1} access to your Microsoft Azure AD directory. ...
  66. If you want virtual machines to be connected to a network, {urlObjectId}|create a new virtual network|{0}], and then start ...
  67. If your app reads or writes data in Microsoft Azure AD, such as data that is made available through the Graph API, your app ...
  68. If your application can't support more than one instance at a time, you should scale by size (your instance count is set ...
  69. If your application exposes web APIs to other applications, you must configure the permissions that your application uses ...
  70. If your application requires a directory administrator to grant access to your application, update your application's sign-up ...
  71. If your custom domain is currently hosting an application, and you need to ensure that your application has no downtime while ...
  72. If your folder already has source code, it will be automatically deployed (this could take a few seconds to appear). If your ...
  73. If your repository already has source code, it will be automatically deployed. The deployment could take a few seconds to ...
  74. If your repository already has source code, it will be automatically deployed. The deployment could take a few seconds to ...
  75. If your web app and database are located in different geographical regions, performance can suffer. Additionally, data sent ...